

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 高二 来源: 记忆方法网
太 原 五 中
高 二 英 语
1. 本试题卷分第I卷(选择题) 和第II卷 (非选择题) 两部分, 总分100分, 考试时间90分钟。
2. 选择题的每小题选出后,请将答案填写在答题纸上相应的位置,不能答在试题卷上。
第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共80 分)
第一节 单项选择(共20小题,每题1分,共20分)
1. It is known that water is not______endless resource, nor______ that can be made once more.
A. The; \ B. an; one C. an; that D. \ ; one
2. These two English words are __________in meaning.
A. controversial B. incredible C. confidential D. identical
3. Driving a car needs a lot of practice and this is true _________ studying English.
A. of B. to C. in D. at
4. In our country the cold weather in the north _____ sharply ______ the hot weather in
the south.
A. combines; with B. relates; to
C. compares; with D. contrasts; with
5. The doctor tried to find out ______ that had caused the spread of the terrible disease.
A. what it was B. why it was
C. whatever was D. however was
6. Every man in this country has the right to live where he wants to________ the color of his skin.
A. in addition to B. as a result of
C. according to D. regardless of
7. Not until all the fish died in the river, _______ how serious the pollution is.
A. did the villagers realize B. the villagers realize
C. the villagers did realize D. didn't the villagers realize
8. Considering the different demands of students, the school has adopted a more____approach to education.
A. independent B. responsible C. flexible D. considerate
9. The world champion is only 13 years old, but nobody treats him_____a child; people treat him ______respect.
A. like; of B. as; with C. like; as D. as; as
10. An enormous wave covered our boat and Jim fell into the sea. Fortunately, he was_______ by a boat passing by.
A. taken up B. picked up C. turned up D. made up
11. How I wish every family ______ a large house with a beautiful garden!
A. has B. had C. will have D. had had
12. I have kept that photo_______I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my university life in London.
A. when B. where C. how D. whether
13. The road became narrower and rougher and _______ disappeared.
A. eventually B. financially C. profoundly D. definitely
14. I’m sorry. I took your umbrella_______. I just realized it when I got home.
A. by chance B. on purpose C. by mistake D. by violence
15. ----You've forgotten _______ the milk again, Mike.
----I'm 'afraid so. But I don't remember you ________ me to buy it.
A. to buy; to tell B. to have bought; to have told
C. having bought; were telling D. to buy; telling
16. You ______these parcels yourself.The shop would have delivered them if you had asked them.
A. needn't have carried B. mustn’t have carried
C. should have carried D. could have carried
17. Demand for these books is high recently, _______their high price.
A. although B. despite C. even if D. while
18. ________ many times, but he still couldn't understand it.
A. Having been told B. Though had been told
C. He was told D. Having told
19. While shopping, can you resist ________to buy anything that you don’t really need?
A. being persuaded B. persuading
C. to be persuaded D. to persuade
20. ------Cloning a human being leads to ethnic problems.
------__________. That’s why I’m strongly against it.
A. Nonsense B. You are missing the point
C. That’s it D. I often wonder why
On the IraqSyria border,a pack of wild dogs circled American soldiers for food.The leader of the pack was a grayandwhite dog.The soldiers called him Nubs.Nubs was shaking and __21__ able to stand.Marine major Brian Dennis looked closer and saw that there was a knife wound __22__ his chest.
Dennis couldn’t stand seeing the dog __23__.He and his men immediately treated the wound,and gave Nubs oral medicine.Nubs__24__but was still in pain.The next day,the team had to__25__.Ten days later,Dennis’s unit was back,and so was Nubs.He was still___26__,but the men fed him and played with him.
Before long the unit once again__27__an outpost (前哨) 70 miles away.Nubs,slowly but determinedly,__28__them far into the trackless wasteland until the men lost__29__of him.Two days later,beyond Dennis’s__30__,he saw Nubs just outside the outpost.The dog had tracked him across 70 miles of frozen desert to__31__with the friend who had saved his life.From then on Nubs and the men slept in the same place,and ran around in the same ruins.
Until an order came down from above that they were not__32__to have pets,Dennis_33__to make sure the dog would continue to live the_34__life.So he quickly raised $4,000 from his family and friends to fly Nubs to__35__.
A month later,when Dennis and the dog were__36__in California,at first Nubs didn’t recognize the guy.__37__within minutes,the dog jumped into Dennis’s arms,jumping up again and again to__38__ his friend’s face.
