

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 高二 来源: 记忆方法网
第一卷 (选择题)
第一部分 听力(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)
1. A. He’s sowing the seeds in the garden.
B. He’s playing behind the house.
C. He’s working in the field..
2. A. He wants to play tennis now.
B. He likes to play tennis, but he doesn’t want to play now.
C. He does not like to play tennis.
3. A. The chairman is speaking in the living room.
B. We are going to improve our living situation.
C. We need another chair in the living room.
4. A. Nancy and Dan were busy last Saturday.
B. Neither Nancy nor Dan was busy last Saturday.
C. Nancy was busy last Saturday.
5. A. Jane had an animal hospital.
B. Jane gave all of her money to an animal hospital.
C. Jane opened the door of an animal hospital.
II. 听下面五段对话。每段对话后有一个问题。
6. How much is the green one?
A. $ 2.00. B. $ 6.00. C. $ 4.00.
7. How many new coats does the woman have?
A. One. B. Two. C. Three.
8. How old is the woman?
A. Thirty years old. B. Thirty-three old. C. Twenty-seven years old.
9. What does the woman mean?
A. She thinks that it’s better to wait.
B. She thinks that they should go on.
C. She doesn’t agree with the man.
10. Where is the woman going?
A. The post office. B. Her parents’ home. C. A park.
A. 听第11段对话,回答11和12小题。
11. What do you learn about the two swimming pools from the conversation?
A. The big pool in Park Road is much bigger and more modern than the one in town.
B. The pool in town is much bigger and more modern than the big one in Park Road.
C. The two pools are almost the same.
12. What are they going to do on Thursday?
A. They are going to swim.
B. They are going to eat at a French restaurant.
C. They are going to a Chinese restaurant.
B. 听第12段对话,回答13-15的问题。
13. Where did Miss Li come from?
A. Shenzhen. B. Shenyang. C. Beijing.
14. On which day did the talk take place?
A. Monday. B. Tuesday. C. Thursday.
15. What do you think Miss Li came here for?
A. She came for her holiday.
B. She came to meet her friend.
C. She will work in the foreigner’s company.
IV. 听独白,回答16-20 五个小题。
16. What kind of man was the artist?
A. Not rich but kind. B. Rich and kind. C. Neither rich nor kind.
17. Where did his last few coins go?
A. He lost them.
B. He gave them to a beggar.
C. He used them to pay for his taxi home.
18. Who paid the bill for the lunch?
A. The artist. B. Th e beggar. C. Neither of them.
19. What did the man do after lunch?
A. He asked the beggar to another lunch.
B. He asked the beggar to spend the night in his home.
C. He wanted to take the beggar home and gave him back the money.
20. Why didn’t the beggar go with the artist?
A. He didn’t want to pay for the taxi.
B. He had no money to pay for the taxi.
C. He didn’t want the artist to pay for the taxi.
21.What lessons China can draw from financial crisis in the United States has become_____
hot topic in Beijing.
A. the, a B. a, a C. \, the D. the, the
22. delighted me most was my son was admitted to Beijing University.
A. That, what B. That ,that C. What, that D. What, what
23. Despite their of interest, Fleming kept trying to develop chemical it would be safe and effective.
A. lack, so as to B. lacking, so as to
C. lack, so that D. lacking, so that
24. ? I should have gone to the party with you yesterday.
-- What a pity! , I wish I would have another chance .
A. if possible B. if ever C. if any D. if not
25. The driver could have survived but he the seat belt.
A. wasn’t wearing B. had been wearing
C. hadn’t worn D. didn’t wear
26. by his grandparents, Tom wasn’t used to with his parents.
A. Being brought up, living B. Brought up, living
C. To be brought up, live D. To bring up, live
27. ? Do you have enough to all your daily expenses?
-- Oh, yes, enough and to spare.
A. cover B. spend C. fill D. offer
28.Don’t you believe it! Glass can steel in many ways.
A. take place of B. instead of
C. in place of D. take the place of
29. The flight will be announced soon. , please remain ________ .
A. Besides, sitting B. After all, seated
C. In general, sit D. Meanwhile, seated
30. The poor ________ living in the mountain ________ top is covered with green trees.
A. is, whose B. are, whose C. is, which D. are, of which
31. Don’t any necessary information on your application.
A. take out B. let out C. leave out D. put out
32.― How was the weather then?
