

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 高二 来源: 记忆方法网

东莞市2015-2016学年度第一学期高二英语期末考试答案I 听力(1-5题,每题2分;6-10题,每题1分。) 1-5 BCBCA6. many times 7. $30 dollars 8. suddenly 9. Wednesday 10. damage(每题1分;第6、7题每词0.5分,其中times, dollars不加-s不给分;第9题首字母不大写计0.5分。)II. 语言知识及应用第一节 完形填空11-15 BADCC 16-20 ADCBA 21-25 BCBAD第二节语法填空 26. enjoyable 27. on 28. What 29. Feeling 30. Treated 31. it 32. was built 33. Where/in which 34. have attended 35. steadily 36.unless 37. had arrived 38. surroundings 39. to 40. washed(每题1分;第28、29题,无大写不给分; 第38题surroundings不加-s不给分。)III. 阅读第一节阅读理解第节IV 写作(共两节,满分40分)句子考查(共6小题,66~68 每小题2分,69~71 每小题3分)—68 每空0.5分。69 写到It was给1分;写到It was …that…给2分;写到It was yesterday that…给2.5分。70 写出the environment作主语给1分;写出will be improved给1.5分;写出by our further efforts给0.5分。71. 写出Tony lives in the room给1分;写出faces south给0.5分;写出(,) whose window, (,) the window of which, (,) of which the window给1.5分。第二节 读写任务(25分)概括部分应包括以下两个要点(5分):1、一位学生被教授叫去打水,却发现水被搅浑了。2、耐心等待之后,学生获得了清澈干净的水。One possible version:A student was asked by his professor to get some water but found it was muddied. By waiting peacefully, he then found the mud settle down and got clear water. After reading the story, I have a better understanding of the importance of keeping a peaceful mind in time of trouble. My own experience is a convincing example. Once I came across a very difficult question in an exam. Hard as I thought, I still couldn’t work it out. With only 10 minutes left, I was at a loss what to do. It struck me that I must have a peaceful mind. So I took a deep breath and calmed down. Unexpectedly, I made it. But how can we keep a peaceful mind? Firstly, we should adopt a positive attitude. Then, why not take difficulties as a challenge? Most importantly, we should enjoy the process of getting out of trouble. 附:听力录音材料1-2: 125 wordsMan: I am sorry, but I cannot stay for the rest of class today. Woman: Why do you need to leave early? Man: I don’t feel so good. Woman: What’s the matter with you?Man: Well, I feel there is something wrong with my stomach. It hurts. Woman: Perhaps you should get checked out at the Student Health Center before you go home. Man: I have some medicine at home that I could take. Woman: Are you going to be OK to drive home, or would you like someone to go with you? Man: Thank you, but my friend is in the library, and he can give me a ride home. Woman: I hope that you will be better soon. E-mail me if you have any questions.3-5: 188 wordsWoman: Good afternoon, can I help you?Man: Hi, I’d like to order some flowers.Woman: Who are they for?Man: They are for my wife. Her name is Jessica.Woman: OK. I see, but what kind of flowers would you like?Man: I don’t know. I don’t know too much about flowers. Can you recommend something?Woman: OK. What’s the reason you are sending her flowers?Man: Today is her birthday and she told me she wants me to buy her flowers.Woman: Do you know what kind of flowers she likes?Man: I’m not sure. I think I should know that, but I can’t remember right now.Woman: Well, they are for your wife, so I think you should give her roses.Man: Roses will be fine.Woman: And what color would you like?Man: My wife likes many colors, including red, pink and green. I think red would be better.Woman: Do you want to pick them up or should we deliver them?Man: Can you deliver them please?Woman: What’s the address?Man: The address is 240 Main street.Woman: 240 Main street. I will send the flowers as soon as possible. Thank you.6-10: 267 wordsColleen was in a hurry, which made her driving even more careless than usual. Her boyfriend Simon had already blamed her many times for failing to stop completely at stop signs. “If the police catch you sliding through a stop sign like that,” he said, pointing one of his fingers at her, “they'll give you a ticket for running a stop sign. That’s an illegal moving. That means at least a $100 ticket, plus eight hours of driving school for another $30.” “I know, I know,” she replied. “But I never do it when they’re around, so how can they catch me?” Simon was about to tell her that police have a habit of suddenly appearing out of nowhere, but Colleen told him to think positively. “You are bad luck,” she said. “When you talk like that, you make bad things happen.” He told her that life doesn’t work that way. Colleen was in a hurry because she needed to drop off a package at the post office. It had to get to New York by Wednesday. She exited the freeway and pulled up at the stop sign. One car was in front of her. Colleen looked to the right and to the left. No cars were coming. It was safe to pull out. She stepped on the gas. Bang! The car in front of her was still sitting there. The driver was a young woman, who got out of her car, walked back to look at the damage to her new car, and started yelling at Colleen. “What were you waiting for?” Colleen demanded. 每天发布最有价值的高考资源 每天发布最有价值的高考资源 1 16 每天发布最有价值的高考资源广东省东莞市2015-2016学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题(扫描版,WORD答案)
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 /gaoer/279007.html
