

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 高二 来源: 记忆方法网
1.His remarks________me in my opinion that he was a very considerate boy.
A.concerned       B.contacted
C.confirmed D.considered
2.—How have you been getting on with Lucy recently?
—________.We just couldn’t get along.
A.Very well       B.We’re through
C.It’s hard to say D.It’s up to
3.The passengers were told that the train was________to be delayed because of the foggy weather.
A.able B.possible
C.probable D.likely
4.—What do you think of his plan?
—________I’m concerned,it sounds practical.
A.As long as B.As well as
C.As far as D.As soon as
5.Parents are worried that violent TV programs and computer games will________antisocial behavior in teenagers.
A.inspire B.develop
C.encourage D.commit
6.As a young man,he used to________public assemblies,where he delivered some wonderful speeches.
A.elect B.attend
C.involve D.join
7.She was always punctual________appointments and never kept anyone waiting.
A.for B.in
C.on D.at
8.It was________I went there________I began to know something about the matter.
A.until;when B.until;that
C.not until;that D.not when;that
9.—Why didn’t you answer when I spoke to you in the street this morning?
—I________but you didn’t hear me.
A.did answer B.didn’ t answer
C.could answer D.couldn’t answer
10.All things________,the trip plan will have to be called off.
A.considered B.are considered
C.considering D.having considering
11.—I don’t want to go to her party.
—If you don’t go to her party,________.
A.so do I B.so don’t I
C.nor do I D.nor shall I
12.—How about six o’clock outside the park?
—That________me fine.
A.fits B.meets
C.satisfies D.suits
13.Hand in hand with reading,he has________the habit of making notes.
A.caused B.developed
C.wanted D.brought
14.We have to________new customers to our restaurant by providing the best service at the lowest price.
A.accept B.attract
C.add D.transfer
15.________you don’t like him is none of my business.
A.What B.Who
C.That D.Whether
18.通过参加这些活动,学生们展示自己的特殊才能。(take part in)
20.The candidates’ experience and qualifications will be taken into consideration when the decision is made.
When the Japanese attacked America’s ships at Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941,they did it secretly.The makers of the movie Pearl Harbor have behaved differently.
The noise about Pearl Harbor,made by Disney,has reached its highest point with its premiere (首次公演) before the movie opens in cinemas across the US at the start of the Memorial Day holiday weekend,a time to recall national heroes who sacrificed their lives on the battlefield.
As Ben Affleck is the main star,the movie seems sure to become a success in the United States at least.
At almost three hours in length,it promises to be a good old Hollywood movie.There is a love story.Affleck and his co-star,Josh Hartnett,both fall in love with the navy nurse,Kate Beckinsale and,of course,there is much human courage and love of country.
It’s certain that Disney will be accused of “changing” history.The showing of actual events in a movie always causes arguments.
Bits of the story are deliberately not mentioned in the movie.It does not address the theory held by some historians that President Franklin Roosevelt knew about Japan’s intention to attack the ships in Pearl Harbor.It is said he did nothing,as he was aware that such a blow would allow him to take America into the Second World War.
Japan remains sensitive about being accused of wartime atrocities (暴行).And Disney is sensitive about its business in Japan,where it has a theme park.
Not all the reviews of the movie have been full of praise.A reviewer for Newsweek,who was given an early preview,acknowledged that the 40-minute sequence (连续镜头) showing the attack itself was powerful.The attack comes quite late in the movie,however,and the reviewer was less impressed with the characters and the love story.
“Almost every line of the dialogue sounds like it comes from an old movie,” the reviewer wrote.
21.From the passage we can infer that the Memorial Day refers to________.
A.the day the United States was founded
B.the day people remember their ancestors
C.a day people remember those who died in wars
D.a day people celebrate the victories of World War Ⅱ
22.From the passage we know that Ben Affleck________.
A.may be a very popular movie star
B.regarded Josh Hartnett as an enemy
C.experienced the Pearl Harbor Incident
D.was in love with the actress Kate Beckinsale
23.Which of the following statements is TRUE about Pearl Harbor?
A.The movie has made the Japanese angry.
B.The movie will cause a lot of arguments.
C.The movie truly describes the Pearl Harbor Incident.
D.The movie shows that President Roosevelt knew about Japan’s intention.
24.According to the passage,what does the reviewer for Newsweek think of the movie?
A.The scenes of the attack leave no impression.
B.The dialogue in the movie is original and creative.
C.The characters and the love story are less attractive.
D.The attack scenes occupy too much time of the movie.
25.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.Ben Affleck in Pearl Harbor.
B.The True Fact of Pearl Harbor.
C.Attention!Pearl Harbor is arriving.
D.Reviewer:Pearl Harbor is a success.
A punctual (准时的) person is in the habit of doing a thing at the proper time and is never late in keeping an appointment.
