

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 高考复习 来源: 记忆方法网

  70. — There is still a copy of the book in the library. Will you go and borrow __________?
  — No, I’d rather buy __________ in the bookstore. (2007陕西卷)
  A. it; one          B. one; one
  C. one; it          D. it; it
  71. Little joy can equal __________ of a surprising ending when you read stories. (2007四川卷)
  A. that            B. those
  C. any            D. some
  72. — He got his first book published. It turned out to be a bestseller.
  — When was __________?(2007浙江卷)
  —__________ was in 2000 when he was still in college.
  A. that; This        B. this; It
  C. it; This          D. that; It
  73. Jim sold most of his things. He has hardly __________ left in the house. (2007重庆卷)
  A. anything         B. everything
  C. nothing          D. something
  74. —Have you heard the latest news?
  —No, What __________? (2007全国I)
  A. is it             B. is there
  C. are they          D. are those
  75. The two girls are getting on very well and share _________ with each other. (2008安徽卷)
  A. little             B. much
  C. some            D. none
  76. It was hard for him to learn English in a family, in which _________ of the parents spoke the language. (2008北京卷)
  A. none            B. neither
  C. both             D. each
  77. —How do you find your new classmates?
  —Most of them are kind. But _________ is so good to me as Bruce. (2008福建卷)
  A.none            B. no one
  C. every one         D. some one
  78. Our neighbours gave _________ a baby bird yesterday that hurt _________ when it fell from its nest. (2008湖南卷)
  A.us, it            B. us, itself
  C. ourselves, itself     D. ourselves, it
  79. Isn’t it amazing how the human body heals _________ after an injury? (2008江西卷)
  A. himself           B. him
  C. itself             D. it
  80. —Could you tell me how to get to Victoria Street?
  —Victoria Street? _________ is where the Grand Theatre is. (2008辽宁卷)
  A. Such             B. There
  C. That             D. This
  81. —Which of the two computer games did you prefer?
  —Actually I didn’t like _________. (2008宁夏卷)
  A. both of them       B. either of them
  C. none of them       D. neither of them
  82. —Which of the two computer games did you prefer?
  —Actually I didn’t like _________. (2008全国卷Ⅰ)
  A.both of them       B. either of them
  C. none of them       D. neither of them
  83. The English spoken in the United States is only slightly different from _________ spoken in England. (2008全国卷Ⅰ)
  A. which             B. what
  C. that               D. the one
  84. Make sure you’ve got the passports and tickets and _________ before you leave. (2008山东卷)
  A. something          B. anything
  C. everything          D. nothing
  85. He doesn’t have _________ furniture in his room—just an old desk. (2008陕西卷)
  A. any               B. many
  C. some              D. much
  72. D。第一空填that,指书的出版; 第二空填it,指时间。
  73. A。因hardly含有否定意义,所以要用anything。
  74. A。it指代the latest news。
  75. B。根据前面的get on very well可知,这两个女孩相处很好。从逻辑上讲,既然相处很好,那么就很谈得来,故用much。句中的share意为“把自己的想法、经历、感情等告诉某人”,share much with类似汉语的“谈得来”。
  76. B。由于parents指两者,故可排除表三者的none;再根据句意,此处应填一个表否定的代词,故用neither。
  77. A。根据句中表示转折的but可知,空格处应填一个表否定意义的代词,故可将答案锁定在A和B之间。none和no one的区别是:none往往暗示有一定的范围,即指在特定范围内没有一个人,而 no one则不暗示这种范围。由于题目的上文问的是“你觉得你的新同学怎么样”,显然其范围是特定的,故用none,不用no one。
  78. B。因为第一空前没有出现指“我们”的人称代词或名词,所以第一空只能填宾格代词,不能填反身代词;按英语语法,当主语和宾语指同一个人或事物时,宾语必须要用反身代词,不能用宾格代词。
  79. C。按英语语法,当主语和宾语指同一个人或事物时,宾语必须要用反身代词,不能用宾格代词。heal oneself在此指“自愈”。
  80. C。that在此表远指,又如:That day we visited an old house. That’s where he spent his last years. 那天我们去参观了一座老房子,那就是他去世前几年他住的地方。这类句式如果改用this,则表近指,如:This is where the river is deepest. 这是河流的最深处。 This is where we change from car to bus. 这就是我们从小汽车换乘公共汽车的地方。
  81. B。由于句中用了didn’t,所以不宜选C和D,因为这两个选项中的none和neither也表否定。再根据句中的actually(实际上)可知,选B最符合语境。
  82. B。由于句中用了didn’t,所以不宜选C和D,因为这两个选项中的none和neither也表否定。再根据句中的actually(实际上)可知,选B最符合语境。
  83. C。that在此指代the English。句意为:美国人说的英语与英国人说的英语只是稍有不同。又如:The dialect in one town may he quite different from that of the next town. 一个城镇的方言可能与另一个城镇很不相同。
  84. C。and everything为英语惯用表达,其意为“等等”“种种类似的情况”,如:She was very worried about her course and everything. 她还为她的课程等等发愁。He was very worried about his future course and everything. 他很担心他的前途及种种问题。
  85. D。由于furniture不可数,所以排除B;再根据破折号后面的just an old desk(只有一张旧书桌)可知,选D最佳。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 /gaokao/562279.html

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