

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 高二 来源: 记忆方法网
(全卷满分:150分 完成时间:120分钟)
1.How much did Richard pay for his ties?
A. $40.B.$45.C.$50.
2.What is the woman doing now?
A. Teaching at school. B. Going into politics. C.Doing business.
3.What does the woman suggest the man doing?
A.Spending more time.
B.Talking more with English speakers.
C.Studying harder.
4.How does David probably feel?
A. Disappointed. B. Happy. C.Surprised.
5.How long did the concert last?
A.30 minutes. B.60 minutes.C.90 minutes.
6.What does the man find hardest in learning English?
A. Speaking. B. Writing. C.Listening.
7.What does the woman suggest the man do about his listening?
A.Listen to BBC English program.
B.Buy a radio and listen to English Programs.
C.Find an English pen friend.
8.What had the man better do to improve his writing?
A.Listen to BBC or VOA English program every day.
B.Need a lot of practice.
C.Find an English pen friend.
9.Where does the dialogue most probably take place?
A. At the station. B. At the post office. C.At the airport.
10.Which country will the letter be sent to?
A. England .B,Japan. C.Canada.
1l.How will the letter be sent?
A.By airmail. B.By registered mail. C.By express mail.
12.For what is Mr Gates talking to the woman?
A.To ask for a job.
B.To ask her to make a website.
C.To invite her to play computer games.
13.What will probably happen after the conversation?
A.The woman will call Mr Gates.
B.The woman won’t make the website.
C.The woman won’t get in touch with him.
14.What has the woman just done?
A. She has just opened her own restaurant.
B.She has just got a head cook position in a restaurant.
C.She has just finished her cooking study.
15.How long haven’t the two speakers met with each other?
A. Three years. B. Seven years. C.Five years.
16.Why did the woman change her mind about cooking?
A.She wanted to go abroad for further study.
B.She was interested in cooking French food.
C.She failed in cooking for her family.
17. What do college students today have strong opinions about?
A.About their future.
B.About what is old and new.
C.About what is right and what is wrong in society.
18.What kind of people makes up nearly half of the American population?
A. Young people under twenty-five.
B.Adult people above thirty.
C.Young people above twenty-five.
19.What do American young people find difficult to know much about?
A. The beliefs in American families.
B.The population of American families.
C.The truth of their own lives.
20.According to the passage,in which country is there a big gap between young people and their parents?
A. Only in America. B. In your country. C.In many countries.
第二部分 知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
21. We can never expect bluer sky unless we create less polluted world.
A. a; a B. a; the C. the; a C. the; the
22. Some children want to challenge themselves by learning a language different from
their parents speak at home.
A. what B. that C. which D. one
23. The professor would rather TV at home than to the party.
A. to watch; invite B. to watch; be invited
C. watch; be invited D. watch; being invited
24. Generally speaking, according to the directions, the drug has no side effect.
A. when taking B. when taken C. when to take D. when to be taken
25. Scientists have many theories about how the universe into being.
A. came B. was coming C. had come D. would come
26. ?How did you find your visit to QingDao, Joana?
? .
A. oh, wonderful indeed B. I went there alone
C. First by train and then by ship D. A guide showed me the way
27. With the prices of food , the government showed great concern and they decided to take some effective measures.
A. going against B. going over C. going with D. going up
28. The doctor recommended that you swim after eating a large meal.
A. wouldn’t B. couldn’t C. needn’t D. shouldn’t
29. It’s a simple dish to prepare, mainly rice and vegetables.
A. consisting of B. made up for C. belonging to D. made from
30. Engines are to machines hearts are to animals.
A. as B. that C. what D. which
31. The parents, rather than the child, responsible for the fire, everybody thought.
A. was B. were C. has been D. have been
32. At the meeting, they discussed three different approaches the study of math matics.
A. for B. with C. to D. at
33. , you still need a lot of luck in mountain climbing.
A. However well prepared you are B. No matter how you are well prepared
C. However well prepared are you D. No matter how are you well prepared
34. ?What on earth has made her so upset?
? at the party, I suppose.
A. To ignore B. Ignored C. Being ignored D. having been ignored
35. ?Could you be so kind as to close the window?
? .
A. with pleasure B. Go ahead C. Yes, please D. That’s OK.
第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
My first performance in front of an audience was coming up soon.
