

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 高中英语 来源: 记忆方法网



  A little rabbit is happily running through the forest when he stumbles upon a giraffe rolling a joint. The rabbit looks at her and says, “Giraffe my friend, why do you do this? Come with me running through the forest, you'll feel so much better!” The giraffe looks at him, looks at the joint, tosses it and goes off running with the rabbit.3 m1

  Then they come across an elephant doing coke, so the rabbit again says, “Elephant my friend, why do you do this? Think about your health. Come running with us through the pretty forest, you'll feel so good!” The elephant looks at them, looks at his coke, then tosses it and starts running with the rabbit and giraffe.

  The three animals then come across a lion about to shoot up and the rabbit again says, “Lion my friend, why do you do this? Think about your health! Come running with us through the sunny forest, you will feel so good!”

  The lion looks at him, puts down his needle, and starts to beat the hell out of the rabbit. As the giraffe and elephant watch in horror, they look at him and ask, “Lion, why did you do this? He was merely trying to help us all!

  The lion answers, ”He makes me run around the forest like an idiot each time he's on ecstasy!“

  有一只小白兔快乐地奔跑在森林中,在路上它碰到一只正在卷 *** 的长颈鹿。小白兔看着长颈鹿说道:”长颈鹿我的朋友,你为什么要做这种事呢?和我一起在森林中奔跑吧,你会感觉心情舒畅很多!“长颈鹿看看小白兔,又看看手里的 *** 烟,把 *** 烟向身后一扔,跟着小白兔在森林中奔跑。




  狮子回答:”这家伙每次嗑了 *** 就拉着我像白痴一样在森林里乱跑!“

  篇二:简单有意义英语小故事——The cat and mice

  There was once a house that was overrun with Mice. A Cat heard of this, and said to herself, ”That's the place for me,“ and off she went and took up her quarters in the house, and caught the Mice one by one and ate them. At last the Mice could stand it no longer, and they determined to take to their holes and stay there. ”That's awkward,“ said the Cat to herself: ”the only thing to do is to coax them out by a trick.“ So she considered a while, and then climbed up the wall and let herself hang down by her hind legs from a peg, and pretended to be dead. By and by a Mouse peeped out and saw the Cat hanging there. ”Aha!“ it cried, ”you're very clever, madam, no doubt: but you may turn yourself into a bag of meal hanging there, if you like, yet you won't catch us coming anywhere near you.“

  If you are wise you won't be deceived by the innocent airs of those whom you have once found to be dangerous.



  篇三:简单有意义英语小故事——The clever rabbit

  The wolf and the fox want to eat the rabbit, but it wasn't easy to catch him.

  One day the wolf says to the fox, ”You go home and lie in bed. I'll tell the rabbit that you are dead. When he comes to look at you, you can jump up and catch him.“ That's a good idea,” says the fox.

  The fox goes home at once. The wolf goes to the rabbit's house and knocked at the door. “Who is it?” asks the rabbit. “It's the wolf. I come to tell you that the fox is dead.” Then the wolf goes away.

  The rabbit goes to the fox's house. He looked in through the window and sees the fox lying in bed with his eyes closed. He thinks, “Is the fox really dead or is he pretending to be dead? If he's not dead, he'll catch me when I go near him.” so he said, “The wolf says that the fox is dead. But he doesn't look like a dead fox. The mouth of a dead fox is always open.” When the fox hears this, he thinks, “I'll show him that I'm dead.” So he opened his mouth.

  The rabbit knows that the fox isn't dead, and he rans away quickly.






  篇四:简单有意义英语小故事——The wolf and the lamb

  A Wolf meeting with a Lamb astray from the fold, resolved not to lay violent hands on him, but to find some plea, which should justify to the Lamb himself his right to eat him.

  He thus addressed him:“Sirrah, last year you grossly insulted me.”

  “Indeed,” bleated the Lamb in a mournful tone of voice, “I was not then born.”

  Then said the Wolf, “You feed in my pasture.”

  “No, good sir,” replied the Lamb, “I have not yet tasted grass.”

  Again said the Wolf, “You drink of my well.”

  “No,” exclaimed the Lamb, “I never yet drank water, for as yet my mother′s milk is both food and drink to me.”

  On which the Wolf seized him, and ate him up, saying, “Well! I won′t remain supperless, even though you refute every one of my imputations.”

  The tyrant will always find a pretext for his tyranny.










本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 /gaozhong/1168775.html
