

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 高二 来源: 记忆方法网

1.A clean environent can help the city ________ the Olypics,which in turn will proote its econoic developent.
A.wish for        B.long for
C.bid for D.stand for
2.Protect yourself fro strong sunlight.You know,skin cancer can be caused by too uch ________ the sun.
A.contact with B.experient on
C.exposure to D.exhibition of
3.—u,have you seen y obile phone?
—________you bought last week?I’ afraid I haven’t seen________.
A.The one;it B.The one;one
C.One;it D.One;one
4.I would like to propose r Harrison ________ the iportant task.
A.undertake B.undertakes
C.undertook D.will undertake
5.On April Fool’s Day,you should be careful not to be ________ when others try to play tricks on you.
A.taken up B.taken down
C.taken out D.taken in
6.I yself don’t believe in ghosts;________,I wouldn’t like to be alone in that roo at night.
A.even so B.even though
C.even as D.even if
7.He is always helping people without expecting anything________.
A.in need B.in fact
C.in danger D.in return
8.The general’s coand was that the soldiers________their fort and carry out a ore iportant task.
A.would leave B.leave
C.left D.have left
9.The Channel Tunnel is one of the biggest engineering projects ever________.
A.afforded B.undertaken
C.experienced D.affected
10.—What a nice picture!But it is too sall.
—I’ glad you like it.I’ll ask a photographer to________it.
A.iprove B.reduce
C.enlarge D.appreciate
11.You will lose your chance of going to college________you study hard.
A.unless B.if
C.when D.as soon as
12.I have been keeping the portrait________I can see it every day,as it always reinds e of y childhood in Paris.
A.since B.as
C.where D.if
13.I________you soe oney,but I hadn’t any on e then.
A.would lend B.would have lent
C.could lend D.ay have lent
14.She has________a lot of things,so she knows exactly how to deal with such a person.
A.gone through B.got through
C.gone by D.gone into
15.Before I started to work,I asked the builder to give e an________of the cost of repairing the roof.
A.assessent B.estiate
C.assuption D.evaluation
17.除了结尾之外,这确实是部不错的电影。(apart fro)
18.政府应该采取措施提高人们的环保意识。(raise awareness)
19.也许这本书会对你的研究有用处。(prove to be)
20.She went through the copany’s accounts,looking for evidence of fraud.
  In 1941 when Anti-Japanese War was still going on,Xiaen University that a Zuzhao aied to enter oved to the west of Fujian Province.He had to hurry there to__21__the 2-day entrance exainations.The last__22__was a test in the Chinese language and literature.__23__ a fell victi to alaria (患疟疾) and ran a fever when he was__24__the required21.A.attend  B.go
C.get D.catch
22.A.eeting B.session
C.place D.oent
23.A.Unconsciously B.Unwillingly
C.Uninterestingly D.Unfortunately
24.A.doing B.speaking
C.writing D.asking
coposition,then he broke into sweat__25__with fingers darkened.He was about to collapse when a__26__voice showed hi concern,“Boy,it__27__you are ill.Keep cal.If you can bring your fever down,I’ll delay the tie__28__for you.It was the slender proctor(监考老师) in blue silk robe who had found his situation and cae__29__to hi.He told a servant to fetch a towel and a glass of war water for a,and he said again,“__30__you can resist the fever,you’ll __31__hold out.”
__32__by those rearks,a got his spirits__33__.Wiping off sweat fro his brows,he took two or three pills of quinine (硅宁药片) fro his__34__and swallowed the.A few inutes later he succeeded in shaking off the fever and continued his work.At that tie the classroo was left__35__except a and the proctor,who__36__hi,“Keep on your work__37__I’ll be with you.” Tie went on without anybody noticing it.Eventually a handed in his paper.He gave a deep__38__to the proctor to show his heartfelt gratitude.The latter siled accepting his thanks,“You’re strong-inded,young an.You’ve proved to be able to be get over__39__”.
Not until he was aditted to the university did he get to__40__the proctor was none other than Prof.Liu Tianyu,dean of the college of arts,a very learned scholar.25.A.siling  B.trebling
C.pointing D.whistling
26.A.cold B.loud
C.war D.low
27.A.happens B.looks
C.sounds D.sees
28.A.gae B.liit
C.perit D.oveent
29.A.downwards B.over
C.back D.down
30.A.Unless B.Now that
C.So long as D.Even though
31.A.hardly B.surely
C.easily D.gently
32.A.Encouraged B.Discovered
C.Persuaded D.Supposed
33.A.raised B.risen
C.sunk D.arisen
34. A.paper B.pocket
C.stoach D.work
35.A.silent B.epty
C.cold D.friendly
36.A.satisfied B.supported
C.coforted D.scolded
37.A.so B.but
C.then D.and
38.A.sense B.sile
C.bow D.ipress
39.A.happiness B.feelings
C.failure D.sufferings
40.A.plan B.know
C.study D.eet
The poverty line is the iniu incoe that people need for an acceptable standard of living.People with incoes below the poverty line are considered poor.Econoists study the causes of poverty in order to find solutions to the proble.
