

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 高二 来源: 记忆方法网

本试卷分第I 卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分总分150时间120第I卷 选择题部分(共115分))第一部分听力题目在答题卡后面(共两节,满分30分)第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。She is organized, friendly to people, hardworking and clever. ____, I can’t speak too highly of her.In other words B. In a word C. As a result D. In addition22. —Why was the secret meeting held?—____.A. Set the castle on fire B. To set the castle on fire C. Setting fire to the castle D. For setting fire to the castle23. — Mr. President , do you plan to educate your two daughters to be officials?— To tell you the truth , I hope they can do whatever ________ their interests.A. fits B. matches C. suits D. needs 24. If his spare time was ______aside for relaxation, the old man was _____to have a healthy life.? A. set; bound B. to set; bound C. to be set; bounds D. setting; bounded25. You' d better resign yourself .A. to wait B. wait C. to waiting D. waiting26. ______, 3 000 000 yuan ought to have been paid to the workers by months , but in fact , they usually get nothing home at the end of the year . A. All in all B. all the best C. In many ways? D. In all 27. He bought a book with the ______. A. remaining 50 dollars B. remained 50 dollars C. remain 50 dollars D. 50 remained dollars28. ____ about what he had done, the shy boy ran away as fast as possible.A. Having embarrassedB. Embarrassing C. To embarrass D. Embarrassed 29. Someone _____ you ______ just now to say the meeting had been ____till next month.? A. rang; up; put off B. picked; up; called off? C. called; up; called off D. put; up; put off30. Are you going to the meeting ______ in June?A. hold B. to be held C. to hold D. to have been held31. The system has been designed to give students quick and easy ____ to the digital resources of the library.A. access B. method C. way D. approach32. She had a computer at home, and her parents desired that she _____ all her work at home.A. doB. does C. did D. would do33. Jack’s business is not as good as before, so he had to _______ the expense of his company.A. cut off B. cut down C. cut in D. cut into34.Little Tom should love     to the theater this evening.A. to be taken  B. to take ?C.being taken D.taking35.The economic impact study was _______ by a group of specially selected MBA students at the University of Kansas.A. resigned B. envied C. conducted D. scanned 第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Roger Crawford had everything he needed to play tennis —except two hands and a leg. He had no fingers. He also only had three toes (脚趾) on his right foot and his left leg was 36 .Roger suffered from a disease, a 37 problem affecting only one in 90,000 children born in the USA. The doctor 38 that he would never be able to walk or care for himself. 39 , Roger’s parents didn’t believe the doctor." My parents always taught me to be 40 ,"said Roger. "They never allowed me to feel 41 for myself because of my disability. 42 I got into trouble because my school papers were always 43 ,"explained Roger, who had to 44 his pencil with both "hands" to write slowly. "I asked Dad to write a(n) 45 to my teachers, asking for a two-day extension (延长). 46 , Dad made me start writing my paper two days early! "Roger’s father always encouraged him to get 47 in sports after school. At age 12, Roger 48 to win a place on the school tennis team and he did quite well. Although not every difficulty gave 49 to Roger’s determination, he never gave up and 50 became the greatest physically handicapped tennis player in the USA."The only 51 between you and me is that you can see my disabilities, but I can’t see yours. We all have 52 . When people ask me how I’ve been 53 to overcome my physical disabilities, I tell them that I haven’t 54 anything. I’ve simply learned what I can’t do, and, 55 , I’ve learned what I can do. Then I do what I can with all my heart and soul," said Roger.36. A. injured37. A. common38. A. predicted39. A. Probably40. A. independent41. A. calm42. A. Seldom43. A. interesting44. A. hold45. A. notice46. A. Thus47. A. involved48. A. attempted49. A. chance50. A. firstly51. A. similarity52. A. this53. A. prepared54. A. experienced55. A. in a wordB. damagedB. rareB. convincedB. PatientlyB. intelligentB. satisfiedB. OnceB. boringB. connectB. signB. EvenB. connectedB. decidedB. wayB. formallyB. differenceB. themB. willingB. settledB. all in allC. removedC. hardC. expressedC. NormallyC. famousC. sorryC. RarelyC. lateC. coverC. articleC. MeanwhileC. relatedC. succeededC. senseC. finallyC. distanceC. suchC. ableC. achievedC. after allD. ImpairedD. SeriousD. RecognizedD. Fortunately D. BeneficialD. AnnoyedD. NeverD. EarlyD. replaceD. note D. Instead D. addicted D. managedD. possibility D. lastlyD. connectionD. it D. determinedD. overcomeD. above all 第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ADr. Hugh Hawkins was 25 when he became disabled. He had almost finished medical school. His future held endless possibilities. He thought about becoming a doctor, riding a bicycle around the country and traveling. He had gone back to Williams College to see old friends. He was playing rugby (橄榄球). He reached for the ball. There was pileup (连环相撞). Hawkins suffered a broken neck and was left unable to feel below the arms. "I have a pretty classic injury, " Hawkins said. "I have a little feeling in my thumb. I can use some of my muscles. But below my armpits I really don’t have any feeling. "For a suddenly disabled person, recovering is a process that takes years. "You have to adapt to change, " Hawkins said. "I wouldn’t say I did it any better than anyone else. I was fortunate to have the support system, and that was actually people who loved me. "During the first several weeks, Hawkins made a very important decision. "Once he made up his mind that he wasn’t going to give up, then we rode our own roller coaster (过山车) , "said his wife, Poppy Hawkins. "I think for any- body with a serious injury, there is a period when he can’t help but think of giving up. But in our case the thought of giving up came very early but never entered back into the picture again. ""The important thing is to have something in your life from day to day that you want to hold onto. It can be any-thing. "Poppy Hawkins said. 56. According to the passage, Hawkins ______. A. had finished medical school when he became disabledB. thought about becoming a doctor after he became disabledC. became disabled when playing rugby with his friendsD. could not move any of his fingers after he became disabled57. Hawkins’______ didn’t have any feeling after the injury. A. fingers B. legs C. arms D. shoulders 58. Who helped Hawkins adapt to change?A. His family doctor. B. His wife and children. C. His old friends. D. Those who loved him. 59. What does the underlined part "we rode our own roller coaster"(in Paragraph Four) mean?A. Hawkins often rode roller coaster after he became disabled. B. Hawkins and his wife had their own way of facing the disaster. C. The thought of giving up never occurred to Hawkins and his wife. D. Hawkins and his wife thought of a unique way to treat his injury. 60. What’s the most i江西省广丰县私立康桥中学2015-2016学年高二下学期第一次月考英语试题(无答案)
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