
山东省烟台市2015-2016学年高二上学期期末考试 英语试题 扫描版

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 高二 来源: 记忆方法网

高二英语期末自主练习 1—5 ABCAD 6—10 CCAAB 11—15 BBBDA完形填空:16—20 DBADC 21—25 CBABD 26—30 BACDB 31—35 ACDBA阅读理解:36—40 CDADB 41—45 ABBCD 46—50 CBACD 51—55 BADCD 56—60 DACCB单词拼写:61. modest 62. hesitate 63. apology 64. burden 65. breathe阅读表达:66. Strategies to make friends/ long-time friends. / How to make more friends.67. Because they can inspire us to succeed/be successful.68. We may miss out on other people’s useful experience, skills and wisdom. 69. accept / follow / adopt /listen to/ take in / be open to 70. A person who always meets new friends and connects people together.71. ① dependable ② honest ③ open-minded 72. They will like me more, stay friends with me longer and seek to understand and get close to me.写作(One possible version):Dear Peter,With regard to your enquiry, I’d like to share my idea of music with you.There are different styles of music. For me, I often listen to classical music. A Beethoven symphony may bring me peace in mind and give me a chance to relax when I am in an upset mood. I’m also fond of pop music, just as most teenagers do. It brings me not only excitement but motivation in life, and popular singers are usually idols for us.I usually carry an MP3 player to enjoy music downloaded from the Internet, which is a convenient way to access music almost everywhere. When I become crazy about one singer, I also purchase his/her albums. It’s no doubt that Music benefits people both intelligently and emotionally. Listening to music helps reduce stress and keep one high in spirit. I believe a world without music would be boring and colorless.What’s your opinion about music? Looking forward to your early reply.山东省烟台市2015-2016学年高二上学期期末考试 英语试题 扫描版含答案
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