
高二英语M8 Unit 3 The world of colours and light测试题及答案

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 高二 来源: 记忆方法网
高二英语Module 8 Unit3单元练习卷
1. Lianzhan said that people in Taiwan and Mainland must try hard to understand each other, and ______ misunderstanding.
A. do away B. do upC. clear away D. clear up
2. He narrowly missed being seriously hurt, if not______, by the explosion.
A. killed B. being killed C. be killed D. to be killed
3. Susan ______for three years to be a computer analyst but found her progress discouraging .
A. has worked B. worked C. had worked D. was working
4. Few people paid full attention to their health conditions _____ they were seriously ill.
A. when B. if C. until D. before
5. As ______ humorous people, _______ British like playing a joke on others.
A. the; 不填B. 不填; theC. a; theD. the; the
6. I have to collect ______ about the topic before I start writing the book.
A. a few more materials B. a few more material
C. a little more materials D. a little more material
7. No one can walk the wire without a bit of fear unless ____ very young.
A. having been trained B. trainedC. to be trained D. being trained
8. --- Could you tell me what he said just now?
--- Sorry, I ______ what was going on outside.
A. had thoughtB. was thinkingC. thoughtD. think
9. -- Has Mary finished writing her article?
-- No, and it _____ before class was over.
A. should be finished B. should finish
C. should have finished D. ought to have been finished
10. As is generally agreed, a family without love is not _____ a family as a body without soul in a man.
A. such B. as much of C. so much of D. much of
11. --- I want to be alone right now! Get the picture?
--- _______.
A. Yes, I like it very much B. Fine! I’ll leave, then.
C. That’ll do. D. Yes, I’ll take it.
12. Only after the second tower of the World Trade Centre did people know it was not an accident, but an attack of some kind.
A. had hit B. did fall C. was hit D. was fallen?
13. The villagers, _________ had been damaged by the flood, were given help by the Red Cross.
A. all of their homes B. all their homes
C. whose all homes D. all of whose homes
14. ------Excuse me, but I want to use your computer to type a report.
------You __________ have my computer if you don’t take care of it.
A. shan’tB. might notC. needn’tD. shouldn’t
15. ----Do you really want to go out?
-----It may rain. _______, I shall go out; I don’t mind the rain.
A. Anyway B. Otherwise C. Somehow D. Therefore
16. Not only _______ give people relaxation and pleasure, but ______ increase their knowledge of any kind.
A. can travel, it can B. travel can, can it
C. can travel, can it D. travel can, it can
17. -------I’d like to take a week’s holiday.
--------_________, we’re too busy.
A.Don’t worryB.Don’t mention itC.Forget itD.Pardon me
18. Could you tell me __________ of you would like to take part in the English competition?
19. ------Did your boss phone you again the next day?
-------No, it was a fortnight __________ he gave me a second call.
20. The flowers _________ sweet in the garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.
A.to smellB.smelling C.smeltD.to be smelt
21. Julia is always saying that she cannot ________ being laughed at.
22. Lizzie was _________ to see her friend off at the airport.
A.a little more than sadB.more than a little sad
C.sad more than a littleD.a little more sad than
23. Never in my wildest dreams _______ these people are living in such poor conditions.
A. I could imagine B. could I imagine
C. I couldn’t imagine D. couldn’t I imagine
24. Without my glasses, I couldn’t ______ whether that figure on the blackboard was a three or an eight.
A. make out B. make up C. make for D. make off
25. ------Are you free after school?
-------Sorry, I’ve planned to treat a friend of mine to dinner ______ for help.
A. in order B. in return C. in turn D. in honor
While I was standing at the kitchen window, five-year-old Spencer, my oldest son, ran into the house 26 , “We need a doctor out here. Hurry, Mom.” “what’s wrong?” I asked. Spencer anxiously told me he had found a dead bird that needed a doctor.
