

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 高二 来源: 记忆方法网

新洲一中2015届高二(下)英语三月月考英语试题考试时间:3月14日 15:00—17:00 命题人:曹旺明 审题人:郑小兵卷I(选择题)I. 听力测试 (30分)第一节(共5小题:每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)1. How does the woman feel that John lost all the tests?A. Surprised.B. Disappointed.D. Understandable.2. What happened in Anna’s wedding?A. The bridegroom didn’t show up. B. The bridegroom drunk too muchC. Anna’s ex-boyfriend stopped the ceremony.3. What does the man mean?A. Lying on the grass land is really relaxing.B. Spring will come sooner or later. C. Having a holiday in the European cities is good enough. 4. What are the speakers going to do tonight?A. Watch a movie at home.B. Read Breaking Down.C. Go to the theater. 5. How long has the man stayed in Disneyland?A. A few days.B. A week.C. A day.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)6. What does Jeff think of the internet? A. It’s too hard to manage.B. It’s the important thing in life.C. It’s very convenient for work..7. What does the woman think about Jeff?A. He uses computer too much.B. He is really good at computer. C. He could liver better without computer.8. What can we know about the painting they are talking about?A. It’s complicated and vivid. B. It’s the work of Qi Baishi. C. It’s famous all over the world. 9. Where does this conversation probably take place? A. In a museum.B. In an exhibition.C. In a studio. 10. What do the speakers think about the weather of this year?A. Rather cold.B. Awful hot.C. Very abnormal. 11. What are bad things happened in recent years?A. Natural disasters and new diseases.B. Greenhouse climate and new diseases.C. Natural disasters and greenhouse climate. 12. What does the Mayan elder say about Dec. 21, 2012?A. It’s a warning to the human being.B. It’s the start of new cycle. C. It’s a wake-up call for everyone. 13. What’s the man doing?A. Renting a car.B. Buying a car.C. Advertising a car. 14. Who is the man visiting here?A. His penfriend.B. His friendC. His girlfriend.15. Why does the man choose a Porsche finally?A. It’s has a good stereo.B.It’s fantastic and comfortable. C. It’s in a very good price. 16. What does the man want to buy in the end?A. Insurance.B. Spare tyre.C. Another car. 17. How many views does Gangnam Style have on YouTube till Saturday?A. Over 800 million.B. About a billion.C. Around 2.2 billion. 18. What does the YouTube blog think about the dance of Gangnam Style?A. Popular.B. Great. C. Serious. 19. What school did PSY’s parents send him to?A. A music school.B. A law school.C. A business school. 20. What can we learn about PSY? A. A rap singer known for his classical dance style.B. A graduate from a famous university in South Korea. C. A well-known rap star across the world. II. 多项选择。(共20分;每小题1分)21. The words and deeds about Second World War from the Japanese leaders have seriously ___ Chinese-Japanese relationship and the belief of each other, which tenses the whole Asia. A. impairedB. conductedC. annoyedD. divorced 22. As a survey shows, the living situations of the people in some rural areas, who once cast off poverty, begin to____ because of the hospital treatment expenses for serious diseases. A. abolishB. adoptC. sufferD. pause23. It is because of the _____ of courage and ambition rather than money or support that the Chinese football team was defeated by the Iraq, a third-rate team. A. desireB. absenceC. presence D. awareness24. About 30 people were reported to have been killed in the terrorist attack that happened in Yunnan Province; ____, more than 130 people were injured in the event in total. A. all in allB. in allC. in other wordsD. in addition 25. ______, people tend to think what famous people say and do are always perfect, but in fact, that proves to be absurd and ridiculous. A. PsychologicallyB. PhysicallyC. beneficiallyD. eventually26. Premier Li Ke-qiang stressed at the People’s Congress that the new reforms should____ the new situations, or they will drag down China’s economy and society development. A. meet withB. adapt toC. adjust to D. help out 27. He is___ for knowledge and scholarship while his two brothers are hungry for power and fame.A. ambitiousB. awesomeC. awfulD. elegant28. With the situation in Ukraine changing rapidly, there is_____ to be conflicts between Russia and some of the western countries, which was often the case in history. A. handyB. accessibleC. awareD. bound 29. English teachers often______whether the students have memorized and understood the new words and expressions by taking a dictation. A. help outB. cut outC. test outD. leave out30. The Chinese government strongly _____ that the Japanese leaders do good to the relationship of the two countries and cautiously treat the history on the World War II. A. declaredB. urgedC. statedD. concluded31. Well_____ as some of the students are that knowledge is to a person what water is to fish, they still abandon themselves to pleasure, doing nothing at school. A. awareB. adequateC. ambitiousD. pure32. James____escaped from being eaten up by the shark, but it was Old Tom, one of the killer whales, that stopped it happening.A. fortunatelyB. rapidlyC. narrowly D. eventually33. Her divorce from her second husband has turned all her world_____, which makes herself and her family quite uncomfortable. A. up and downB. little by littleC. inside outD. upside down34. Sometimes, that you ______ something you can’t achieve doesn’t mean fleeing responsibility or your being weak, but on the contrary, you may gain more in other aspects. A. conductB. abandonC. resignD. desire35. May I ask you a(n)____ whether you will accompany my old father while I am away?A. favourB. approvalC. assessmentD. sympathy 36. Immediately the news came to China that the flight from Malaysia to Beijing might crash, all the relevant departments of China began to____ all kinds of emergency response plans. A. pauseB. approveC. assessD. conduct37. People begin to worry that once the policy that a couple can give birth to two children is carried out, it will _____ a rapid rise of population.A. set outB. set offC. set aside D. set about38. When he heard that his child was on the flight to Beijing that had been out of touch for 18 hours, he began to feel_____. A. amazedB. amusedC. alarmedD. disappointed39. It is common sense that a new reform always ____ disadvantages; that housing development comes with high house price is an example. A. accommodatesB. accompaniesC. migrates D. reflects40. At the People’s Congress(人代会) the representatives drew a conclusion that all the policies and laws that can’t be______ for the present situation must be abolished. A. adequateB. boundC. elegantD. firmIII. 完形填空(共30分) A When I was a child, our dining room had two kinds of chairs—two large ones with arm rests and four small ones without. The larger ones 41 at the ends of the table. The smaller ones on the sides. Mom and Dad sat in the bigger chairs, except when one of us was away; then Mom 42 sit in one of the smaller chairs. Dad always sat at the end, at the “head” of the table. Sitting where he did, Dad was framed(框架) by the window through which the yard could be seen with its trees and grass. It was the 43 and protected place that was his, and ours 44 him.After Dad retired(退休), he and Mom moved out into a small flat. When they came to visit me at their old house, Dad still sat at the end of the table though the table was no longer his but mine. Only with my marriage to Barbara, did I hear a 45 questioning the arrangement. She requested, g湖北省武汉市新洲一中2013-2014学年高二下学期3月月考英语试题
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