

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 记忆方法网

18. In order to restrain the high noise in low voltage power line, a spread spectrum scheme for PLC is also designed in this system.


19. Restrain sB.


20. Restrain bird nostalgia and Lin, Chi Yuan fish think it is.

restrain 词典解释restrain的近义词

1. 制止;阻止
If you restrain someone, you stop them from doing what they intended or wanted to do, usually by using your physical strength.

e.g. Wally gripped my arm, partly to restrain me and partly to reassure me...
e.g. One onlooker had to be restrained by police.

2. 克制(情绪);抑制(自己)
If you restrain an emotion or you restrain yourself from doing something, you prevent yourself from showing that emotion or doing what you wanted or intended to do.

e.g. She was unable to restrain her desperate anger...
e.g. Unable to restrain herself, she rose and went to the phone...

3. 抑制;限制;控制
To restrain something that is growing or increasing means to prevent it from getting too large.

e.g. The radical 500-day plan was very clear on how it intended to try to restrain inflation...
e.g. In the 1970s, the government tried to restrain corruption.

restrain 单语例句

1. The court said Odell resisted attempts by police and hospital staff to restrain her while acting suicidal on a bridge in Stockholm in January.


2. So the authorities have gradually adopted a series of credit crunch measures since July, aiming to further restrain capital fund.

3. Administrative measures will help restrain speculation, but real demand will grow because of high inflation expectations and negative interest rates.

4. restrain是什么意思

4. Though the assertion " restrain " cannot be confirmed, the two companies are indeed competing fiercely.

5. Changes to corporate governance will give shareholders more power to restrain executive compensation.

6. He pointed out the Shunyi model would not restrain migrants but it would raise the living cost of Beijingers for service upgrades in those sectors.

7. restrain的翻译

7. The government's decision to restrain credit will help squeeze bubbles and hamper the speculation, leading to stable real estate prices.

8. If there are some particular concerns that restrain policymakers from taking decisive actions, they should open them to public debates.

9. The defective seat belt may fail to restrain passengers properly in some extreme cases, the statement said.

10. That's adding to concern policymakers will take steps to restrain prices, spurring speculation that slowing growth in China will derail the recovery in developing countries.

restrain 英英释义



1. place limits on (extent or access)

e.g. restrict the use of this parking lot
limit the time you can spend with your friends

Synonym: restrict trammel limit bound confine throttle

2. hold back

Synonym: encumber cumber constrain

3. to close within bounds, limit or hold back from movement

e.g. This holds the local until the express passengers change trains
About a dozen animals were held inside the stockade
The illegal immigrants were held at a detention center
The terrorists held the journalists for ransom

Synonym: confine hold

4. to compel or deter by or as if by threats

Synonym: intimidate

5. keep under control
keep in check

e.g. suppress a smile
Keep your temper
keep your cool

Synonym: keep keep back hold back

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 /danci/1326982.html