A little__39__and concern in the middle of war will not save a violent world.But small stories,like the story of a soldier and a dog,hold a promise of a(n) __40__world.
21.A.mostly B.certainlyC.barely D.never
22.A.in B.onC.at D.behind
23.A.stand B.starveC.bleed D.suffer
24.A.pulled through B.fell asleepC.woke up D.fell down
25.A.leave B.restC.passD.remain
26.A.hungry B.tiredC.dirty D.weak
27.A.took up B.took overC.left for D.returned from
28.A.watched B.followedC.accompanied D.barked
29.A.touch B.sightC.footprint D.smell
30.A.ability B.surpriseC.imagination D.understanding
31.A.part B.fightC.meet D.break
32.A.asked B.suggestedC.required D.allowed
33.A.decided B.agreedC.accepted D.proposed
34.A.moving B.goodC.safe D.interesting
35.A.London B.AmericaC.Iraq D.Syria
36.A.found B.interviewedC.linked D.reunited
37.A.So B.And C.But D.Though
38.A.lick B.touch C.bite D.clean
39.A.pity B.mercy C.care D.contribution
40.A.equal B.harmonious C.prosperous D.amazing
The King of Rock and Roll, Elvis Aron Presley was born on 8 January 1935 in Tupelo. His talent in singing did not come up as a surprise, as he had a good voice right from his childhood. When Elvis was ten years old, he participated in a Talent Contest at Mississippi-Alabama Fair and Dairy Show and won a prize for the song he sang.
When Elvis was 13 years old, his family moved to Tennessee. To support himself and his father, Elvis took on a job as a truck driver. A disc containing two ballads (民歌) that Elvis had recorded for his mother as a birthday gift was first heard by Sun Studio's president Sam Phillips. After listening to Elvis, Sam made Elvis an offer and that was the birth of a new singing sensation(鼓动的人物); a new superstar was born. In 1954 his first record was released from Sun Studio.
In 1955, Elvis singed a $35,000 recording contract with RCA Victor (through Thomas Parker), who promised to help in projecting Elvis Presley (a Local Star) as a National Level Star. As promised, Elvis was shown in newspapers, television appearances, photographs where he was claimed to be the next superstar of the music world.
In 1956, his first performance with "Heartbreak Hotel" on The Milton Berle Show successfully put Elvis on the top list of the superstars and the nationwide "Elvis Craze" was started. Elvis became the prince who ruled hearts of his millions of fans.
In 1960, he quit performing in concerts and concentrated in making movies. As his first movie Love Me Tender was a big hit, he had no problem in marking his comeback in movies.
After making several very successful and hit movies, Elvis returned to the world of music. In 1968, Elvis once again started working with his old band and gave some more smashing (极好的) hits to the world. In 1972, he released his last top-ten single Burning Love.
It's nearly impossible to measure the level of popularity he had reached in his career. Elvis Presley had more than 100 records on the billboard charts and out of which, about 18 records were on number one position on the charts. During his lifetime, he worked in about 31 movies; all of them were huge success.
21. What is the main idea of the text?
A. Elvis' great contribution to music.
B. How Elvis became the king of rock and roll.
C. Famous records that Elvis released in his lifetime.
D. An introduction to Elvis' life and his achievements.
42. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Elvis was not as popular as before after stopping performing in concerts.
B. RCA Victor assisted Elvis in making his first movie a big hit.
C. Elvis' performance with "Heartbreak Hotel" started the "Elvis Craze".
D. Elvis had over 100 records on number one position on the charts.
43. The text is organized in the pattern of _________.
A. time and events
B. comparison and contrast
C. cause and effect
D. definition and classification
With the Tesla Roadster and other plugin (插入式) electric vehicles hitting the road,demand is growing for accessible refueling points to recharge them.Carbon Day Automotive,a Chicagobased company,has now demonstrated a solarpowered recharging point,known as the Solar PlugIn Station,which lets motorists easily charge their cars using electricity that has been produced without any environmental damage.
The Solar PlugIn Station has gone on show in Chicago as part of the city’s bid to host the 2016 Olympic Games.According to Carbon Day Automotive,the Solar PlugIn Station on show in Chicago is part of the vital infrastructure(基础设施) required for electric vehicles in Chicago and was the focus of a recent visit by the International Olympic Committee.