Dutifully(顺从地), I seized a small plastic bag from the cupboard and took Spencer’s hand- 27 , that’s the sort of thing mothers do. While my son led me out of the door and 28 the bird, I explained that if the creature was indeed dead, a doctor could not 29 . When we arrived at the 30 scene, it was obvious that the baby bird was dead. Spencer and I could see the nest(鸟巢) high up in the tree. My son and I 31 the probable age of the baby bird, its inability to fly well, and exactly how the 32 had caused its death. “I think his mummy and daddy really 33 him,” Spencer observed. I 34 my boy’s hand and tried to reduce his 35 by saying that I was sure they did, and that everything would return to 36 because the little bird had gone to Heaven to be with God and Popo-my dead grandfather. I made Spencer believe the bird’s mummy and daddy knew their little one would be 37 and loved. I told Spencer Popo loved little birds and that I 38 he was in Heaven holding and playing with the baby bird 39 .I picked up the little creature’s body, slipped it into my plastic bag and 40 placed the bird in the rubbish bin. 41 was said about the matter for the rest of the day. Spencer went right back to play 42 he had never been interrupted, and I returned to my work in the kitchen.
At breakfast the next morning, Spencer mentioned it sadly to his father.
Trying to 43 Spencer’s spirits and remind him that the little bird was really 44 , I asked our son to tell Daddy 45 the baby bird was. Spencer, looking solemn-faced at his dad, stated, “In the rubbish bin with Mama’s granddad, Popo.”
27.A.in factB.at leastC.of courseD.after all
30.A.accident B.kitchen C.dangerD.terror
34.A.picked upB.turned toC.got toD.reached for
35.A.excitementB.regretC. sadness D.disappointment
37.A.enjoyedB.playedC.treatedD.cared for
39.A.right nowB.right thenC.from now onD.now and then
41.A.Nothing elseB.Nobody elseC.NothingD.Something
42.A.as usualB.as ifC.even thoughD.though
The Americans believe that anybody can become President of the United States. In a recent Hollywood comedy, that is exactly what happens.
Dave Kovic, played by Kevin Kline, is a kind-hearted man who runs a business that finds people jobs. He leads a typical American way of life, except for one thing-he looks exactly like the President, Bill Mitchell. In fact, the only thing that makes him different from the nation’s leader is that he is very nice!
The president has started using look-alikes during some public appearances. Dave is offered a chance to “serve his country” by becoming one. However, things go wrong. The President becomes very ill and Dave ends up acting as the President forever.
Director Ivan Reitman, who made the popular and successful comedies like Twins, Ghostbusters and Legal Eagles, could have gone for easy laughs by making fun of the American government. Instead, Dave is an attractive comedy about an ordinary man in extraordinary situations. Kevin Kline gives a double performance as Dave and the President, and Sigourney Weaver is at her best as his First Lady. The love story that develops between her role and Dave is a real classic.
The film is 100% American. However, if you’ve ever felt that anybody could do a better job running the country than the people in power, then you’ll enjoy Dave!
46.What is the purpose of the text?
A.To tell the reader about the American government.
B.To discuss the Americans’ ideas about the President.
C.To make a comparison between Dave and other films.
D.To introduce a new film to the reader.
47.Who plays the role of the President in the film?
A.Sigourney Weaver.B.Kevin Kline.
C.Bill MitchellD.Ivan Reitman.
48.The underlined word “one” in the 3rd paragraph refers to __________.
A.the PresidentB.the directorC.an actorD.a look-alike
49.Which of the following is best supported by the text?
A.The author makes fun of the President.
B.The author thinks highly of the film.
C.The author is a fan of Hollywood comedies.
D.The author wishes to become the American President.
When dinning in restaurants, Americans usually order drinks first, then soup, salad, main course or entree(主菜), and dessert at last. This is somewhat a different order way from that in Europe.
