

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 高二 来源: 记忆方法网
M Ⅰ.单词拼写
1.He was represented with an award for saving a woman at the ________(冒险) of his own life.
【答案】 risk
2.To my disappointment,he________(滥用) my confidence.
【答案】 abused
3.I am________(对……感到惭愧) that I can’t work it out.
【答案】 ashamed
4.He is a heavy smoker.He can smoke a packet of________(香烟) a day.
【答案】 cigarettes
5.Most parents pay attention to children’s________(智力的) development.
【答案】 mental
in spite of;decide on;get accustomed to;at risk;become addicted to
1.Have you________________a date for the wedding?
【答案】 decided on
2.The disease is spreading,and all young children are________________.
【答案】 at risk
3.It doesn’t take long to________________________these drugs.
【答案】 become addicted to
4.It will be a long time before you________________________the local food.
【答案】 get accustomed to
5.________________________all kinds of difficulties,I succeeded in finishing the job all by myself.
【答案】 In spite of
1.The book has received lots of criticism.However,________________________________________________________________________
sales,it is quite a hit.
A.on the basis of B.by means of
C.in spite of D.in terms of
【解析】 本句意为“这本书受到很多批评。但在销售方面,相当成功”。 in terms of就……来说,从……角度;on the basis of以……为基础;by means of用……办法,借助;in spite of尽管,即使。
【答案】 D
2.(2009年南京质检)The job is great________salary.It has its disadvantages,though.
A.in case of B.as a result of
C.in terms of D.except for
【解析】 考查介词短语。in terms of表示“用……的话,根据,按照,在……方面”的意思。句意为“在薪水方面这是个好活,尽管还有不足”。
【答案】 C
3.________your advice,I would have been caught in the traffic and I wouldn’t have been there on time.
A.In spite of B.But for
C.Because of D.As for
【解析】 句意为:要不是因为你的建议,我就会遇上交通堵塞,那样,我就不会按时到那里了。in spite of尽管;but for要不是;because of由于,因为;as for至于,就……而论。只有but for可以表示含蓄虚拟。
【答案】 B
4.He always did well at school________having to do parttime jobs every now and then.
A.in spite of B.regardless of
C.on account of D.in case of
【解析】 in spite of尽管;regardless of不考虑;on account of因为;in case of如果,万一。句意为:尽管不时地做些兼职的工作,他成绩一向不错。
【答案】 A
1.________has been said before,it is not easy to learn English well.
A.As B.It
C.What D.As it
【解析】 as表示“正如”,引导非限制性定语从句,代替后面整个主句的意思。
【答案】 A
2.Bill is good at playing football,but when ________comes to basketball,he knows nothing.
A.he B.that
C.this D.it
【解析】 when it comes to sth.当说到/涉及……的时候,是一个固定句型。句意为:比尔擅长踢足球,但是说到篮球,他就一无所知了。
【答案】 D
3.I hate________when people talk with their mouths full.
A.it B.that
C.these D.them
【解析】 it为虚指用法,代指后句的情况。常用在表心理状态的like,hate,appreciate等词后。
【答案】 A
4.?Do you think________worthwhile to go all the way to Beijing to buy that computer?
?Well,I’m going to visit the Bird’s Nest and the Water Cube.
A.it B./
C.this D.that
【解析】 考查代词。本句中it用做形式宾语,代替后面的不定式短语。
【答案】 A
5.?Did you pass your driving test?
?Yes.Even I myself didn’t believe I could make________.
A.that B.it
C.myself D.them
【解析】 make it意为“办到,成功”。it为代词,指代上文的内容。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 /gaoer/74349.html