As the general standard of living in the country rises,the poverty line does,too.Therefore,even with today’s relatively high standard of living,about 10 percent of the people in the United States are below the poverty line.However,if these people had stable jobs,they could have an acceptable standard of living.Econoists suggest several reasons why poor people do not have jobs.
For one thing,ore than half of the poor people in the United States are not qualified to work.Over 40 percent of the poor people are children.By law,children less than 16 years old cannot work in any industries.A large nuber of poor people are old.any copanies do not hire people over 6ears old,the noral retireent age.
Soe poor adults do not look for jobs for a variety of personal reasons:they are sick,they do not have any otivation,they have faily probles,or they do not believe that they can find a job.
Other poor people look for a job but cannot find one.any poor adults never went to high school.Therefore,when they look for jobs,they have few skills that they can offer.
At the present tie,the governent thinks it can reduce poverty in the country in the following ways.
First,if the national econoy grows,businesses and industries hire ore workers.Soe of the poor who are qualified to look for jobs ay find eployent.Then they will no longer be below the poverty line.
Second,if society invests in the poor,the poor will becoe ore productive.If the governent spends oney on social progras,education,and training for poor people,the poor will have the skills to offer.Then it is ore likely that they can find jobs.
Finally,if the governent distributes society’s incoe differently,it raises soe poor people above the poverty line.The governent collects taxes fro the non-poor and gives oney to the poor.These payents to the poor are called welfare.In 1975 over 18 illion people in the United States received welfare.
Soe econoists are looking for better solutions to the poverty proble.However,at the present tie,any people depend on welfare for a inially acceptable standard of living.
41. The author’s ain purpose to write this article is________.
A.to define what the poverty line is
B.to explain why soe people live the poverty line
C.to find solutions to the proble of poverty
D.to show sypathy for those poor people
42.Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Ten percent of the Aericans live a poor life.
B.Poor people are those who live below the poverty line.
C.The poverty line rises as the general standard of living rises.
D.The poverty line tends to be at the sae level.
43.ore than 40 percent of the poor people are children.This is ainly because________.
A.they do not have enough otivation
B.they are so young that they don’t have the right to work
C.they fail to get enough education
D.they are very poor in health
44.ost of the Aerican poor people are not qualified for eployent because________.
A.they do not have any otivation to work
B.they are not very self-confident
C.they are too young or too old to work
D.they have physical and faily probles
45.We ay concluded fro the passage that________.
A.better solutions to the poverty proble are not yet found
B.welfare will enable the to be rich
C.poor people are sure to go out of the poverty line if they have chances to do business
D.eployent is the best solution to the poverty proble
1.C bid for投标,努力,争取;wish for渴望;long for渴望;stand for代表。句意为:干净的环境有助于这个城市申办(bid for)奥运会,反之奥运会也会促进这个城市的经济发展。
2.C exposure to暴露。contact with和……接触; experient on试验;exhibition of展览。根据句意应该是“长时间暴晒(exposure to)在太阳下可能会导致皮肤癌”。
3.A 考查代词。第一空表示“你上周刚买的手机”,是特指,故用the one;第二空指代“那一部”,和前中的obile phone是同一物,用it。
4.A propose提议,建议,后面的宾语从句应该用虚拟语气,句中谓语动词用“should+动词原形”,should可以省略。
5.D take in欺骗。take up占据,开始从事;take down记下,写下,拆除;take out带某人出去,切除。根据句意“愚人节那天,你应该小心不要被骗”,可知D项正确。
6.A 句意为:我并不相信鬼神。即使如此,我也不愿夜里一个人呆在那个房间里。even so即使如此,即使这样。even though/if即使,虽然;even as正当。
7.D 句意为:他总是乐于助人不求任何回报。in return “作为回报”符合句意。in need 需要;in fact 事实上;in danger 处于危险中,均与句意不符。
8.B coand后面的宾语从句以及表语从句应用虚拟语气,谓语动词为should+动词原形(should可省略)。
9.B 句意为:海峡隧道是人类所承建的最大工程之一。undertake 承担,从事,符合句意。afford 负担得起,买得起;experience 经历,体验;affect 影响,均与句意不符。
10.C 后句意为:我将请摄影师把那张照片放大。enlarge 放大,符合句意。iprove 增进;reduce 减少;appreciate 鉴赏,赏识,均不合题意。
11.A 此处unless “除非”引导条件状语从句,句意为:除非你努力学习,否则会失去上大学的机会。
12.C where引导地点状语从句,修饰谓语动词have been keeping。
13.B 句意为:我本想借给你一些钱,但我那时没有钱。前半部分应为与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。
14.A 句意为:她经历了很多事情,因此她确实知道如何对付这样的一个人。go through 经历,符合句意。get through 通过,完成;go by (时间)过去,消逝;go into 进入,均与句意不符。
15.B 句意为:在开工之前,我要建筑商给我估算一下房顶的维修费用。assessent (为征税对人的财产所做的)估价;estiate 估计,评估;assuption 假定,设想;evaluation 评估,评价。
16.The teacher was very angry with your absence.
