

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 高二 来源: 记忆方法网

绵阳中学2015级高二第三次月考英语试题本试卷分为试题卷和答题卡两部分,其中试题卷由第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷组成。满分10分,考试时间100分钟。第Ⅰ卷分第一部分:英语知识运用 (共两节;满分35分)第一节: 单项填空 (共15小题; 每小题1分, 满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1.—Hot news! Obama has won the presidential election again.—______ I’m not American.A. So what?B. How come? C. So much! D. How nice!2. There was little chance of surviving in the storm, but I ______ somehow.A. attemptedB. failed C. managed D. retired3. The 2004 Paralympics in Athens were ______ great success for China, which was the leader in ______ total of medals.A. the; aB. a; 不填C. the; 不填D. a; the4. Americans fill up their cars with gas ______ petrol.A. without B. instead of C.except D. next to5. The product in this shop is less expensive, but there is no ______ of quality.A. guaranteeB. symbol C. matter D. need6. Mo Yan’s Nobel Prize is likely to make the world go ______ about Chinese literature.A. nervousB. serious C. formal D. wild【答案】D7. Tim’s brown hair, dark glasses and the manner of walking alarmed the guards. That’s why he ______ closely.A. has watchedB. was watched C. had watched D. was watching8. Customers’ demands plus his personal interest ______ the idea of his new design.A. carried outB. pointed out C. made up D. filled up9. There’s nothing new about his bad memory. So I wasn’t surprised ______ I heard he’d left his bag on the bus.A. that B.when C. until D. if10. Mum hates ______ when anyone knocks her up during the lunch break.A. it B. him C. that D. them11. “Our brand is selling just like hot cakes,” said the director with a ______ expression on his face.A. satisfyingB. satisfactionC. satisfiedD. satisfactory12. ______ it or not, I’ve got to complain something about this decision.A. To like B. Liking C. LikedD. Like考点:考查13. I’m sorry I didn’t see you when you entered — I ______ my homework.A. am checkingB. was checking C. has checked D. checked 14. ______ others think of you, you need to have a clear idea of yourself.A. WhateverB. HoweverC. WheneverD. Wherever15. Many graduates wish to find a career _____ they can use what they have studied, but often no such luck.A. which B. whatC. whenD. where第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的四个选项A、B、C、D中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。After getting married I moved to a flat. I felt pretty comfortable living there 16 something strange happened. I had a doll on the windowsill (窗台) facing the living room. One day, I came back home from work and found it was facing the window 17 . I thought it was my husband who played a 18 on me, but he did not admit. I 19 the doll to face the living room again.The next day, the 20 thing happened. But this time, my husband was so 21 that I believed he had not done that. There was no 22 of anyone breaking into the house while we were away. And there was no reason to 23 that someone stole into the house just to turn the doll and left. What happened not only 24 us but also frightened us.The doll kept turning every day 25 Saturdays and Sundays when I was at home. I began to wonder if there was a ghost.Then 26 a school holiday, and I didn’t go to work. While exercising in the living room, I 27 the doll was turning by itself! It was very frightening but I 28 knew why it was turning. There was a construction site right next to the building where I 29 . The construction was at the stage of pile driving (打桩) and our building shook 30 with each pounding (重击). 31 I lived on the top floor, the shaking was quite strong. 32 , the doll moved little by little with the shaking. This also 33 why the doll never turned on Saturdays and Sundays, 34 there was no construction work at weekends. If I had not been home on a weekday, I would never have 35 the truth.【小题1】A. after B. as C. once D. until【小题2】A. already B. indeed C. instead D. though【小题3】A. trick B. part C. dangerD. role【小题4】A. changed B. forced C. pushed D. turned【小题5】A. other B. same C. wholeD. opposite【小题6】A. serious B. curious C. anxiousD. nervous【小题7】A. chance B. need C. signD. way【小题8】A. admit B. think C. expect D. worry【小题9】A. confused B. excited C. warnedD. interested【小题10】A. including B. besides C. withoutD. except【小题11】A. appeared B. came C. existedD. passed【小题12】A. decided B. remembered C. noticedD. hoped【小题13】A. immediately B. particularlyC. originallyD. secretly【小题14】A. worked B. exercised C. movedD. lived【小题15】A. quickly B. strongly C. slowlyD. slightly【小题16】A. When B. Since C. Though D. Unless【小题17】A. By chance B. Above all C. As a resultD. In the end【小题18】A. explained B. discussed C. described D. suggested【小题19】A. or B. if C. for D. so【小题20】A. looked intoB. found outC. picked up D. searched for【答案】【小题1】【小题2】【小题3】【小题4】【小题5】【小题6】【小题7】【小题8】【小题9】【小题10】【小题11】【小题12】【小题13】【小题14】【小题15】【小题16】【小题17】【小题18】【小题19】【小题20】【解析】试题分析:…以外”,通常不包括在内,而besides/in addition to 等等都指的是“除了…还有…”。【小题11】【小题12】【小题13】A. immediately 表示“立刻,马上”; B. particularly表示“特别地,尤其地” 第二部分:阅读理解第一节:(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。AFor many people, the name Baskin-Robbins is connected to sweet memories of eating ice cream. Irvine Robbins, who helped create this famous company, died in May at the age of ninety. His career of making fun and exciting ice cream flavors (口味) changed the way Americans enjoy this food. Irvine Robbins opened his first ice cream store in 1945 in California. At the time, there were no stores that sold only ice cream. His sister’s husband, Burton Baskin, also opened his own ice cream stores. In 1948 they combined their six stores into one business. Baskin and Robbins realized that they were too busy to operate each store well. So, they decided to sell part of each operation to the manager of that store. This permitted the company to grow quickly.By 1953, they renamed their company Baskin-Robbins. They advertised that they sold 31 kinds of ice cream to show the many choices buyers had. There was one flavor for every day of the month.Robbins and Baskin sold “Lunar Cheesecake (月亮奶酪)” the day after astronauts landed on the moon in 1969. Other flavors included “ChaChaCha”, for cherry chocolate chip, and Robbins’ personal favorite “Jamoca Almond Fudge”. They said, “We sell fun, not just ice cream.”By 1967, there were 500 Baskin-Robbins stores in the United States. The business partners sold their company that year. Today, there are more than 5,800 Baskin-Robbins stores around the world.【小题1】It can most deeply remain in Americans’ good memories that Baskin-Robbins ___.A. launched joyful varieties of ice creamB. purchased much more than ice creamC. combined many stores into a companyD. advertised their varieties of ice cream【小题2】Which is the correct order of the events?a. Lunar Cheesecake went on the marketb. The company got its new name Baskin-Robbinsc. Baskin-Robbins sold its companyd. Six ice cream stores belonged toget四川省绵阳中学2015-2016学年高二上第三次月考试题(英语)
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