

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 高二 来源: 记忆方法网
1. What is wrong with the woman’s clothes?
A. Her suit is out of date.
B. Her red skirt is too bright.
C. Her skirt doesn’t match her suit.
2. Why isn’t Tommy eating his supper?
A. He is not hungry.B. He isn’t comfortable.C. He is waiting for other people.
3. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?
A. Teacher and student.B. Doctor and patient.C. Colleagues.
4. How many credits does the man still need for the degree?
A. 16.B. 32.C. 48.
5. What happened to George last week?
A. He had a car accident.
B. He lost the ticket.
C. He was fined for speeding.
10. Where does the conversation take place?
A. On a plane.B. In a hotel.C. In a car.
11. Why did the girl transfer to this school?
A. Her Dad changed his job.
B. This is a better school.
C. She joined the sports team there.
12. What does the boy think of the guys on the football team?
A. Some of them are proud.
B. They are better than others.
C. They all look very cool.
13. Where are the artsy boys and girls?
A. In the classroom.B. Next to the benches.C. On the sports field.
14. What do the speakers want to see?
A. Monkeys.B. Bears.C. Snakes.
15. Where is the polar bear?
A. Under a tree.B. In a room.C. In the open.
16. Who is the man?
A. A student.B. An animal expert.C. A doctor.
21. When I was young I had a great interest in science and literature, but couldn’t get _____easy access to_____ science fiction.
A. an; aB. /; a C. an; / D. /; /
22. —Did they get divorced after the quarrel?
—_______, they became more attached to each other.
A. Quite the opposite B. Never mind
C. All the best D. Come on
23. He thought marriage would be a _____on his career, so he remained single all his life.
  A. drag B. target C. bonus D. boundary
24. He sent several applications to the company, only ______that the position was not suitable for him.
A. to inform B. to be informed C. informing D. being informed
25. —I wonder why she married a man with mental and physical disabilities.
—Maybe she did it out of _______, as she was such a soft-hearted girl.
A. control B. sympathy C. mind D. curiosity
29. Mark often makes a schedule to get himself______ of what he is to do in the day.
A. remind B. to remind C. remindedD. reminding
30. He raised his gun and ________ his eyes, aiming at the bird-like target in the sky.
A. sharpened B. scanned C. narrowed D. closed
31. Experts urged parents their children to play computer games for more than an hour a day.
A. not allow B. do not allow C. to not allow D. not allowing
32. The manager was forced to resign his post after being accused of having _______with several of his clerks.
A. ambitions B. affections C. desires D. affairs
33. The product is reported ___________ out on animals, but I still doubt its effect on humans.
A. to be tested B. to have been tested C. being tested D. having been tested
34. The silence of the library was broken only by the sound of pages _______.
A. turning around B. being turned around C. turning over D. being turned over
35. He liked my new book so much that he _____his own work and adapted it for television.
A. left alone B. turned down C. cut outD. set aside
第二节 完形(共20小题; 每小题1.5分,满分30分)
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
A 23-year-old armless pianist, Liu Wei, gave a memorable performance in Vienna’s Golden concert hall in early 2014. The audience 36 beautiful music--the famous Chinese piece Butterfly Lovers.
Liu lost 37 his arms when he was ten after a high voltage electrical accident 38 left him in the hospital for 3 months. His mother said “I found my world was 39 upside down.”
Liu Wei stayed in a recovery centre for 2 years, and 40 many deaths. When he got out, he was grateful to be 41 . Liu Wei said “I wanted to move on with my life. ”
Two years after the accident, he was introduced to Beijing’s paralyzed 42 team. 43 his difficulty, he managed to take two golds in the National Paralyzed Swimming Championship at 14.
44 , soon afterwards he was diagnosed with a disease which forbade him from intensive exercise. He 45 to the sky, “What have I done wrong to deserve this? ”
The door was shut on sports, but it opened in 46 , a different outlet for performance. Tapping keys with a set of 47 is even more difficult than it looks. But Liu Wei didn’t 48 his dream.
“I knew 49 I tried, I might get a chance at success. If I didn’t try, I would be 50 to fail. ” Liu said.
He could not find a 51 to lead him to play with his toes, so he began teaching himself. He tried very hard to get his toes 52 . He carried on a daily 7-hour practice.
“I kept practicing and progressed gradually. My 53 gave me hope. ”
One year later, he began performing, and has been unforgettable 54 . Liu Wei believes losing both his arms gave him a chance to 55 a bigger world.