These solarpowered electricity points will be used daily to fuel the city’s electric vehicles with power from the sun.By producing the electricity from pollutionfree solar cell,the CO2 emissions are reduced to zero.
“Solar energy and electric vehicles are a partnership that is one more step to reducing our dependence on foreign oil,” says Richard Lowenthal,CEO of Coulomb Technologies.Coulomb Technologies recently developed the components (部件) required for individual recharging stations,marketed as ChargePoint Networked Charging Stations.Carbon Day Automotive is the Midwest distributor for the ChargePoint stations.
The Solar PlugIn Station consists of giant solar panels (电池板) that shade the tiny ChargePoint Networked Charging Station.The solar panel is connected to an underground battery pack,ready for everyday refueling.
“Without these stations it would be like driving around in a traditional car without the availability of gas stations,” says Scott Emalfarb,CEO at Carbon Day.“The day of true plugin electric vehicles will be here sooner than most people realize and the world needs to be ready to accommodate them.”
44.The Solar PlugIn Station is used as part of the bid to host the Olympics mainly because ________.
A.it’s environmentally friendly
B.it makes up for the lack of electricity
C.it’s a new idea and attracts people’s attention
D.it brings convenience to electric vehicle users
45.The passage implies that when the Solar PlugIn Station becomes popular,________.
A.more visitors will come to Chicago
B.more space for electric vehicles will be needed
C.the citizens of Chicago will be able to go to work faster
D.the cost of electric vehicles will be lower than traditional cars
46.What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Chicago Will Soon Be Full of Electric Vehicles
B.Chicago Calls on People to Buy Electric Vehicles
C.Chicago Fights for Its Bid to Host the 2016 Olympics
D.Chicago Shows Its Solarpowered Recharging Stations
Teachers have been honored in Indian culture for centuries. In the past, the teacher-student relationship in India was almost divine (神圣的). If a person wanted to become the student of a teacher, he or she had to live with the teacher, serve the teacher, engage in activities and also acquire knowledge. Even kings were expected to follow these rules.
It was the second president of independent India, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, who raised the Indian devotion to teachers to a new level. During his tenure (任期) as president he was once approached by some citizens who wanted to celebrate his birthday. However, Dr. Radhakrishnan declared that he would rather have his birthday observed as Teachers' Day. Since then, September 5h of each year has been celebrated as Teachers' Day throughout India.
All educational institutions honor teachers on September 5th in various ways. In some cases, senior students give teachers a day of rest by taking charge of classes. Some schools have ceremonies to honor exceptional teachers. Students also organize cultural events and recognize the efforts of teachers by giving gifts, cards and flowers. Articles on teachers and their achievements feature in print and on the web.
In addition to these efforts, the government of India has set up the National Awards for teachers, to be distributed (分配) on September 5th every year. Teachers selected for the Best Teacher Award received a medal, a certificate and 25,000 Indian rupees as award money. Several private organizations and institutions have also come up with such awards to recognize the contribution of teachers to bringing up future leaders of the country.
Thousands of teachers are employed in Indian educational institutions. However, not every teacher can qualify for the Teachers' Day awards. But the biggest reward that any teacher can get is the recognition of students. And Teachers' Day is certainly that time in every year when pupils honor teachers and let them know that their hard work and commitment is valued.
47. What is the text mainly about?
A. The social status of teachers in India.
B. The origin of Teachers' Day in India.
C. Teachers and education in India.
D. Teachers' Day in India.
48. What do we know about Teachers' Day in India?
A. It is nationwide.
B. It has been celebrated in India for centuries.
C. It is related to a leader of ancient India.
D. It is a holiday for everyone in India except teachers.
49. People in India celebrate Teachers' Day in all of the following ways EXCEPT by _________.
A. giving presents to teachers
B. holding ceremonies for teachers
C. publishing articles on students
D. giving teachers a day of rest
50. What is the biggest reward that teachers in India can get, in the author's opinion?
A. All kinds of awards.
B. Gifts given by students.
C. The recognition of students.
D. Ceremonies held by schools.
The seven Cs of a good letter
What is the secret of writing a good letter? Here are two main ones. Don’t try to be fancy. Don’t try to impress your reader. You will be successful if you follow these seven Cs.
Clear. Use short, direct sentences. 51 Talk as if the reader were right there with you. Above all, don’t use an introduction.