I tried as hard as I could to remain 36 , but my heart was racing. I stared down at my sweat-covered, 37 hands.
I looked up again at the audience, realizing that these were 38 audience. They were not just my mum and dad, who 39 say, “Good job!” even if I messed up (弄乱) the entire piece.
What if I had the wrong music? What if I played the wrong notes?
As it 40 ,I was never able to answer these questions because the spotlight was 41 for me. I grasped my hands tightly together, drying off the sweat.
Slowly I walked to the mud-brown piano in the 42 of the room. It contained 88 demanding keys, which were waiting impatiently to be played. I swallowed the golfball-sized lump (隆起部分) in my throat and sat down. 43 , I opened the music book. Next, I rested my still shaking hands on the ivory (乳白色) keys.
As my fingers played across the keys, I was becoming more 44 of my preparation for this moment. But the memory of my years of training came flooding back. I knew that I had 45 this piece so many times that I could play it backwards if 46 .
Although at one point I accidentally played two keys instead of the intended one, I continued to move my 47 automatically (自动地).
My eyes burned holes into the page in front of me.
There was no 48 that I was going to lose my concentration, To keep this 49 to myself, I leaned forward and focused carefully on the music.
50 I came to the end of the page, a(n) 51 went off inside my head; DON'T MAKE A MISTAKE WHEN YOU TURN THE PAGE !
Needless to say, I 52 myself with all my heart and mind, And, proud of my “page-turning” feat (技艺). I finished the 53 of the piece without making a single mistake.
After the final note died away, a celebration went into action 54 my head. I had finished. I had made the 55 possible.
36. A. unknown B. still C. calm D. quiet
37. A. shaking B. moving C. waving D. old
38. A. true B. real C. young D. old
39. A. will B. can C. could D. would
40. A. turned out B. turned up C. turned hack D. turned down
41. A. looking B. searching C. expecting D. waiting
42. A. corner B. cross C. center D. back
43. A. Slowly B. Happily C. Quickly D. Suddenly
44. A. sure B. unsure C. certain D. confident
45. A. mastered B. appreciated C. heard D. practised
46. A. requested B. told C. demanded D. required
47. A. eyes B. fingers C. notes D. sweats
48. A. way B. need C. use D. sense
49. A. work B. promise C. book D. memory
50. A. Then B. Next C. When D. While
51. A. warning B. idea C. advice D. information
52. A. told B. asked C. reminded D. refused
53. A. other B. part C. left D. rest
54. A. inside B. outside C. out of D. on
55. A. musical B. piece C. impossible D. possible
Isaac Stern was more than a great violin player. He was one of the most honored musicians in the world. He was an international cultural ambassador (大使). He was a major supporter of the arts in America and in other countries. He was a teacher and activist.
Isaac Stern was born in 1920 in what is now Ukraine. His parents moved to San Francisco, California the following year. His mother began teaching Isaac the piano when he was six years old. He began taking violin lessons after hearing a friend play the instrument.
Later, he began studying music at the San Francisco Conservatory. He progressed quickly. When he was sixteen, he played with the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra. The next year, he performed in New York City and was praised by music critics.
In 1979, Isaac Stern visited China. He met with Chinese musicians and students. He taught them about classical Western music. His visit was made into a film. It is called From Mao to Mozart; Isaac Stern in China. It won an Academy Award for best documentary film.
In 1984 ,Isaac Stern received the Kennedy Center Honors Award for his gifts to American culture through music. He expressed his thoughts about the part that music plays in life. He said he believed that music makes life better for every one, especially children. He said music is an important part of a civilized life. He said people need music as much as they need bread.
Isaac Stern died in 2001 at the age of 81. He has a major influence on music in the twentieth century. He leaves the world richer with his many recordings.
56. Which of the following about Isaac Stern is NOT true?
A. He was good at playing the violin.
B. He was a famous musician in the world.
C. He used to teach music as a teacher.
D. He tried his best to work for freedom.
57. Isaac Stern played very well and was recognized by music critics first in
A. 1937 B. 1979 C. 1936 D. 1984
58. From Mao to Mozart: Isaac Stern in China is a film about .
A. the miserable life from Mao to Mozart B. Isaac Stern's visit to China in late 1970s.
C. Isaac Stern's interesting experience D. the friendship between Stern and his students
59. According to Isaac Stern, we know that .
A. music is exactly the same as bread B. music can help us get more honors
C. music can make children live happily D. music is the most important in our life
Open a large handkerchief out and show both sides of it to your friends. Point out that there is nothing in it; then show them both sides of your hands, which are also empty. Now ask a member of your audience to give you a match. Ask him to put a mark on it with a pen or a pencil. Fold up the handkerchief with the match in it, and let everyone present see you do this.
