

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 高二 来源: 记忆方法网

(考试时间:120分钟 总分:150分)命题人:漳平一中 张? 审题人:泉港一中 林成荣 第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共115分)第二部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21. ? What ______ coincidence! I wasn’t expecting to see you here.? Yeah, I am also here to appreciate the paintings that are in ______ possession of the museum. A. a; theB. a; /C. /; theD. the; /22. ? We had a great time at the party last night. ? Really? How I wish I ______ it!A. attendB. attendedC. have attendedD. had attended 23. The movie ______ her almost overnight from an unknown schoolgirl into a movie star.A. translatedB. transportedC. transformedD. exchanged 24. ?- Kate is both bright and hardworking.?-- ______ no wonder that she always gets the first place in exams.A. There isB. It isC. It hasD. There has 25. The lion turned its head and ______ a long cry to the cold stars in the black sky. A. came outB. spoke outC. let outD. left out 26. The English poem written by Shakespeare is very difficult ______. Could you explain it to me?A. understoodB. understandingC. to understandD. to be understood27. ______ out many approaches, they failed to solve the problem. A. TriedB. TryingC. To tryD. Having tried28. Working at home on the Internet makes many working women have ______ hours to look after their families.A. concreteB. flexibleC. evidentD. specific 29. According to a report, cigarette smoking ______ in all indoor public places in our province soon.A. will banB. have bannedC. will be bannedD. have been banned30. It was five o’clock ______ the ambulance arrived to take the body of the injured.A. whenB. thatC. untilD. since考点: 考查的用法。32. I would like to major in art at university, but ______ I’m afraid I can’t find a job after graduating.A. on the other handB. as a matter of factC. what’s moreD. in a word 33. ______ to playing computer games, he wasted lots of time he should have spent on study.A. AddictingB. AddictedC. To be addictedD. Being addicted 34. It was in the lab ______ was in the charge of Professor Harris ______ they did the experiment.A. which; whereB. that; whatC. whom; thatD. which; that35. ? Am I very ill, doctor?? ______! Take a deep breath and don’t get too upset. Well, nothing serious.A. Forget itB. It doesn’t matterC. Take it easy`D. Take your time第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Last month, my daughter Amanda went on a nine-day all-expenses-paid holiday to East Africa. She had been asked to 36 her cousin Julie who is a saleswoman of a big company here in the UK.Julie’s company operates an annual 37 scheme (方案) and that year her 38 had received “The President’s Award”. It was in the form of the above-mentioned 39 . Amanda and Julie have always been good friends and Julie 40 Amanda to go with her.They had a 41 time and came home with lots of 42 and photographs. They had flown to the beautiful Serengeti National Park. While 43 in Tanzania, they spent some time in a village. The hospitality (好客) showered upon them by these extremely 44 villagers was the outstanding memory of an amazing trip. They were especially 45 at the sight of the village school, where the children have no 46 , pencils or even benches to sit on. And yet they all seemed 47 and content with their lifestyle.Upon their 48 , Julie and Amanda were inspired to put together a presentation (展示) of their experience and on Friday, 49 it to a local church hall. They 50 $200.00 for the church fund. Such was the 51 of the evening that they decided to take their 52 on a local tour of church halls and community centers to raise funds for this little village school in Tanzania.I felt very 53 that night to attend the show given by my daughter and niece. I’ll never forget the words 54 by Amanda at the closing. She said, “ 55 these people don’t have what we have, they have more ? they all have smiles on their faces.” 【小题1】【小题】【小题】【小题】【小题】【小题】【小题】【小题】【小题】【小题1】【小题1】【小题1】【小题1】【小题1】【小题1】【小题1】【小题1】【小题1】【小题1】【小题】佣。下文提到Julie请Amanda跟她做伴。故选B。【小题】考查名词辨析。方案【小题1】考查名词辨析。The Bear Valley Teen Adventure Camp is a high-energy experience focusing on safe outdoor climbing and an appreciation for the natural environment. Along the way campers can also swim, hike, and canoe (划独木舟). The instructors are professional educators who can increase your teens’ confidence, teamwork and climbing skills. All climbing abilities are welcome and no previous outdoor rock climbing experience is required. Participants (参加者) can choose Day Camp or Overnight Camp. In addition, campers learn to appreciate the wild as well. We look forward to seeing your teenagers smile this summer.Day Camp includes six adventurous days of rock climbing, hiking, swimming, and canoeing in beautiful Bear Valley. Our focus is climbing but we use additional activities to keep things lively. Instructions and skill development are provided. No experience is required and all equipment is provided. On the last day parents are welcome to join us for a big lunch to hear all about the adventures of camp for nothing.Overnight campers can get the full experience with family-style meals, evening activities and top accommodations (住宿) at the BaseCamp Lodge in Bear Valley. A typical schedule is that after Day Camp, campers get a short rest and snack before getting together for a hike or swim. Afterwards, a delicious meal is served as tales from the day are shared around the table.Dates: July 22-28, 2013Costs: $575 ? Day Camp (6 days + lunches) $975 ? Overnight Camp (7 days, 6 nights & all meals)Ages: 10-16 years old【小题】Bear Valley Teen Adventure Camp’ confidence in their studies B. requires participants to have all climbing abilities C. focuses on protecting the natural environment D. will provide campers with instructions【小题】’t provide equipment B. parents can have lunch for free on the last day C. Day Camp has no other activities besides climbing D. Day Camp provides campers with a meal in the evening【小题】parents to prepare meals for campers. B. Campers can have a snack before Day Camp. C. $975 only includes 7 days, 6 nights and 6 lunches. D. Campers can share stories with others when having meals.【小题2】题。日营的重点是攀登但额外的活动来。所有的设备I have believed the fact that indeed my black is beautiful now. This skin I was in for so many years determined my self worth.I had so many factors “against” me in my mind. I was a tall, thin, dark-skinned girl with a gap-toothed smile and a head full of curly (卷曲的) hair. Growing up, the only role model that I had was my mother, a beautiful brown and deep complexion (肤色). It’s amazing how I could find beauty in my mother’s complexion but not my own. One of the most outstanding memories of my childhood is that terrible word “Oh, she is so cute for a dark-skinned little girl”. People spoke as if I wasn’t in the room.From a young age, I felt shame that my black wasn’t good enough; so I buried myself in books to stay away from the mirror. I knew that my education would and could take me further than my looks. I stopped watching TV, absorbed in my studies and I was happy with my decision. Now I have been admitted to my ideal Coppin State University, which is all for the black students and has a long history.I came to a breaking point where I had, for 16 years, been brainwashed to agree to the European standard of beauty. I no longer accept this standard, because I set my own. My black is beautiful including my full lips, the wideness of nose, and the intensity (明亮) of my eyes.【解析版】福建省四地六校13-14学年高二上学期第三次月考试题(英语)
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