--- Hardly _______ off the plane when it started to rain .
A. I had stepped B. did I step C. had I stepped D. I stepped
33. If you want to book tickets for the 2014 Olympic Games, just call 00952021. It be simpler.
A. mustn’t B. won’t C. needn’t D. couldn’t
34. My interests include football, bowing and surfing the web ______studying my favorite subjects.
A. as well as B. instead of C. less than D. rather than
35. ? Do you think I should go to the seaside for a rest?
-- . You have been busy for such a long time.
A. It depends B. It’s up to you.
C. Why not? D. What about you?
第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
It is commonly believed that school is where people go to get education. 36 , it has been said that today children 37 their education to go to school. The 38 between schooling and education suggested by this is important.
Education is 39, compared with schooling. Education has no 40 .It can take place 41 , whether in the shower or on the bus, whether in a kitchen or on a tractor. It includes both the 42 learning that takes place in schools and the whole universe of learning out of class.
43 the experience of schooling can be known in advance, education quite often produces 44 . A chance talk with a 45 may lead to a person to discover how 46 he knows of another country. People obtain education from 47on. Education, 48 ,is a very 49 and unlimited term. It is lifelong experience that starts long 50 the start of school, and one that should be a necessary part of one’s entire life.
Schooling, on the other hand, is a 51 experience, whose style changes 52 from one way to the next. Throughout a country, children arrive at school at the same time, take 53 seats, use similar textbooks, do homework ,and 54 ,and so on. Schooling has usually been 55 by the edges of the subjects being taught.
36. A. Then B. However C. Thus D. Therefore
37. A. understand B. need C. enjoy D. interrupt
38. A. difference B. importance C. use D. problem
39. A. unexpected B. endless C. countless D. simple
40. A. answers B. ways C. edges D. meanings
41. A. anywhere B. anywhere else
C. somewhere D. somewhere else
42. A. part-time B. public C. standard D. strict
43. A. If B. BecauseC. SoD. Though
44. A. pride B. surprises C.knowledge D. progress
45. A. neighbor B. friend C. foreigner D. teacher
46. A. wonderfully B. well C. greatly D. little
47. A. babies B. grown-upsC. women D. men
48. A. still B. next C. then D. yet
49. A. long B. broad C. narrow D. short
50. A. that B. when C. after D. before
51. A. basic B. strict C. final D. irregular
52. A. unusually B. differently C. little D. frequently
53.A. large B. new C. fixed D. small
54. A .take exams B. hold exams C. mark papers D. read papers
55. A. changed B. limited C. chosen D. controlled
When you think of success, you think of relative achievements in your own world. Each element of your world is important to you, and there is no need to compare with others. You cannot affect the success of others; you can affect your own success.
Success is very much achievable to everybody.Believe that and you have taken the first step.If you do not believe in yourself, then building self-esteem is your first task.However, believing in your ability to achieve whatever you want to succeed in, is very important if you are not to be held back by self-doubt throughout your journey to success.
There are many things that will affect your ability to succeed, and it is best to focus on those under your immediate cont rol.Once you do that, then the characteristics you develop can be applied to becoming successful in a range of activities.
What is important to you is that, as you start to reach milestones in your ambitions, you should appreciate your own achievements.Appreciating yourself will strengthen your self-confidence and your determination to succeed.
Some of the key characteristics you will find in those who are successful are perseverance, prepared to research, plan, work hard and practice a lot even when things do not seem to be going well, and an ability to recover and learn from setbacks.At the beginning of whatever you are trying to succeed in, a strong vision of your future, planning, and setting yourself achievable
targets can all play an important role.
All these qualities, skills and characteristics can be learned and developed.But it is up to you to get things started.Those who do not start travel nowhere.For others, life can be a continuous journey of fulfillment.
56.According to the passage, if you want to achieve success, what should you do first?
A.Don’t compare with others. B.Bring everything under control.
C.Find out what you have in mind. D.Feel confident about your ability.
57.Why should you appreciate your own achievements according to the passage?
A.It will allow you to recover from past failures.
B.It will remind you of the vision of your future.
C.It will motivate you to continue pursuing success.