Give the handkerchief to anyone in the audience and say, "Here's the match. Can you feel it? Good! Now I want you to break it into two pieces." When he or she has broken the match, you say, "Would anyone like to feel the broken match in this handkerchief?" Several people will probably want to feel it. When they have satisfied themselves that the match really is broken, you say, "Now I'm going to make the match whole again." Perhaps your friends will say that that is impossible.
Hold the handkerchief in one hand and pass your hand or your wand (magic stick) over it, saying: "Abracadabra, abracadabra." Open the handkerchief and let the match fall onto the table of floor, saying "Presto" as it does so. When the audience examine the match, they will find that it is quite whole and undamaged. The member of the audience will see his mark on the match. Everyone will be amazed!
The secret of this trick is quite simple, as in all magic tricks. Long before you do the trick you must do one thing?you must push one of your own matches into the hem (褶边) of the handkerchief. This must be pushed well along the hem so that it cannot fall out or be seen. When you have wrapped up the match provided by a member of the audience you must take care that it is the match in the hem which is broken, and not the other. You should practise the trick in private, of course, before you perform it before an audience.
60. The magician shows both sides of the handkerchief in order to .
A. show the audience what the handkerchief is like
B. push a match into the hem of the handkerchief
C. let the audience put a mark on it with a pencil
D. make the audience believe there is no trick in it
61. How many matches are there wrapped in the handkerchief in fact?
A. 0. B. 1. C. 2. D. 8.
62. Why does the magician say "abracadabra"?
A. He intends to make the match whole again.
B. He needs to draw the audience's attention away.
C. He pretends something super-natural will happen.
D. He wants to make himself less nervous.
63. This magic is actual a .
A. trick of replacement B. chemical change
C. language cheating D. quick hand movement
Welcome to ST. HELENA
We are one of the farthest communities on Earth. Situated in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean, our nearest neighbor, Ascension island is over 1,100 km away. You will find us at longitude (经度) 5?45' West and latitude (纬度) 15?56' South--which is more than 1,950 km from the west coast of Africa and nearly 2,900 km from the east coast of South America. Our island is only 16 km long and 9 km wide and our population is 5,000.
Quick Facts
?The official and only language of St. Helena is English.
?St. Helena's education is based on the British system. School is required between the ages of 5 and 15. Students go to the United Kingdom for tertiary(高等教育的)education.
?There are several religious groups on the island. All except one are Christian religions.
?The main employer on St. Helena is the government. Other industries include farming, tourism and retailing.
St. Helena is a volcanic island of sheer, barren cliffs and deep valleys. There is very little flat land on the island and no sandy beaches. The highest point is Diana's Peak, which is 818 m above sea level. The central, high area of the island is covered in semitropical plants which change to grassland and pastures as it slopes towards the sea. Close to the shore, the land is dry and unproductive.
Although situated in the tropics, the South Atlantic trade winds(信风)provide our island with a mild, pleasant climate. Temperatures on the coast, around Jamestown, are 20?32?C in summer and 15~26?C in winter. Temperatures in central areas are an average of 5~6?C cooler all year round.
64. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about St. Helena in the passage?
A. Its geography. B. Its history.
C. Its climate. D. Its culture.
65. What do we know about St. Helena?
A. There are no colleges in St. Helena.
B. People in St. Helena believe in no religion.
C. Most people are engaged in farming.
D. St. Helena has its own native language.
66. St. Helena is most likely suitable for .
A. beach lovers B. mountain climbers
C. tropic area travelers D. snow skiers
67. By writing this passage, the author intends to .
A. recommend people to live in St. Helena
B. remind travelers of dangers in St. Helena
C. tell of his traveling experience in St. Helena
D. attract more people to travel in St. Helena
As nanny (保姆), cook, cleaner, shopper, driver, and gardener, she has one of the most demanding jobs in Britain today. And paying someone else to do the chores (家务活)which take the average housewife 71 hours a week would cost ?349.