Correct. 52 Don’t guess, even for spelling. Refer to your dictionary. If you need to, check a reference book too. Use them as much as you need to.
Complete. Don’t scatter your points. 53 This is good organization too.
Courteous. Be friendly rather than overly casual. Present your information nicely even if you are complaining about something. In all letters, treat others as you want them to treat you.
Concise. Make each point as clearly and briefly as you can.
Conversational. This is really the secret of good writing, 54 Such a letter has a natural, friendly tone. Let your personality come through naturally.
Considerate. 55 Write about what you believe the reader needs or wants to know. Try to be helpful. This will build good feeling toward you.
The seven Cs are about writing letters. But how about school papers? Use the seven Cs. Write as if you are talking to your teacher or professor. You’ll be surprised. You’ll almost instantly become a good writer. And you might even enjoy writing from now on.
A. Just “talk”to the person.
B. Think of the readers’point of view as you write.
C. Make them easy to understand.
D. Include long sentences in your letter.
E. Make sure what you say is correct.
F. Writing should not be taken too seriously.
G. Finish one point completely before going on to the next.
太 原 五 中
3______ 4______
完形填空(1.5×20) 21______
30______ 31______
词形填空(1×10) 56___________
第一节: 用所给单词的适当形式填空, 答案写在答题纸上 (共10小题,每题1分, 共10分)
present relax traditional violence senseless
beneficial encourage imaginary emotion drown
56. Some worried parents say that too much _________is shown on television.
57. His story of rescuing six __________children was incredible.
58.All the plots in this movie are_________.
59.Some people think that _________quotient(情商) plays a more important role than intelligence quotient (智商)in one’s development.
60.It is known to all that sunshine is ________to plants.
61.The award is ____to the most excellent director from all over the world every year.
62.Listening to light music makes me feel _______.
63.He studies the Chinese _______ medicine in a university.
64.Mr. Block hit the ceiling when he was asked __________ questions.
65.Peter, my English teacher, never fails to __________ us to study hard
文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:每处错误及其修改仅限一词。只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计。
Peter was a small boy. He lived in with his parents in a small house near some hills.
People there were both poor. One night it was very dry and windy. When everybody was
asleep, Peter sudden heard some noise. It came out from the kitchen. He got up and
walking to the kitchen. He found that the wood besides the stove was burning. There
was no water tap in the house, but he could not put out the fire. He shouts loudly to wake
up everyone in the house. Then she ran out of his house and knocked at the doors of
many houses to wake people up. They all left their house quickly. At last the fire was put
out the firemen. Many houses were burnt. But nobody was burnt in the fire.
太 原 五 中
3__A__ 4__D__
完形填空(1×20) 21_C_
词形填空(1×10) 56 violence
57 drowning
58 imaginary
59 emotion
60 beneficial
61 presented
62 relaxed
63 traditional
64 senseless
65 encourage
第一节: 用所给单词的适当形式填空, 答案写在答题纸上 (共10小题,每题1分, 共10分)
present relax tradition violent sense
benefit courage imagine emotion drown
56. Some worried parents say that too much _________is shown on television.
57. His story of rescuing six __________children was incredible.
66.All the plots in this movie are_________.
67.Some people think that _________quotient(情商) plays a more important role than intelligence quotient (智商)in one’s development.
68.It is known to all that sunshine is ________to plants.
69.The award is ____to the most excellent director from all over the world every year.
70.Listening to light music makes me feel _______.
71.He studies the Chinese _______ medicine in a university.
72.Mr. Block hit the ceiling when he was asked __________ questions.
73.Peter, my English teacher, never fails to __________ us to study hard
文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:每处错误及其修改仅限一词。只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计。
Peter was a small boy. He lived in with his parents in a small house near some hills.
People there were both poor. One night it was very dry and windy. When everybody was all
asleep, Peter sudden heard some noise. It came out from the kitchen. He got up and
walking to the kitchen. He found that the wood besides the stove was burning.
walked beside
There was no water tap in the house, but he could not put out the fire. He shouts loudly
so shouted
to wake up everyone in the house. Then she ran out of his house and knocked at the
doors of many houses to wake people up. They all left their house quickly. At last the
fire was put out∧the firemen. Many houses were burnt. But nobody was burnt in
the fire.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 /gaoer/72196.html
