

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 高二 来源: 记忆方法网

常德朗州高级中2013-2014学高二上学期期中考试高二英语试题时量 120分钟 总分150分PART ONE : LISTENING COMPREHENSION(30分)SECTION A (22.5marks)Directions: In this section you’ll hear 6 conversations between 2 speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by 3 choices. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions .You will hear each conversation TWICE.Conversation 11. 1 Who is John speaking to? A His teacher.B His mother C His aunt2 What did John break?A window B A goldfish bowl C A cupConversation 23 What will Sam do next?A Feed the monkeys. B Go to the petting zoo with the girl.C Play with Bambi 4 When will the speakers come back to see the monkeys?A In three hours B At three o’clockC In a month Conversation 35 What are the two speakers talking about?A The man’s hobby. B Their friend C What gift the woman should give to her friend.6 How many sets of stamps about China does the woman’s friend have?A 40B 44 C14Conversation 47 Where will the woman go on Saturday evening?A To a wedding party.B To a theater C To the man’s house8 When is the man’s birthday?A Tomorrow B This Saturday C Next Friday9 What can we learn about the woman?A She is good at ballet(芭蕾舞).B She will go to the man’s birthday party.C She doesn’t like barbecue. .Conversation 510 Where does the conversation most probably take place?A At the man’s homeB In a restaurant C At school11 Which is NOT true about the man’s Chinese teacher?A He likes her lesson B She is a young teacher C Her class is very boring.12 Which of the following statements is NOT the reason why the man likes his oral English teacher?A He is humorous. B He speaks English very clearlyC He always tells students not just to study for exams.Conversation 613 Who is the woman probably?A .A bookstore keeper B An information clerk C A customer14 What can we learn about the tennis shop?A It is downstairs.B It’s beside a bookstoreC.It’s near an elevator(电梯)15 What will the woman do in the end?A Give the man a map for free.B Show the man around.C Sell the man a map..SECTION B(7.5marks)Directions: In this section, you’ll hear a mini-talk. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have got .Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS, You will hear the mini-talk TWICE.In the 13th centuryIn China Marco Polo 16 a long way to ChinaUntil the 15th centuryIn 17 countriesPeople did not use paper moneyIn the 7th centuryIn China People began to use paper money 18 Years agoIn China Cai Lun invented paper.NowIn China Paper still 19 treesPeople throw away about 2,800 tons of paper only in 20 every day.PART TWO : LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE (45marks)SECTION A (15 marks)(Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are 4 choices marked A,B,C and D, Choose one answer that best complete the Sentence)She is ____ 18-year-old girl.A. /B. aC. an D. the22. ------ Where is Miss Wang? ------ She ____ to the post office.A. has beenB. has goneC. had beenD. went23. I think ____ necessary to invite him to give us a speech.A thatB. it C. thisD one24. The way ______ he explained to us is very simple.A. thatB. whichC. in thatD.what25. Tom dislikes eating vegetables, ______?A. does he B. do heC. doesn’t heD. don’t he26. The ground is wet. It ________ last night.A must rainB must have rainedC. can have rainedD. can’t have rained27. _______ more time, the work would have been finished on time.A. GivenB. To giveC. GivingD. Having given28. It’s cloudy outside. Please take a raincoat _______.A. in returnB. in detailC. in particularD. in case29. Since they speak different languages, it is really hard for them to ____ with each other.A. understandB. expressC. communicateD. go30. Can you _____ me a job when I get there? You know, I have to work in order to pay for my schooling.A. applyB. arrangeC. provide D. guarantee31. At school, some students are active _____ some are shy, yet they can be good friends with one another.A. whileB. although C. so D. as32. ______ in the fields on a March afternoon, he could feel the warmth of springA. To walkB. WalkingC. WalkedD. Having walked33. Bill suggested ______ a meeting on what to do for the project.A having held B. to holdC holdingD. hold34. We’ve offered her the job, but I don’t know ____ she’ll accept it.A. where B. whatC. whether D. which35. Maria has written two novels, both of _____ have been made into television series.A. themB. thatC. which D. what SECTION B (18 marks)Directions :For each blank in the following passage there are four words or Phrases marked A,B,C and D ,Fill in each blank with a word or phrase , that best fits the context.A boy was sent to a new school because his family move. Before being sent away this boy was the 36 student in his class, who was at the top in every examination.But the boy changed after 37 the new school. His grades started 38 and he hated being in a group. He was 39 all the time and there were 40 dark times when he even wanted to drop out of the school. His head teacher informed (通知)the boy’s father of what had happened. 41 about the boy and not knowing what was wrong with him, the boy’s father decided to travel to the school and 42 with him. The father started asking him simple questions. After some time his dad said, “Do you know son, why I am here today?” The boy answered back, “To check my 43 ?”“No, no. I don’t care about grades but your feeling and your happiness.” his dad replied. “You are my 44 . You don’t know how important you are to me.” 45 to tears, the boy hugged his father and they didn’t say anything to each other for a long time. Now the boy knew there was someone on the earth who 46 him deeply.Too often we don’t 47 the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the power to turn a life around.36. A. tallestB. smartestC. strongestD. worst37.A. knowingB. visitingC. attendingD. leaving 38.A. increasingB. reducingC. risingD. dropping39.A. scaredB. lonelyC. carefulD. confident40.A. speciallyB. especiallyC. possiblyD. simply41.A. HearingB. LearningC. WorryingD. Asking42.A. agreeB. argueC. liveD. talk43.A. gradesB. homeworkC. knowledgeD. tests 44.A. interestB. failureC. successD. life45.A. MovedB. PublishedC. SurprisedD. Frightened46.A. impressedB. lovedC. influencedD. respected47.A. expectB. enjoy C. realizeD. remember SECTION C (12 marks)Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context. Xiao Yueyue was a 2-year-old girl. 48 she was walking near a market of Foshan city, Guangdong, a truck knocked her over. Several minutes later, a second truck ran over her body. 49 of the drivers stopped.During the time 50 passed between the first and second truck, eighteen people passed by. 51 none of them stopped to help the little girl. At last, a rubbish collector named Chen Xiaomei took the girl’s body 52 the side of the road and called her parents.Later, Xiao Yueyue was sent to the hospital. But it was too late. 53 October 21,2011, Xiao Yueyue died in the hospital.The tragedy (悲剧)has told us that we 54 be friendly and help the people who are 55 tro湖南省常德朗州高级中2013-2014学高二上学期期中考试英语试题
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