26.________He is always in a hurry and in the end loses both time and his good name.A lost thing may be found again,but lost time can never be regained.Time is more valuable than material things.27.________The unpunctual man is for ever wasting and mismanaging his most valuable assets as well as the assets of others’.The unpunctual person is always complaining that he finds no time to answer letters or return calls or keep appointments promptly.28.________He knows that he can not get through his huge amount of work unless he faithfully attends to every piece of work when it has to be attended to.
Failure to be punctual in keeping one’s appointments is a sign of disrespect towards others.If a person is invited to dinner and arrives later than the appointed time,he keeps all the other guests waiting for him.29.________
Unpunctuality,moreover,is very harmful when it comes to doing one’s duty,whether public or private.Imagine how it would be if those who are put in charge of important tasks failed to be at their proper place at the appointed time.30.________
A.But the man who really has a great deal to do is very careful with his time and seldom complains because he lacks it.
B.The unpunctual man,on one hand,never does what he should do ahead of time.
C.In fact,time is life itself.
D.A man who is known to be habitually unpunctual is never trusted by his friends or fellow men.
E.The unpunctual man,on one hand,never does what he has to do at the proper time.
F.All guests present ought to be respected by the host.
G.Usually this will be regarded as a great disrespect to the host and all other guests present.
John was visiting he 90-year-old grandpa,who lived in the country.In the first morning of the visit,John grandpa prepared a breakfast of bacon and eggs.John noticed some dirt on his plate,and asks,“Are these plate clean?” His grandpa replied,“They’re as cleaner as cold water can get them.Just go ahead and finish your meal.” For lunch,Grandpa made hamburgers.Again,John has found the plates were dirty,but he asked the same question.Without looking up,his grandpa gave same answer.Later,as John was left,his grandpa’s dog started to growl (咆哮),and wouldn’t let him pass.Grandpa shouted at the dog,“Cold Water,go lie down!”
1.C confirm使确信;concern关心,关注;contact接触;consider考虑,认为。
2.B 由“We just couldn’t get along.我们不能相处。”可知“我们已断绝关系”。be through (with sb.)与某人断绝关系。
3.D be likely to的主语可以是人也可以是物;possible和probable常用于it’s possible/probable+to do/that从句结构中;be able to能够,有能力,主语通常是生物,特别是人。
4.C as far as I’m concerned就我而言。
5.C 句意为:家长们担心充满暴力的电视节目及电脑游戏会助长青少年的反社会行为。encourage有“助长,怂恿”之意。inspire激励,鼓舞;develop发展;commit犯罪,犯错。
6.B attend指“出席会议、集会;参加典礼、婚礼、追悼会等”。join指参加社会某组织、团体,并成为其中一员。elect选举;involve包括,涉及。
7.A be punctual for在……方面准时。
8.C 此处应为not...until结构的强调句型。句意为“直到我到那儿才开始知道这件事情”。
9.A 句意为“我当时确实回答了但你没听到”。did用来强调谓语动词加强语气。
10.A 句意为:综合考虑,游行计划将不得不取消。从句法结构分析,前半部分不是一个完整的句子,故排除B项。all things与consider之间为动宾关系,故应用过去分词。
11.D 因为本句表示的是否定意义,所以不能用so+助动词/情态动词/系动词+主语这一句型,而要用neither/nor+助动词/情态动词/系动词+主语这一句型。条件状语从句用一般现在时,主句用将来时。
12.D suit表示合乎要求、情况等。fit多指“大小适合”。
13.B develop the habit of意为“养成……的习惯”。cause,want,bring均不能和habit构成动宾关系。
14.B 句意为:我们必须通过提供最好的服务和最低的价格来吸引新的顾客到我们餐馆来。 attract 吸引。accept 接受;add 增加;transfer 转移。
15.C 此处主语从句表示一个否定的事实,且从句不缺成分,故用that起连接作用。
16.I just wonder what it is that made him so depressed.
17.Tom is clever and studies hard,so it is with Mary.
18.By taking part in these activities,students show their special talents.
19.It’s a great pity that we can’t take your advice.
【语篇解读】 本文主要讲述影片《珍珠港》的一些情况以及作者和人们对影片的看法。
21.C 推理。根据第二段最后一句可知,这一天是为了悼念在战争中死去的人们。
22.A 推理。根据文章第三段可知,Ben Affleck可能是一位非常受欢迎的影星。
23.B 细节理解题。根据文章第五段可知,此类反映历史事件的影片都会引起热议。
24.C 细节理解题。根据最后一段第三句可知,文中提到的影评人认为这部电影中的人物和爱情故事不是很精彩。
25.C 主旨大意题。文章是在电影《珍珠港》正式上映前对其进行的介绍。
26.E 27.C 28.A 29.G 30.D

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 /gaoer/64769.html