17.Apart fro the ending,it’s a really good fil.
18.The governent should take easures to raise awareness about environent protection.
19.Perhaps this book will prove to be of soe use to you in your studies.
【语篇解读】 本是记叙。讲述的是马祖照先生的故事。抗日战争时期,年轻的马祖照在参加大学入学考试时,突患疟疾,监考老师给予他无微不至的照顾,并一直鼓励他完成考试。
21.A 据语意是参加考试。attend“参加某活动/考试”是及物动词。
22.B 最后一场考试是汉语言和学考试。session可以指会期、考期的“阶段,场次”,符合语境。
23.D 据后他生病,知道事情是“很不幸”;意义转折,故用unfortunately。
24.C 句意为:正当他在“写”(write)时,突然患疟疾发烧。
25.B 句意为:他出汗的同时也“打摆子”(trebling),并手指发黑。
26.C 根据语境,他在考试时生病,精神快要垮时,对他表示关心的声音应该是“温暖的”。故用war。
27.D 根据语境,监考老师关切地说:你好像病了,孩子。用it sees...符合语境。
28.B 句意为:如果你短期退烧,我将让你延长考试时间。tie liit 时间限制。
29.B 指老师关切地“走上前”(coe over)。
30.C 句意为:“只要”(so long as)你退了烧,就一定能坚持下去。
31.B 语气肯定,表示鼓励。故用surely。
32.A 根据语境:因受到“鼓励”(encouraged),马祖照的精神振奋起。
33.A 据情景,马祖照使自己的精神振奋起。故用raised,表示“使……被提升/振奋起”。
34.B 句意为:从“口袋”(pocket)拿出药片吞下去了。由语境,选pocket合适。
35.B 句意为:除了马祖照和监考老师大家都走了,即教室是空的,故用epty表“空的”。
36.C 句意为:老师“安慰”(cofort)他坚持写。
37.D 由语境,可分析前后有递进关系,即老师安慰他坚持写,“并且”(and)老师说会陪着他。
38.C 马祖照考完后表示感谢,向老师深深鞠躬,故用bow。
39.D 从上下考虑,监考老师赞扬他能经受艰难、困苦的考验。
40.B 马祖照入学以后,才逐渐“了解到”(know)那位监考老师是学院院长刘天宇,一位博学的教授。
41.C 意图推测题,主题句位于第一段(Econoists study the causes of poverty in order to find solutions to the proble.)。首先提出主题,然后围绕它作了阐述,介绍了美国贫穷人口的一些基本情况:贫困人口的特点,原因等,最后重点讲述了政府目前打算解决贫困问题的一些想法,最后又再次强调经济学家正在努力寻求更好的解决方案。所以C项正确。其他各项均不能概括全。
42.D 细节题。由第二段第一句As the general standard of living in the country rises,the poverty does,too,可知随着一个国家人民生活水平提高,贫困线的标准也正提高。
43.B 细节题。由第三段中的By law,children less than 16 years old can’t work in any Industries.可以看出儿童在贫困人口中占这么大的比例,是因为美国法律没有给他们工作的权利。
44.C 细节题。由第三段中的Over 40 percent of the poor people are children以及A large nuber of the poor people are old可知,美国相当一部分贫困人口没有工作是因为他们非小(不到法定工作年龄)即老(到了退休年龄)。
45.A 推断题。由最后一段可知:经济学家正在寻找更好的解决贫困问题的方案,但目前(还没找到),绝大部分贫困人口不得不依靠社会福利和低保维持生计。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 /gaoer/47705.html