D.It will help you develop your characteristics in everything.
58.The underlined word “setbacks” (in paragraph 5) probably means ________.
A. failures B. troubles C. hesitation D. depression
59.What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.If you are stuck where you are, you cannot travel far.
B.If you don’t start trying, you’ll never embrace success.
C.If you are brave enough, you can get whatever you want.
D.If you don’t study, you can never reach the destination.
People often ask me how, as a man, I became so devoted to improving the quality of
women’s lives. It wasn’t until age forty that I realized what had started me down my career path.
One morning more than thirty-seven years ago, I was awakened by the passing school bus. I was thirteen years old, living at home with my two younger brothers and our mother, Doris Joy Heavin. She had just passed her fortieth birthday. She was a mother of five children and had suffered emotional and physical problems most of her life. Her doctor had tried various treatments on her with little benefit.
As I awoke to the sound of the passing school bus, my brother Paul came in and told me that I’d better come quickly because mother was sick. As I knelt beside her bed, I could feel the absence of warmth. I put my arms around her, first to feel for a sign of life, and then as a final hug. I took my younger brothers, aged eight and nine, in my arms and gently told them that our mother was in heaven.
Her death was unnecessary. The high blood pressure causing the blood clot(血栓) that took her life was unnecessary. Rather than medicate the symptoms, she could have dealt with the cause of her high blood pressure: we now know that exercise and proper nutrition will almost always reduce the causes of high blood pressure and most other chronic(慢性的) diseases.
Many years later, while teaching a fitness and weight loss class to a group of about eighty women, I realized I was subconsciously(下意识地) searching the crowd for the face of my mother.
60. The underlined part “medicat e the sympt oms” in Paragraph 4 probably means _______ .
A. provide proper nutrition B. take exercise regularly
C. give up the treatment D. treat the disease using medicine
61. What made the author devoted to improving the quality of women’s lives.
A. His mother’s illness and death. B. The early loss of both his parents.
C. His support to the rights of women. D. His knowledge of high blood pressure.
62. From the passage we learn that ________ .
A. the author was the oldest child in his family
B. the author’s father died long before his mother
C. high blood pressure is a kind of chronic disease
D. many women were found with blood clot at the time
Hiring a self-drive car really adds to the enjoyment of your holiday. There are so many places of interest to visit, and if you enjoy more than just the city center, there’s no better way to
explore than by car.
What’s included
(a)Unlimited mileage
(b)Expenses on oil, maintenance and repairs, which will be repaid on production of receipts(收据).
(c)Full insurance covered but exclusive(除外的)of personal accidents(see below)and contents.
What’s not included
(a)Personal accident insurance.
(b)Garaging, petrol, parking and traffic fines.
1.The minimum rental period at these special low prices is three days. For prices for periods of one or two days only see our representative(代表)at the hotel.
2.Car hire must be booked six weeks or more before arrival in London to guarantee a car.But if you have been unable to make a booking in advance,please see our representative at the hotel who may still be able to help you.
3.The car types specified on the sheet are examples of the type of vehicles available in each price range,but a particular car cannot he guaranteed.
Upon delivery the driver(s)will be asked to sign the car hire company's Conditions of Hire.
If you decide to hire a car.just fill in the Booking Form and return it to us.A booking fee of £12 as part of the car hire cost is required.
Should you be forced to cancel your car hire booking after payment in full (two weeks before date of hire),a cancellation charge of £12 will be made.
63.What cost does a car hirer have to pay for?
A.Insurance against damage to the carB.Insurance against injury to the driver
C.The cost of maintenance of the carD.The cost of repairs to the ear
64.The hire charge for a three-day period depends on
A.the type of the car you hireB.the distance you will cover
C.the amount of oil you put in the carD.the length of time you park the car
65.If you cancel your car hire booking, .
A.another £12 will be paid to the company
B.you cannot get back the booking fee
C.you will get back the booking fee in two weeks
D.your request must be made before the date of hire
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
__66___ People use money to buy food, furniture, books, bicycles and hundreds of other things they need or want. When they work, they usually get paid in money.
Most of the money today is made of metal or paper.____67__ One of the first kinds of money was shells.