At over ?18,000 a year that's more than the earnings of 70 percent of the population, including train drivers, firemen, prison officers, and social workers. Looking after a baby less than a year old takes a housewife into an even higher pay league. According to a study, she earns ?457 a week?at nearly ?24,000 a year, the same as teachers, engineers, and chemists.
Researchers put a price on each chore, then tried to find out how long the average person takes doing them. They found housewives spend an average 70. 7 hours a week on housework ?with looking after the children(17.9 hours)and cooking and cleaning (12.3 hours each) the most time-consuming(费时的).
A wife with a part-time job still works an average of 59 hours a week at home. Those in full-time employment put in longer hours at home than in the workplace. The good news is that these hours drop sharply as children get older. While the average mother with a child under one puts in 90 hours weekly, the figure drops to 80 hours from one to four and to 66 hours from five to ten.
Mother-of-four Karen Williams from London said, "Paying the housewives may not be practical, but the government should recognize the value of housework, perhaps through the tax. Running a house takes a lot of time and most husbands don't understand this. For example, my husband only puts a shelf up now and again. He never cleans the kitchen?that's the real test."
68. Who earns most according to the text?
A. A social worker. B. A fireman.
C. A gardener. D. A teacher.
69. We learn from the text that looking after children .
A. takes more time than doing any other housework
B. means more duties than being a teacher
C. requires the mother to be well-educated
D. prevents the mother from working outside
70. According to the text, a housewife with a baby less than one year old may work .
A. 66 hours a week B. 71 hours a week
C. 80 hours a week D. 90 hours a week
71. By mentioning her husband, Karen Williams wants to show that .
A. housework is no easy job
B. her husband has no time to clean the kitchen
C. a housewife needs to be paid for cleaning
D. the kitchen is hard to clean
Economically disadvantaged preschool children were trained in one of these three types of fantasy activities over a school year. One group of children listened to fairy tales, and then acted them out. The children would pantomime (演哑剧) such things as the wolf blowing the pigs' houses down, or the pigs running and screaming with the wolf in hot pursuit (追赶). The children were encouraged to trade roles from session to session. Another group of children acted out common experiences, such as visits to the doctor or grocery store, or outings to the zoo, a fire station etc. The stories acted out were thus closer to the children's actual experience and involved less fantasy than those of the first group. A third group of children read fairy tales, but they didn't act them out. After hearing the stories, the children would discuss them. In addition to these groups, a fourth group of children acted as a control group that had interaction (互相作用) sessions with the staff involving such typical preschool activities as finger painting, cutting and pasting and recognizing animals in picture books.
It was found that the physical movement of fantasy experiences markedly improved children's performance on a variety of measures of intellectual(智力的) functioning, empathy (共鸣), length of resistance before touching an attractive but forbidden toy, and other measures of impulse (欲望) control. Simply listening to and discussing the stories was usually no more effective than the control situation. In addition, the results suggested that fantasy play, which was farther removed from reality, such as that involving fairy tales, had more positive results than socio dramatic play dealing with more common experiences. Imaginative socio-dramatic play can be used successfully as a way of helping cognitive (认知) development and self control in young children.
72. The passage mainly concerns .
A. imaginative socio-dramatic play B. economically disadvantaged children
C. training children in fantasy D. experiments on children's intelligence
73. Imaginative socio dramatic play is found to be .
A. useful of the development of children
B. the cause of problems in cognitive development
C. loved by poor children
D. dealing with common experiences
74. In the first group, the children .
A. only listened to fairy tales B. changed roles with each other
C. learned to buy and sell D. discussed the stories they heard
75. The difference among the four groups of children in the experiment is .
A. their financial background B. their individual personality
C. the teaching methods applied D. their attitudes towards life
第II卷(非选择题 共50分)
第三部分 写作(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)
My classmate, Joseph, is at present in hospital
with a breaking leg. He was walking to school the other
day when he let a bicycle ran right into him. He never
watches where he is going, so he often gets into the trouble.
But he is having a nice time there. He has a comfortable
room, patiently nurses, and a great deal of time to read.
Some friends of his go to see him every day, they take him
lots of good book and fresh fruit. He is not losing any time
from school because he is busy study what he has
missed in class. The doctor says he is recovering fast than
expected and will be out of hospital a few weeks.
