

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 高考复习 来源: 记忆方法网

  2.lack  1) v. lack (for) sth   lack courage/money
  2) n.  ○1a lack of money ○2for lack of …因为缺乏…
  3) be lacking in 缺乏…
  2. last
  1) adj.   the last person/ thing 最不可能的、最想不到的
  He's the last person I'd trust.
  The last thing I want to do is homework.
  2) adv.  last but not least 最后但是同样重要的是
  3)n. He was the last to arrive.
  4) vi.持续  The war lasted (for) 3 years.
  3. late
  1) adj.  ○1be late for…        ○2 in the late 1970s
  2) adv.  ○1get up late          ○2 late in the afternoon 傍晚
  3) ○1better late than never 迟到总比不到好
  ○2It's never too late to mend 亡羊补牢
  ○3 of late = lately/ recently    I haven't seen him of late.
  4. lately = recently
  5. later  adv.
  ○1sooner or later           ○2 no later than…不迟于
  ○3later on 后来  Much later on, she realizes what he had meant.
  6. laugh v. ○1laugh at…    ○2 laugh your head off 大笑不止
  ○3 burst out laughing/ burst into laughter
  7. law n. ○1 break/ obey/ keep the law   ○2 by law 依据法律
  8. lay - laid- laid
  ○1lay the table 放桌子          ○2lay eggs  下蛋
  ○3lay aside 把…放在一边       ○4lay down  放下
  ○5 lay off 解雇    (laid-off 下岗的)
  ○1 lead a happy life            ○2lead to sth. / doing

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