Shells were not the only things used as money.In China, cloth and knives were used. In the Philippine Islands, rice was used as money for a long time.Elephant tusks, monkey tails and salt were used as money in parts of Africa.
The first metal coins were made in China.They were round and had a square hole in the centre. _____68_____
Different countries have used different metals and designs for their money.___69___ Sweden and Russia used copper (铜) to make their money. Later some countries began to make coins of gold and silver.
But even gold and silver were inconvenient if you had to buy something expensive. Again the Chinese thought of a way to improve money. _____70___ The first paper money looked more like a note from one person to another than the paper money used today.
Money has had an interesting history from the days of shell money until today.
A.The first coins in England were made of t in (锡).
B.But people used to use all kinds of things as money.
C.No one knows for certain when people began to use money.
D.People strung (串连) them together and carried them from place to place.
E.Money, as we know, is all made of paper.
F.They began to use paper money.
G.Today anyone will accept money in exchange for goods and services.
第四部分 写作(共三节,满分35分)
第一节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题l分,满分l0分)
71.Our monitor and I , _____________________(代表) our class, delivered a speech yesterday.
72.She didn’t give an adequate__________________ (解释) for the failure of the experiment.
73.This is a mixture ______________________________(组成) of flour and water.
74. Last month we went on holiday and we went _____________ _______ (观光).
75.Destruction of the environment is one of the most serious ______________(挑战) we face.
76.You were _____________(控告) of ignoring your duty. Who charged you with such a crime?
77. The journalist went out with a______________________(专业) photographer.
78.The secret to happiness is to think about positive things and stay ________________ (乐观).
79. She broke the beautiful vase _____________________ (故意) ,which made me very angry.
80.He got hurt during the football match and the (伤害)was serious.
注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处。
It was a long time since we last saw each other. You can hardly imagine how I miss you. How are you getting with your first job? I remember you once tell me you were eager to graduate and become an English teacher. Now you must have many first-hand experience. How do you find your English teaching? Is teaching kids English as interested as you expected in college? And do your student enjoy your classroom teaching? Anyway, I believe you must very popular with the kids, for you are a born teacher. Hope you great success in your work! Yes, why not give me call and come for a get-together in this weekend?
第三节:书面表达 (满分15分)
假定你是Deanne, 你的朋友李华向你咨询如何学好英语。请发e-mail告知他学英语的方法。
提示:1. 养成良好的学习英语习惯(如……);
2. 多看英语电视和电影;扩大词汇量;
3. 要有自信;多讲,多用,不要怕出错。
注意:1. 词数为100左右;
2. 电子邮件的开头和结尾已为你写好(不计入你所写词数)
3. 以第一人称写。
高考资源网 Li Hua,
I’m glad to offer you some advice. ________________________________________________ ____________________________________
Hopefully, my advice will be helpful.
第四部分 写作(共三节,满分35分)
71―80 representing explanation consisting sightseeing challenges
accused professional optimistic deliberately injury
第一节 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题l分,满分l0分)
It was a long time since we last saw each other. You can hardly imagine how I miss you. How are you getting with your first job? I remember you once tell me you were eager tograduate and become an English teacher. Now you must have many first-hand experience. How do you find your English teaching? Is teaching kids English as interested as you expected in college? And do your student enjoy your classroom teaching? Anyway, I believe you must very popular with the kids, for you are a born teacher. Hope you great success in your work! Yes, why not give me call and come for a get-together in this weekend?
1. was --- is 2. getting with 之间加on/ along 3. tell---- told 4. many---- much
5. interested---- interesting 6. student---- students 7. must后加be 8. Hope--- Wish
9. me call 之间加a 10. 去掉in
第三节: 书面表达(满分15分)
短文写作参考:(Possible version)
高考资源网 Xiao Ming,
I’m glad to offer you some advice.
In my opinion, forming good habits to learn English is vital and essential, such as reading aloud, listening to English songs and communicating with native speakers of English. Fortunately, you have easy access to English because there are English programmes on TV and English films. Also, reading can often build your vocabulary, which may be the biggest challenge for you. In addition, you should have confidence in yourself. Try to speak English whenever possible, just as a proverb goes, practice makes perfect. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. In this way, you are sure to improve your English.
Hopefully, my advice will be helpful.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 /gaoer/73964.html