Until about the middle of the nineteenth century, Americans didn’t have to worry about whether the salad came before or after the main course since they didn’t eat salad at all. Chomping(大声地咀嚼) on greens was once considered sissy(女人气的), and Americans preferred to get their greens indirectly, after they had been processed by rabbits or deer. The shift of public taste toward the salad may be attributed to New York’s Delmonico brothers, who originally introduced smorgasbord from Europe, and served it in their restaurant. Such novelties(新奇的东西) became so popular that by the end of the nineteenth century, the Waldorf salad has swept the country.
Europeans still chomp on greens after the main course, as a way of clearing the palate(味觉), and being ready for the cheese. Why Americans eat their salad first is uncertain. The following joking suggestions might make sense: The custom may be related to the slimming craze, for “salad first” may fill you up without any worry about fattening; to avoid customers’ impatience with waiting, the restaurant serves salad first to keep them busy while the main courses are being prepared; eating raw food while one is waiting for the cooked food may be a way of announcing that one is not wasting time, which is seen as a virtue; probably unfair to the restaurant, this custom has been encouraged by the merchant as trick-the meagerness(不足量) of a meal is less noticeable if it comes after “free” salad-after all, rabbit food is much cheaper than the rabbit.
50.Before the middle of the nineteenth century, _________ .
A. Americans ate the salad before the main course www.
B. Americans ate the salad after the main course
C. Americans ate the salad either before or after the main course
D. Americans didn’t eat salad at all
51.In the last sentence of the passage, “rabbit food” refers to_______ .
A. the saladB. food made of rabbit meat
C. junk food D. food prepared for the rabbit
52.Which of the following statements is true?
A. Salad first appeared in America, and then was introduce to Europe.
B. The American tradition of eating salad before the main course was formed mainly due to health.
C. In less than fifty years, salad became popular throughout the United States.
D. Serving Salad before the entree by the restaurants is a way of cheating the diners.
American’s genius with high technology may have put men on the moon, but there is growing doubt about its ability to solve human problems closer to home.
In fact, a slight but significant change from purely technological solutions is already under way as scientists insist that answers to the world’s problems will not come from an attractive exhibition of electronics and machines. Instead, as they see it, solutions must develop from a better understanding of the humans that drive the system and from a fuller appreciation of the limits and potential(潜能) of the earth’s resources.
What this means is an increased emphasis on the life and earth sciences, on sociology, psychology, economics and even philosophy.
More and more of the best minds in science, particularly young researchers, are being drawn into these developing fields.
All this is not to say that technological creativity will not play a critical role in solving energy and food shortages, or that answers to environmental difficulties will not come from further advances in the same technologies that may have helped cause the problems.
Where the real challenge lies, in the view of the new generation of scientists, is in finding ways to produce goods meet the world’s needs, using less of the raw materials that are becoming short.
53.Which of the following would the author probably agree with?
A. The environment crisis will not be solved unless we stop using virgin(原始) materials.
B. In scientific research, a higher priority(优先) should be given to understanding all
living systems.
C. Exploration of outer space will finally lead to an improvement on human living conditions.
D. U.S. high-technology companies are welcoming this new change in scientific
54.Which of the following best expresses the main idea?
A.A growing number of Americans are doubtful about what high technology can do in solving the world’s problems.
B.Many scientists are beginning to believe that the better understanding of human beings will play a more decisive role in solving the world’s problems.
C.More and more young scientists are trying their best to find new ways to solve the world’s problems.
D.Technological creativity will still play a very important part in solving the world’s problems.
55.Young scientists demand that in order to satisfy human needs _________.
A.existing products be improved
B.more complex machines and electronic equipment be designed
C.ways be found to produce better goods using fewer raw materials
D.any new invention and innovation be encouraged in technology
56.In the passage “human problems” or “world problems” refers mainly to ________.
A.global food shortageB.resources depletion(削减,耗尽)
C.environmental pollutionD.all of the above
57.The author states all the following except that _________.
A.the development of present techniques cannot provide any answers to today’s
B.an increasing number of young scientists are taking a great interest in biological and social sciences
C.many scientists have come to understand the limits of natural resources
D.many scientists argue that high technology is something but not everything
1.Adam Smith's _______(杰作) “The Wealth of Nations” was written in the 18th century.
