

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 记忆方法网






filtrate 基本解释




filtrate 网络解释

1. 过滤:1.忽视 (Ignoring) 或 过滤 (filtrate)倾听除了用耳朵听,更重要的是用我们的眼睛与心去听. 听的不仅是话语的本身,因为话语含义仅占7%,我们听的应该是话语背后的情境、感觉、涵义,以及举止态度(Body language)等.

2. 滤液:滤饼电性质 electro kinetic property | 滤液 filtrate | 滤液侵入 filtrate invasion

3. 滤出液;泥浆滤液;过滤:filtrate volume 滤失体积 | filtrate 滤出液;泥浆滤液;过滤 | filtrate-invaded zone 泥浆滤液侵入带

filtrate 双语例句


1. After the reaction, the filtrate was returned and used to leach the calcium carbide residue to obtain the circulation using.

2. Synergy of Recombinant Enhancin of Trichoplusia ni Granulovirus; 2. The synergy of honey and cabbage filtrate on Autographa Californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus and Bacillus thringiensis against the larvae of plus agnate was studied.
室内以蜂蜜和新鲜小白菜汁分别添饲银纹夜蛾幼虫,测定了其对AcNPV和Bt的增效作用,结果表明:在中低浓度AcNPV时,蜂蜜和新鲜小白菜汁液刺激银纹夜蛾幼虫初期取食,其感染后前3 d的粪便量比只有AcNPV处理的增加34。


3. Transfer the filtrate to a tared beaker, evaporate to dryness without charring, dry at 105 for 1 hour, cool in a desiccator, and weigh: the difference between the weight of the residue and the weight obtained from a blank determination does not exceed 12.5 mg (0.25%).
将滤液转入已称重的烧杯,105°下干燥1小时,在不烧焦的前提下使其蒸发至干,在干燥器中冷却,称重。测得的残渣重量与空白测定中得到的残渣重量之差不超过12.5 mg (0.25%)。

4. The main steps include as follows: CO2 is led into the mother liquor of sodium meta-aluminate to carry out carbon content decomposing; the primary separation between the aluminum and the gallium is realized by primary carbonatation to filter out sodium hydroxide; secondary carbonatation is carried out on the filtrate to obtain the deposit of the complex salt of gallium and aluminum; a sodium carbonate crystal is obtained after the filtered filtrate is condensed and vaporized; the deposit of the complex salt of gallium and aluminum is dissolved in the mother liquor of sodium meta-aluminate; the processes are repeated until the proportion of gallium and aluminum in the complex salt of gallium and aluminum is larger than 1/340; then the complex salt of gallium and aluminum is added into the NaOH liquor and electrolyzed, thus obtaining the metal gallium with a purity larger than 99.9 percent which reaches the level of 3; simultaneously, the byproducts of the aluminum hydroxide and the sodium carbonate during the process of carbonatation by steps are obtained.
主要步骤包括:向铝酸钠母液中通入CO 2 进行碳分分解,一次碳酸化实现铝镓的初次分离;过滤出氢氧化钠,滤液进行二次碳酸化获得镓铝复盐沉淀,过滤后滤液经浓缩蒸发获得碳酸钠晶体,铝镓复盐沉淀溶解在偏铝酸钠母液中,重复上述过程直至铝镓复盐中的镓铝比例大于1/340,将其加入到NaOH溶液中,电解可获得纯度>99.9%的金属镓,达到3N级水平同时在分步碳酸化的过程中获得氢氧化铝和碳酸钠副产品。


5. Then he analyses all factors which are relatively with tourism real estate, then he colligates the key factor and common factors and establishes the preparing target system. Then he uses the method of relativity analysis to filtrate the targets, constitutes textual system. He adopts arrangement analytical method to ensure each target's tentative weight.

6. Penicillin V acylase from the crude culture filtrate of Fusarium oxysporum FP 941 was purified with a single band on non-denaturing electrophoresis by means of (NH4)2SO4 fractional precipitation, adsorption on, and elution from, celite, ion-exchange column chromatography with DEAE-cellulose, and Sephadex G-200 gel filtration chromatography.
通过硫酸铵沉淀、硅藻土吸附、DEAD-纤维素离子交换层析和Sephadex G-200凝胶过滤,由尖镰孢FP941培养滤液中得到了聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳均一的青霉素V酰化酶。

7. The formation damage during drilling are recognized as 2 types: mud solid particles plug and mud filtrate invasion.

8. The volume close to the borehole wall in which all of the moveable fluids have been displaced by mud filtrate.

9. In the well drilling process, the invasion of mud and filtrate is inevitable. It has great effcet on log information and evaluation. At the same time, the series of characteristics caused by invasion provide abundant of information for logging interpretation and other geologic applications.


10. Mud filtrate, especially the filtrate with high salinity invading into reservoir is a very complicated physical process, which influences on the precision of resistivity logging seriously.


11. Invade radius is key to descrip the characteristic of mud filtrate invasion quantitively.

12. Study of mud filtrate invasion on reservoir is helpful to identify oil, gas and water zones correctly.

13. Because of the different salinity between mud filtrate and formation water, the mud invasion will would result to induce the formation characters changes of the invaded zone in logging method.

14. The watermelons, the citrullus lamtus or the stems and leaves thereof are taken as raw materials, and the extracting process comprises the following steps: firstly, the raw materials are washed clean and broken to separate the watermelon peel from the watermelon pulp for respectively extracting juice; the two juices are mixed, and micro-filtration and ultra-filtration are carried out to remove insoluble substances and macromolecular substances; and then reverse osmosis and nano-filtration are carried out to obtain the filtrate; the pH value of the filtrate is regulated and then a macroporous strong acid cation exchange resin column is added; and then ammonia water is taken as an eluant for isocratic elution; the eluent obtained is decompressed, distilled, deaminized, discolored, condensed and crystallized to obtain a white crystalline product of the natural L-citrulline extracted from the watermelons.

15. Filtrate separator outside the drum with static defoaming device.


16. Catch the filtrate in a clean dry filter flask.

17. Immediately filter a portion through a 12.5 cm Whatman No.2 filter. Retain the filtrate for FIA determination.
将一部分溶液通过12.5cm 的 Whatman No.2滤纸,保留滤液用于流动注射分析。

18. Decreasing crystallization temperature decreases the mass fraction of oleic acid in crystal and increases the mass fraction of linoleic acid in filtrate.

19. After extracted by acidic acetonitrile, the filtrate was purified by acid diatomite. The target compound in sample was derivatised by Trimethylsulfonium Hydroxide, and then determined by GC-ECD.

20. In reduction process, 2, 4-DNT was removed to 3-nitro-p-toluidine by ammonium sulfide in dioxane solvent. Thereduction product that is an important intermediate employed in medicine and dye industrywas isolated by the filtrate as its hydrochloride salt by passing dry hydrogen chloride.

filtrate 英英释义



1. the product of filtration
a gas or liquid that has been passed through a filter



1. remove by passing through a filter

e.g. filter out the impurities

Synonym: filter strain separate out filter out

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 /danci/1325652.html
