

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 高考复习 来源: 记忆方法网
Quietly, the graying of America has made us a very different society? one in which people have a quite different idea of what kind of behavior (行为)is suitable (合适) at various ages.
  The underlined word ‘one’ refers to ______.
  A. a society         B. America          C. a place          D. population
  In 1963 a schoolboy called Andrew Wiles reading in his school library came across the world’s greatest mathematical problem: Fermat’s Last Theorem (定理). First put forward by the French mathematician Pierre de Fermat in the seventeenth century, the theorem had baffled and beaten the finest mathematical minds, including a French woman scientist who made a major advance in working out the problem, and who had to dress like a man in order to be able to study at the Ecole Poly-technique.
  Which of the following best explains the meaning of the word “baffle” as it is used in the text?
  A. To encourage people to raise questions.
  B. To cause difficulty in understanding.
  C. To provide a person with an explanation.
  D. To limit people’s imagination.
  在“the theorem had baffled and beaten the finest mathematical minds”这个句子中,并列连词and起着很重要的提示作用,因为它意味着被它连接起来的两个动词在意义上有一致性。“had beaten the finest mathematical minds”可以理解为“击败了一些顶级的数学家”,而这个定理之所以可以“击败一些顶级的数学家”不外乎是因为它太难了,因此我们可以顺理成章地把baffle与difficult联系在一起。我们可以试图这样理解这句话“这个定理难住并击败了一些顶级的数学家”。四个选项中B选项最接近这个意思,所以,它是一个正确的可能性最大的选项。又如:
  A child’s birthday party doesn’t have to be a hassle; it can be a basket of fun, according to Beth Anaclerio, an Evaston mother of two, ages 4 and 18 months.
  What does the underlined word “hassle” (paragraph 1) probably mean?
  A. a party designed by specialists
  B. a plan requiring careful thought
  C. a situation causing difficulty or trouble
  D. a demand made by guests
  根据“A child’s birthday party doesn’t have to be a hassle; it can be a basket of fun”,这两个分句之间的转折关系我们可以推断出“hassle”与“fun”应该是一对反义词。A、B、D 三个选项与这个判断都不吻合,只有C选项与这个判断比较一致,因此,C选项是唯一可能正确的答案。


本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 /gaokao/278328.html

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