第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
听力:1一5 BCBBC 6一10 CBCBA 11一15 BACAC 16一20 BCAAC
单选:21?25 AACBA 26?30 ADDAC 31?35 BCACA
完形:36?40 CABDA 41?45 DCABD 46?50 ABABC 51?55 ACDAC
阅读:56?59 DABC 60?63 DCCA 64?67 BACD 68?71 DADA
72 ?75 CABC
改错:76. taking?taken 77. ran?run 78. 去掉the 79. ?
80. patiently ??patient 81. they前面加and 82. book?books
83. study?studying 84. fast?faster 85. a few前面加in
One possible version:
Nowadays, some students would not like to live in a dorm. Instead, they rent houses outside the school. There are advantages for both. Living in a dorm can increase friendship and cooperation between classmates. And of course it is safer. A dorm is more like a society, which enables students to learn to adapt to each other, thus preparing for the social life later. As for renting houses to live alone, it’s better for study as you can feel free in your own room without being interrupted by others. As a result, you can have more time and devote yourself to studying whole-heartedly. But there may appear some safety problems as you live outside of the school.
Anyhow, as a student, I prefer living in a dorm.
Text 1
W:Richard,your new tie is so beautiful.Was it expensive?
M:Not really.One tie is 25 dollars.But if you buy two ties,you can save 5 dollars altogether,so I bought two.
Text 2
M:Are you still teaching at the school?
W:Not since May.My husband and I went into business together as soon as he left politics.
Text 3
M:Excuse me,Ms Benson.Can I talk to you for a minute?
W:Sure,Lee.What’s the matter?
M:I’m really having problems learning English.I do all my work and come to class,but I’m not making much progress.What do you think I should do?
W:Maybe it’s a little hard for you to learn English,but you are improving.Do you spend much time with Americans?
Text 4
W:David,did you get the part you tried out for in the play?
M:That role was given to someone else,but I got a better part.
Text 5
M:Did they play for about two hours?
W:No.This time the concert was over in an hour and a half.
Text 6
W:What do you find hardest in learning English?
M:I find listening really hard.Sometimes it’s just impossible to understand.
W:Well,you just need a lot of practice.The more you listen to English,the easier it becomes.
M:It’s easier said than done!
W:Why don’t you buy a radio? Then you can listen to BBC Radio or VOA English program on the radio.
M:Do you think that would help?
W: Of course.
M: That's a good idea. But I also have some difficulty in writing.
W: Oh, well, for that, you'd better find an English pen friend.
M:hank you for your advice.
Text 7
W:May I help you?
M:Yes, I' d like to send this letter to my friend in England.
W: Did you write your return address on the envelope
M: Yes, I did.
W: How do you want to send it?
M: I guess I will send I t by airmail.
W: Does it have anything valuable inside?
M: Yes. I enclosed a check and some photographs.
W: Then you'd better send it by registered mail.
M: That's a good idea. Will you take care of that for me?
W: I' m sorry, sir. You' 11 have to take your letter to the next window.
Text 8
W: Okay, M r Gates, let's go ahead and begin. First of all, tell me about your first job.
M: Well, I worked for five years at Hi-tech Computers.
W: Okay. Hi-tech. How about your website authoring skills? Oh, we are looking for someone to create and manage our company's website.
M: Umm.. . uh, website, website. Huh... I don't think I've read that book.
W: Huh? I And what about your experience with making flash?
M: Well... I think sometimes computers flash... if that's what you mean.
W: Okay, Mr Gates. I think I have all the information I need!
M: Oh. and I really like computer games. I play them every day.
W: Right, right. Thanks, Mr Gates. We'll be in touch.
Text 9
M: Linda! How are you`? It's been ages since we last met 5 years ago! What are you doing these clays?
W: I have just opened my restaurant. I' m also the head cook.
M: What? You've always hated cooking!
W: Well, I used to hate cooking, but now I love it.
M: When did you change your mind?
W: After I tried French food. Before that, I used to cook really boring things for my family.
M: I still can't believe it! So did you go to cooking school or something?
W:Yes.I went to California to study.
M:Really? How long did you stay there?
W:I was there between 1997 and 1999.
M:And what did you do after that?
W:Then I came back here.I worked for about two years to get some experience.
M:That’s great!So where is you,restaurant?I’m going to eat there, this weekend!
Text 10

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