

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 高二 来源: 记忆方法网

深圳科学高中2013-2014学年第一学期期中考试试题年级:高二 科目:英语(荣誉与实验体系)命题人:李顺 审题人:郑生南 考试时长:120分钟 卷面总分:150分注意事项:答案写在答题卡指定的位置上,写在试题卷上无效.选择题作答必须用2B铅笔,修改时用橡皮擦干净.主观题作答必须用黑色墨迹签字笔或钢笔填写,答题不得超出答题框.Ⅰ 语言知识及应用 (共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空 (共15小题;每小题2分满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意.然后从1—15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Is it difficult for you to get up in the morning? Do you sometimes oversleep Are you often late for work or school? Yes? Then Hiroyuki Sugiyama of Japan has a special 1 for you. Hiroyuk’s bed will get you up in the morning! Here is how it 2 . The bed is tied to an alarm clock. First, the alarm clock 3 . You have a few minutes to wake up. Next, a tape recorder in the bed plays 4 music or other pleasant sounds. The tape recorder in Hiroyuki’s bed plays a recording of his 5 . She whispers in a sweet voice, “Wake up, darling, please.” A few minutes later, a second 6 plays. The sound recording can be loud music or 7 sounds. Hiroyuki hears a recording of his boss shouts, “Wake up immediately, or you'll be 8 !” If you don’t get up after the second recording, you will be sorry! A mechanical “ 9 ” is in the bed. It kicks you in the head. Then the bed 10 a few minutes. What! You’re still in bed! Slowly the 11 of the bed rises higher and higher. The foot of the bed goes lower and lower. 12 the bed is vertical (垂直的). You slide off the bed and fall onto the 13 . You are out of bed and 14 . Hiroyuki made his bed because he wanted to win a competition. He works for Honda Motor Company. Once every two years Honda has a 15 called “All-Honda Idea Contest” for its 200,000 employees. Hiroyuki Sugiyama won a lot of money for his bed.1. A. toyB. bedC. giftD. robot2. A.happensB. runsC. worksD. moves3. A. arrivesB. ringsC. fits D. starts4. A. pop B. classical C. loud D. soft5. A. teacherB. father C. girlfriend D. boss6. A. gameB. greetingC. clockD. recording7. A. unpleasant B. interestingC. pleasantD. funny8. A. readyB. lonelyC. late D. bad9. A. foot B. head C. hand D. arm10. A. waits B. staysC. holds D. lasts11. A. bodyB. middleC. endD. top12. A. Constantly B. FinallyC. UnfortunatelyD. Suddenly13. A. doorB. floor C. table D. board14. A. asleepB. ahead C. afraid D. awake 15. A. contest B. team C. test D. council第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题l.5分满分l5分)阅读下面短文.按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为16—25的相应位置上。Christmas, an old gentleman was wandering through the city center. The shops were all filled with good things and crowded 16 shoppers. The children were looking at all the toys on display in windows, and 17 old man suddenly saw a boy 18 (sit) on the ground and crying bitterly. When the kind old man asked him 19 he was weeping, the little boy told him that he 20 (lose) a ten penny coin that his uncle had given him. Hearing this, the old man handed to the child a shiny new ten penny coin 21 he pulled out from his pocket. “Thank you very much, ” said the little boy, drying his eyes. He cheered up at once.An hour or so later, the old man was making his way back home by the same road. To his 22 (astonish), he saw the dirty little boy in the same spot, crying just as 23 (sad) as before. He went up to the boy 24 asked him if he had lost the second ten penny piece he had just given him as well. The boy told him that actually he had not lost the second coin, he still could not find the first 25 . “If I could find my own piece, ” he said tearfully, “I would have twenty pence now.”Ⅱ 阅读(共两节满分50分) www..cn 高 第一节阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ASwedish sinologist (汉学家) Malmqvist celebrated his 85th birthday with his 20 more students in the Dragon House restaurant in Stockholm on Monday. During the dinner, he accepted a brief interview with the People’s Daily Online.   While refusing to answer the question relating to the Nobel Prize since he himself is a member of the Nobel Prize Committee in Literature,he said his greatest wish is to have a Chinese writer to win the Nobel Prize.   He said that there had been a Chinese writer who won the Nobel Prize. That was Gao Xingjian who is a French citizen but writes in Chinese. He said, “Chinese language has some thousand years of history and has great attraction. I believe more Chinese literature works will win the prize.”   When asked whether translation makes it difficult for Chinese literature to be widely recognized in the west,professor Malmqvist agreed. “I have translated more than 40 Chinese books, but it is not enough. Translation work needs to be strengthened so that more western readers can appreciate Chinese literature. But the translation must be good. One can not rewrite the story. One must respect the original and learn the original language.” Professor Malmqvist came to China in 1948 to study Chinese and has translated Chinese classic novels such as the Journey to the West. He said Chinese language is one of the greatest and most beautiful languages. In 2012, three years after the interview, a Chinese novelist named Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize of Literature.26. It can be learnt from the beginning of the passage that Malmqvist _____.  A. sincerely cares about Chinese literature  B.1ikes the question relating to the Nobel Prize C. teaches many Chinese students in the university D. has won the Nobel Prize of Literature27. Malmqvist said the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 in order to show that _____.   A. only western writers can win the Nobel Prize   B. he has a great interest in Chinese history  C. Chinese language is attractive to many people around the world  D. he is confident that Chinese writer will win the Nobel Prize 28. According to Malmqvist, why hasn’t Chinese literature been widely recognized in the west?   A. There are no good translators in the west.   B. No Chinese writers have ever won the Nobel Prize.   C. Western readers don’t like Chinese literature.   D. Translation work should be greatly improved. 29. A good translation should _____.   A. be rewritten from the original storyB. be added some beautiful words  C. obey the originalD. be in simple languages 30. We can infer that Malmqvist _____.   A. would translate all the Chinese classic novels  B. has been in China studying Chinese since 1948   C. knows Chinese language and literature well   D. regards Chinese language as the greatest language BFinding your first job after leaving school, college or university is probably the hardest job hunting exercise you’ll ever face. However, there are some simple methods that can give you advantages.First time job seekers have the hardest time finding their first job. As for graduates, many universities help students in finding their first job as most universities have a network of individuals in the commercial world who might look for graduates. It’s always worth asking your friends for advice and you can see if it’s worth trying any of those companies they tell you. People generally like to help others, so don’t be afraid to ask for any assistance that you can get freely like广东省深圳科学高中2013-2014学年高二第一学期期中考试英语试题(荣誉、实验体系)
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