

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 高考复习 来源: 记忆方法网

  1. object n. 物品,宾语   v. 不同意    everyday objects  日常物品
  her object in life=aim 目标
  object to n./doing…  反对;不同意
  Many local people objected to building the new airport.
  objective adj. 客观的
  2. ◎ observe  v.观察,监视,观测
  observe sb do sth观察某人做某事; observe sb doing sth 观察某人在做某事
  observe sth done 观察某事被做
  observed Christmas Day/one's birthday 庆祝…
  observe the law 遵守…
  3. ●obtain vt/vi 获得;得到;存在
  1).obtain advice/information/permission
  2).These customs no longer obtain.
  4. ◎ occupy  v.居住;占有,占用(时,空);占领
  The house is occupied. …有人住    The bathroom is occupied. …有人用
  The dinner occupied 2 hours.
  Many anxieties occupied his mind.
  occupy oneself with sth/in doing sth忙于某事
  5. ●occur vi  (occurred, occurred) - happen发生
  1).When exactly did the accident occur?
  2). Sth occurred to/hit/struck sb. 出现在头脑中,被想到
  The idea occurred to him in a dream.
  3).It occurred to me that I had left my keys in the room.
  It didn't occur to her to ask for help.
  6. offer  n./v. 主动提议
  He offered 5000 dollars for the car. 出价
  offer sb. sth./sth. to sb. 主动给  offer to do… 提出做
  supply sb. with sth./supply sth. to sb.
  provide sb. with sth./provide sth. for sb.
  Thanks for your kind offer of help.
  7. office n. 办公室,办公楼   officer  n. 警官,军官
  office building/block  办公大楼
  hold office  占据要职
  in office/out of office 任职/离职
  The present government took office in 1997. 开始执政
  8. official  adj. 官方的,正式的 n. 高级官员
  the official language 官方语言
  an official affair 公务
  9. once  adv. 一次  conj. 一旦
  all at once=suddenly  突然  at once 立即,同时
  (just) for once/just this once  仅此一次
  Once bitten, twice shy. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。
  once more=once again 再一次
  once upon a time  从前,很久以前
  (every) once in a while  偶尔,间或

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