The cleverest defenders of a faith are its greatest enemies; for their subtleties engender doubt and stimulate the mind. 对于一种信仰,最拥护它的也是它最大的敌人,因为细微的差别都引起其关注和思考。
也是因为这样,(I think,therefore I am)他失去了原有的信仰,原为犹太教会最喜欢的学生斯宾诺莎后被开除教籍。
Spinosa sufferred from the loss of his old faith; to so uproot the contents of one's mind is a major operation, and leaves many wounds. 根除思想的内核是一项大手术,会使人伤痕累累。
Only knowledge, then, is power and freedom; and the only permanent happiness is the pursiuit of knowledge and the joy of understanding. (只有还是能带来力量和自由,唯一的永恒快乐就是追逐知识和理解的愉悦。)
就来看看这位理性主义是怎样的好玩吧。 “By virtue and power I mean the same thing; the more a man can preserve his being and seek what is useful to him, the greater is his virtue.” 他认为德行是行动的力量。 He thinks that egoism is a necessary corollary of the supreme instinct of self-preservation. No one ever neglect anything which he judges to be good, except with the hope of gaining a gretaer good.人们不会忽略自己认为好的,除非想得到更好的。
Passion without reason is blind, reason without passion is dead. (没有理性的激情是盲目的,没有激情的理性是死寂的。) 思想不应缺乏欲望之火,而欲望而不应丧失思想的光辉。
Freedom is not from casual law or process, but from partial passion or impulse; and freedomis not from passion, but from uncoordinated and uncompleted passion. (自由并不是摆脱常规的规律或过程,而是摆脱了部分的激情;自由也不是摆脱激情,而是摆脱了未经调节和不顾大局的激情。) 所以说,自由,往往不在枷锁之中。
All education presupposes determinism, and pours into the open mind of youth a store of prohibitions which are exoected to participate in determining conduct. 所有教育的目的都是决定主义的,对年轻的思想灌输一套禁忌,期望这些禁忌能够参与他们行为的决策。
A free man thinks of nothing less than of death; and his wisdom is a meditation not on death but on life. 一个自由的人不考虑死,他智慧的思考不在于死而在于生。
救赎若唾手可得,又怎会人人忽视呢? All excellent things are as difficult as they are rare.卓越总是少数的,故难以寻觅。
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