36. A. conducted B. enjoyed C. created D. desired
37. A. one B. both C. all D. either
38. A. that B. where C. and D. but
39. A. turned B. held C. hung D. taken
40. A. suffered B. tried C. witnessed D. declared
An online chatting robot named Xiaotu on the website of Tsinghua University’s library had to pause services during the winter vacation because too many visitors wanted to talk to it about absurd matters unrelated to library services.
Xiaotu, which means “little library” in Chinese, has the ability to learn during its conversations with humans, but its designers said it has picked up too much “unsuitable material” from visitors to the website.
“It had been a long time anyway since we last cleared up its database, so we decided to pause the service to do it,” said a design group member surnamed Yao, who works in the university’s library.
Xiaotu’s main functions include answering questions about the library, searching library collections and other search engines, and self-learning.
Design work on Xiaotu started in 2009 and by the end of 2010 it was put online on the homepage of Tsinghua University’s library and on renren.cn, a social network similar to Facebook.
On the library’s homepage, it was scoring more than 1,000 visits a day.
But many of the questions were not appropriate to Xiaotu’s role and it learned a lot of language from users which was unrelated to library affairs, and which was often meaningless or worse.
One user asked Xiaotu “Who are your parents?” and it answered “Tsinghua University and Peking University”.
But last week, when students returned for the spring term, Xiaotu was put back into service after its data cleanup.
“We have improved its services and I hope users can teach it useful information now,” said Yao.
56. Why did they pause the robot’s service?
A. To update its software. B. To clear up its database.
C. To repair its hardware. D. To give its users a warning.
57. The robot has all the following functions except__________.
A. answering the visitors’ questions about the library
B. helping the readers to look for the books they want
C. picking up information from visitors’ conversations
D. sorting out unsuitable information from conversations
58. The example given in the eighth paragraph shows that________.
A. some users often asked the robot personal questions
B. the robot was clever enough to answer any questions
C. some of the users tended to talk rubbish to the robot
D. the robot was stupid to give such ridiculous answers
59. Which of the following is TRUE about the robot?
A. It has been broken down forever.
B. It can never talk to its users again.
C. It is back in use after improvement.
D. It will soon be brought back to normal.
60. In the last paragraph, Mr. Yao suggests that________.
A. the robot be improved constantly B. the users teach the robot to learn English
C. the robot refuse to learn bad things D. the users talk to the robot in a better way
The Box Jelly has a boxy bell head the size of a basket ball, 4 brains and 5,000 deadly stinging (叮,蜇) cells on each of its 10 to 60 two-meter-long tentacles (触须). It hunts and kills with unbelievable speed and violence.
Known as the most poisonous creature in the world, this “toxic box” is responsible for at least one death a year around Australia and has killed 67 people since records began in 1883, though the total is misleading since many deaths resulting from heart attacks or drowning could have been caused by toxic jellies.
The Box Jellyfish is mostly a problem from October to May.
61. Which of the following is one of the symptoms caused by jellyfish stings?
A. throwing up what you have eaten B. sweating with the heart beating wildly
C. keeping trembling and screaming D. having swelling and blackening skin
62. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. Box jellies tend to attack people between June and September.
B. You can help people stung by jellies by offering them some fruit.
C. Pouring alcohol over the wound is a good way to treat jelly stings.
D. The jellyfish will leave its tentacles in your skin after stinging you.
63. Stung by a jellyfish, you should_______.
A. remove the tentacles from the skin by hand
B. wrap the wounded limb as tightly as possible
C. lift your wounded arm up above your head
D. apply anti-venom to the wound if accessible
64. What does the underlined word “toxic” probably mean?
A. Poisonous. B. Magical. C. Beneficial. D. Beautiful.
65. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. The box jelly tends to attack people with great speed.
B. Some deaths may be caused by toxic jellies indirectly.
C. Nobody had been killed by the box jelly before 1883.
D. One might be choked to death if stung by a box jelly.
Chinese people don’t seem to be catching much sleep. Doctors say sleeplessness has become the second most serious health problem after headaches over the country, troubling most people between 30 and 50.
According to a study last year on adult sleep quality in six large Chinese cities, about 57 percent of the people who were interviewed have had sleeping problems over the year. And many of them have sleeplessness.
Over the past four years, the number of patients of this sort has increased 3.5 times every year. In 2014, a hospital in Shanghai treated more than 18,000 people with sleeping problems, about 50 every day.
Different seasons make different times appropriate for going to bed and waking up, Traditional Chinese Medicine doctors say. And in both autumn and winter, it’s better to sleep early and eat certain dishes to keep healthy.