2. After a career as a journalist, she was looking forward to a happy and ______(宁静的)retirement.
3. After _________ from a university, he has worked as a middle school teacher.
4. We're very proud of the five students from this school who were awarded______(奖学金).
5. Do you think you could go upstairs and be with the boys in the_______(宿舍)?
6. One of the rooms has been made into a small modern art________(美术馆).
7. Someone who catches fish as a sport or as a job is called f_________.
8. It is said that his son is studying ________(建筑学)at university.
9. Sometimes we can see a beautiful r_______ in the sky after a shower in summer.
10. Hiring new employees can be very much a _________(主观的) process.
1. I remember ________(weep) with pride when my first son was born.
2. The official had these clothes and blankets ________(distribute) among the refugees.
3. The government and rebel leaders sat down at the __________(negotiate) table for the first time yesterday.
4. To begin to answer these questions, he demanded we first _______(explore) the normal course of human language development.
5. The poem is well worthy of __________(adore).
6. The baby was found__________( abandon)outside a local hospital.
7. In the streets, there are many workers _________(bargain) for better pay.
8. ________(repeat) for several times, the sentence was eventually understood by all the students.
9. I would defend the right of scientists __________(experiment) on animals.
10. Paul succeeded in ________(stick) two pieces of paper together at last.
Li Ming is telling Yang Yan all about his trip. First, Li Ming along with his aunt and grandmother, who are both very(1)t______ artists, started in Spain and went to the city of Malaga, the(2)b_____ of Pablo Picasso. He was amazed to learn that Picasso was not only a painter, but also a sculptor and a(3)p_______. Second, they flew to Paris, where all the buildings are very(4)h______. During four days in Paris they spent one whole day at the Louvre Museum, where there is the famous Mona Lisa painting by the(5)I_____ artist Leonardo da Vinci. Besides being a painter, da Vinci was also a sculptor, an(6)a________, and engineer and a scientist. He made a lot of scientific (7)d_______ that he shared with the world, particularly in the field of (8)a_________. Third, they went to Amsterdam. On the way there, they flew over a(9)t______. Some people were scared, but he liked seeing it. Yesterday they went to the Van Gogh Museum, where he knew something about Van Gogh and his paintings. Towards the end of his life, Van Gogh created more(10)a______ artwork. Fourth, tomorrow they are off to another museum in Amsterdam. At last Li Ming promises to tell Yang Yan more about his trip when he gets back.
2.参考词汇:消费者:consumer 误导的:misleading
1?5 DACCC 6?10 DBBDC 11?15 BCDAA 16?20 ACACB
21?25 DBBAB
26?30 BDBCA 31?35 BACDC 36?40 ADCBA 41?45 ABDCA
46?50 DBDBD 51?55 ACBBC 56?57 DA
1. masterpiece 2. peaceful 3. graduation/graduating 4. scholarships 5. dormitory
6. gallery 7. fisherman 8. architecture 9. rainbow 10. subjective
1. weeping 2. distributed 3. negotiating 4. explore 5. being adored 6. abandoned
7. bargaining 8. Repeated 9. to experiment 10. sticking
1. talented 2. birthplace 3. photographer 4. historic 5. Italian 6. architect 7. discoveries 8. astronomy 9. thunderstorm 10. abstract
Possible version
Dear editor of China Daily,
Recently our class held a discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of advertisements.
Daily life needs advertisements because they can offer information on goods, services, culture, employment and so on. With advertisements, customers can save a lot of time in shopping. Advertisements also help factories or service providers find their market. In a word, advertisements have many advantages.
However, we also find advertisements a waste of time when we don' t need them, for example, when watching TV programs. To make things worse, some advertisements are misleading and cheating. Furthermore, huge advertising expenses are shared by consumers, which seems to be unfair.
Yours truly,
Li Hua

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