
山东省德州市某中学2015-2016学年高二1月月考 英语(B班)

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 高二 来源: 记忆方法网

高二上学期英语阶段测试3试题(B班)第一部分I.单项填空(共20小题,每题1分,共20分).1.Reading is______ good habit.Stick to it,and you'll make____ great progress. A.a;/ B. a;a C.the;a D./;a2. Why are you________ a T-shirt? You’ll probably catch a cold in this very cold weather. A. wearing B. recycling C. pulling D. selling 3. In the last ten months, September Miracle (奇迹) ______in CCTV for more than five times and is popular all over the country. A. performed B. has been performedC.performs D. has performed. 4. I got home for my birthday from my college on Friday evening. No one was at home, and Mom and Dad hadn’t left me a note. This made me _________. A. surprised B. happy C. angry D. excited 5. In France you _________ put bread on the table. You’re not supposed to put it on the plate. A. shouldn’t B. are supposed to C. would like to D. will 6. —______, please. Could you tell me which BRT I can take to get to Zaozhuang Raiway Station? —Take No. 15 bus and transfer (换乘) to No. B1 BRT. A. Excuse me B. Yes C. Sure D. Hello 7. By the time I locked the door, I realized I _______my keys at home. A. had repaired B. have forgotten C. had forgotten D. had left 8. —How are you going to be a basketball player? —I _____________every day. A. am going to practice basketball B. am going to study math C. am going to take acting lessons D. am going to study computer science 9. In the future I think cities will be crowded because there will be a lot _______ people. A. more B. fewer C. less D. many 10. —_______apples do we need to make fruit salad? —Let me think….We need three apples. A. How long B. How often C. How much D. How many 11. Most of my classmates prefer loud music _______ they can dance to.A. that B. who C. whose D. where.12. When _______ to make a speech, he said he would be glad to do so. A. inviting B. invited C. to invite D. invite13. The old pictures _________ memories of his childhood. A. called in B. called on C. called up D. called for 14.__________we’ll go fishing tomorrow depends on the weather. A. If  B.Whether C. That D. Why15. Even after a long time, they find _______ difficult to say simple things in Chinese. A. this B. that C. it D. these16. With a lot of work ________, he was too tired too move. A. done B. to be done C. to do D. to have done17. The officer _______ _______ the outcome of the election would be at the meeting. A. forecasted, that B. forecast, how C. forecast, why D. forecast, what18. Mother ______ my father to give up smoking and drinking , but she failed. A. managed B. persuaded C. advised D. enjoyed19..—Could you help me change the wheel,sir? — _______,madam,which one? A.With pleasure B.Sorry,I can't C.It's a pleasure D.Just a minute20---Look! It’s raining hard. We can’t go to the concert now. ----What a pity! How I wish the rain _______soon. A. will stop B. would stop C. stopped D. had stopped II. 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,撑握其大意,然后从21—40各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项There was once a lonely girl who longed so much for love . One day while she was walking in the woods she found two 21 songbirds . She took them and put them in a small 22 . She cared for them with love and the birds 23 strong . Every morning they greeted her with a wonderful 24 . The girl felt great love for the birds .One day the girl 25 the door to the cage open . The larger and stronger of the two birds tried to 26 the cage . The girl was 27 he would fly away . As he flew close , she grasped him 28 . Her heart felt glad at her success in 29 him . Suddenly she felt the bird 30 limp(软弱无力的). She opened her hand and stared 31 at the dead bird . Her desperate 32 had killed him .She noticed the other bird moving 33 on the edge of the cage . She could feel his great need for 34. He needed to soar(翱翔)into the clear , blue sky . She 35 him from the cage and tossed him softly in to the 36 .The girl watched delightedly at the bird’s 37 . Her heart was no longer 38 with her loss . She wanted the bird to be happy . 39 the bird flew closer and landed softly on her shoulder . It sang the sweetest melody(优美的旋律)that she had ever heard .The fastest way to 40 love is to hold on to it too tightly , while the best way to keep love is to give it wings !21. A. attractiveB. charmingC. heart-warmingD. starving22. A. cageB. houseC. roomD. place23. A. raisedB. advancedC. grewD. made24. A. wordB. songC. musicD. language25. A. desertedB. leftC. abandonedD. quit26. A. fly fromB. awake fromC. hit uponD. run into27. A. afraidB. terrified C. scaredD. happy28. A. angrilyB. firmlyC. wildlyD. gently29. A. reachingB. approachingC. capturingD. leaving30. A. startB. goC. makeD. take31. A. in horrorB. with joyC. in dangerD. at risk32. A. admirationB. sympathyC. possessionD. love33. A. back to backB. up and down C. left to rightD. back and forth34. A. rightB. freedomC. foodD. love35. A. liftedB. carriedC. stoppedD. left36. A. skyB. cageC. airD. house37. A. lifeB. escapeC. enjoymentD. victory38. A. worriedB. happyC. excitedD. concerned39. A. LuckilyB. SuddenlyC. UnfortunatelyD. Expectedly 40. A. loseB. keepC. getD. forget III 阅读理解。(共25小题,每题2分,共50分)。AOnce there lived an old man.He liked gold better than anything else in theworld.Heoften said,“If I have enough gold,I will be the happiest man in the world.” One day when he was traveling in the desert(沙漠),the old man lost his way.He was very hungry and thirsty,but there were only rocks and sand around him.Just then,he found a bag lying on the sand.He hoped he would find water and food in it.He took up the bag and opened it.He saw that the bag was full of gold.He was so sad that he threw away the bag and began crying. Now the old man knew that there was something better than gold in the world. 41.The old man liked best before he traveled in the desert. A.food B.bags C.books D.gold 42.When he lost his way,he wanted to get . A.some food and water B.some rocks and sand C.bags full of gold D.a map 43.What did he do with the bag? . A.He didn't take it up B.He brought it home C.He threw it away D.He cried 44.The old man didn't become the happiest man when he got the bag of gold because . A.the bag was too small B.the gold wasn't his C.he was very cold D.he had nothing to eat. 45.In the end,the old man knew that gold was in the world. A.the best thing B.not the best thing C.the best important D.better than anythingBThere are popular programmes about the work of the police on TV. People like them because they are interesting and useful. In London there is a TV programme called “Police Five”. It takes five minutes a week. A TV reporter talks about crimes(犯罪) in London. He asks people for help, because the police station needs their help. The TV reporter shows picture of lost painting, lost cars and other lost things during the week. Sometimes he shows the picture of the car that the thieves(贼) drove away. When people see the picture of such things on TV, they may remember something so that the山东省德州市某中学2015-2016学年高二1月月考 英语(B班)
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