A new study in US shows sleep does not change much over the age of 60; and poor sleep is not because of aging, but mostly because of illnesses or medicines used to treat them, says a report in the New York Times. For the old people, back pain and arthritis(关节炎) can interrupt their sleep; stomachaches, emotional states, as well as breathing problems can all cause sleeping problems.
66. Which is the most serious health problem in China now?
A. Sleeplessness. B. Headaches. C. Back pain D. Stomachaches.
67. According to the passage what is NOT the cause of sleeping problems?
A. Aging. B. Illnesses. C. Medicines. D. Emotions.
68. Who are most likely to have sleeplessness?
A. Old people. B. Middle-aged people.
C. People in Shanghai. D. People in poor areas.
69. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Researchers are paying more attention to sleeping problems.
B. 57% of the Chinese people are having sleeping problems.
C. Sleeping habits changes greatly as people get older than 60.
D. In 2014, totally 18,000 Shanghai people had sleeping problems.
70. Which of the tips will most likely lead to a good night’s sleep?
A. Go to bed and get up at the right time B. Have a big meal before going to bed
Also in the folder was a piece of paper listing phone numbers for three Oregon group homes for the developmentally disabled. Jeff quickly picked up the phone and dialed. The first two numbers led nowhere. He dialed the third number, “Do you know Molly Jo Daly?” There had been a long silence, then a man quietly said, “She’s sitting right across from me.”
For about 30 years, beginning in the 1950s, there were thousands of “Mollys” growing up across the United States in state-funded institutions for the mildly to seriously developmentally disabled. In the 1950s, many experts told parents that raising a child with a disability at home would be a burden to other children in the home, so most people felt they had no choice but to send the child away.”
It was February 4, 2004, when Jeff nervously rang the doorbell of the group home where Molly, then 49, was living with four other adults like her. Molly, who has the emotions and intelligence of a young child, is blind in one eye and uses a wheelchair to get around, smiled and shyly turned her head as Jeff came up.
71. How long had the brother and sister been separated from each other before they reunited?
A. 30 years. B. 47 years C. 49 years. D. 57 years.
72. What made Molly separated from her family?
A. Nobody knows the reason.
B. She went away without telling her family.
C. Her parents sent her away.
D. Someone bought her from her family.
73. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Molly’s father and mother died in the same year.
B. Molly had been living alone before February 2004.
C. Molly is a normal person except for her blindness.
D. Molly has always been inside her brother’s heart.
74. What can we learn from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4?
A. From the 1950s to the 1980s thousands of American girls were named “Molly”.
B. From the 1950s to the 1980s thousands of American girls were seriously disabled.
C. During those years thousands of American disabled children were going hungry.
D. During those years thousands of American disabled children left their parents.
75. Jeff was about _________ older than his sister
A. 4 yearsB. 6 yearsC. 8 yearsD. 10 years.
第四部分 写作
第一节:阅读表达 (共5小题;每小题2分,共10分。)
[1] Scientists have declared ten rules for a long and happy life. And the rules even allow for sunbathing, drinking alcohol and eating chocolate.
[2] The first rule, as published in the New Scientist magazine, is to enjoy yourself. Second on the list is remaining sociable, with a happy marriage and good family life being essential for health. Studies have shown that marriage can add as much as seven years to a man’s life and two years to a woman’s life.
[3] ____________ also has a huge effect on your health. The world has many “longevity” hot spots where the number of centenarians (百岁老人) is bigger than 10 in 100,000. Hawaii, Sardinia, Nova Scotia and Japan are among them. That is Rule three.
[4] So-called vices like wine, partying and chocolate provide the fourth rule, with countless studies showing that a little of what you fancy does you good rather than harm. The fifth rule says that you should exercise your brain to stay active. Puzzles could help prevent a range of conditions, from depression to schizophrenia. Knitting, doing crosswords or just walking also help.
[5] Rule six is simple. If you’re sick, get treatment fast. The next rule is well-known: you are 77. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words. (within 3 words)
78. According to Rule 7, what are the main characteristics of a model diet? (within 2 words)
79. Complete the following statements with words from Paragraph 6. (within 4 words)
Things like working out puzzles, going on a trip or______________________________ can all help you live longer.
80. What does the word “those” (Line 3, Paragraph 7) refer to? (within 2 words)
1. 英语专业本科及以上学历,熟悉各种英语文体的写作风格;
2. 守诚信、有耐心、办事细致严谨; 3. 具有良好的沟通能力、团队合作精神。
Dear Sir / Madam,
I am writing to apply for the English editor post for your newspaper.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I am looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
第一部分: (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
第二节:完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
Dear Sir / Madam,

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