

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 高考复习 来源: 记忆方法网

  1. safe adj安全的  n. 保险箱    safely 安全地     safety  n. 安全
  He came back safe and sound.安然无恙
  2. sale. n出售,销售; 销售量/额(多用复数)
  for ~ 待售;     on ~ 出售
  3. same. adj. 相同的,同样的
  Don't speak at the same time.
  I have the same bike as you.
  -Happy Christmas to you!        -The same to you.
  -I like black tea and white coffee.  -It is the same with me.
  4. satisfaction  n. 满意
  to one's ~    让某人满意的是
  express one's ~ with sth  对某事表示满意
  satisfy   vt.   ~ one's need/desire/demand 满足需要
  satisfied  adj.  be satisfied with sth/sb 对…满意
  satisfying  adj.
  5. save  vt.挽救;节省;保留;避免,省得
  I am saving for a new bike.
  Thanks for sending that letter for me-it saved me a trip.
  6. say. vt. 说,写有(said-said)
  ~ sth to sb
  The sign says " No Smoking". 牌子上写着
  7. ◎schedule
  1) n. 时间表,日程表   a train schedule    ahead of schedule
  2) v. 安排,排定       We have scheduled the meeting for Monday.
  8. scold vt. 责骂,训斥  ~ sb for n/ doing
  9. score. v. 得分,打分 n. 得分,分数;20个
  two score of books               He won the game with a score of 2:1.
  scores of books                  ~ a point
  10. search v& n. 搜寻,搜查
  search…for ….                   in search of sb/sth
  11. season. n. 季节,赛季,旺季
  in ~ 旺季   out of ~ 在淡季

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