

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 高考复习 来源: 记忆方法网

  101.—Do you need any help, Lucy?
  —Yes, The job is __________ I could do myself. (2007福建卷)
  A. less than            B. more than
  C. no more than            D. not more than
  102. There is an old proverb, “Love me, love my dog. ” But there is __________ wisdom in this: “Love me, love my book.” (2007湖南卷)
  A. some            B. much
  C. more            D. most
  103. With April 18’s railway speedup, highway and air transport will have to compete with __________ service for passengers. (2007江苏卷)
  A. good            B. better
  C. best            D. the best
  104. The melon the Smiths served at dinner would have tasted __________ if it had been put in the fridge for a little while. (2007江西卷)
  A. good            B. better
  C. best            D. well
  105. After two years’ research, we now have a __________ better understanding of the disease. (2007全国II)
  A. very            B. far
  C. fairly            D. quite
  106. Speaking of all the songs he has written, I think this is probably his __________ one. (2007全国II)
  A. better-known            B. well-known
  C. best-known            D. most-known
  107. Of the two coats, I’d choose the __________ one to spare some money for a book. (2007四川卷)
  A. cheapest            B. cheaper
  C. more expensive            D. most expensive
  108. Work gets done __________ when people do it together, and the rewards are higher too. (2007浙江卷)
  A. easily            B. very easy
  C. more easily            D. easier
  109. After the long journey, the three of them went back home, _________. (2008北京卷)
  A. hungry and tiredly            B. hungry and tired
  C. hungrily and tiredly            D. hungrily and tired
  110. In spite of repeated wrongs done to him, he looks _________ to people greeting him. (2008福建卷)
  A. friendly            B. lively
  C. worried            D. cold
  111. In those days, our _________ concern was to provide people who were stopped by the snow storm with food and health care. (2008湖北卷)
  A. normal            B. constant
  C. permanent            D. primary
  112. Jack is late again. It is _________ of him to keep others waiting. (2008江西卷)
  A. normal            B. ordinary
  C. common            D. typical
  113. Would it be _________ for you to pick me up at four o’clock and take me to the airport? (2008山东卷)
  A. free            B. vacant
  C. handy            D. convenient
  114. My brother is really _________. He often works in his office far into the night. (2008天津卷)
  A. open-minded            B. hard-working
  C. self-confident            D. warm-hearted
  115. There are plenty of jobs _________ in the western part of the country. (2008浙江卷)
  A. present            B. available
  C. precious            D. convenient
  101. B。注意句中的Yes,由于答话者对问话者的“你需要帮助吗?”作了肯定回答,说明答话者独自完成工作有困难,故填more than。
  102. C。由于是将“Love me, love my dog”与“Love me, love my book”进行比较,故用比较级。此题的巧妙之处在于句中没有出现than,而是给出两个待比较的proverb。
  103. B。句子大意为:由于铁路提速了,所以高速公路和航空业要提高服务质量来竞争客源。因将“高速公路和航空”与“铁路”比较,故用比较级。
  104. B。题目中将“放入冰箱中冷冻”与“不放入冰箱中冷冻”作比较,故用比较级。句意为:史密斯家人晚餐时上的甜瓜若能放入冰箱中冷冻一下味道会更好些。
  105. B。这四个副词中,通常只有far可用于修饰比较。注:quite有时也可用于修饰比较better,但它只用于表示“身体康复”,不用于其他意义。
  106. C。因为是从他所写的所有歌中选出一首来比较,故用最高级。
  107. B。因是两者比较,故用比较级,可将答案锁定在B和C之间; 再根据句意,排除C。
  108. C。根据题意可知,说话者是将when people do it together和when people don’t do it together这两种情况比较,故选比较级。注意不要选D,因为在此题是要用副词修饰动词,不能用形容词。另外,根据句末的higher too也可知道此题是考查比较级。
  109. B。此处为形容词作状语,表结果。注意:A和B不能选,因为and前后的词性不对称;C也不能选,因为hungrily and tiredly用于表示方式,与句意不符。
  110. A。do wrong to为习语,其意为“对待……不公正”“使……受到委屈”。根据常理,如果一个人受到不公正待遇,他会表现出不高兴。由于句中用了in spite of(尽管),它表明句子前后的意思有所转折,故空格处填friendly比较符合语境。
  111. D。primary意为“主要的”“首要的”。句意为:在当时,我们主要关心的是为被暴风雪困住的人提供食物和健康护理。
  112. D。It’s typical of sb to do sth为英语惯用句式,表示做某事是某人的固有特征或某人一向做某事,如:It’s typical of him to want to help. 他一向都愿意帮助人。It is typical of you to forget my birthday! 你管保把我的生日给忘了!
  113. D。It’s convenient for sb to do sth 意为“某人做某事很方便”,如:Will it be convenient for you to start work tomorrow? 你明天开始工作方便吗?
  114. B。根据下文说的“他经常在办公室工作到深夜”可知,答案选hard-working最佳。
  115. B。available的意思是“能得到的”“可得到的”“可用的”,又如:Please let me have all the tickets available. 请把现有的票都给我吧。We picked the coolest room among those available. 在现有的房间中我们挑选了最凉快的一间。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 /gaokao/379621.html

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