
take pictures是什么意思_take pictures在线翻译_双语例句

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 记忆方法网
take pictures[teik ?pikt??z] 
take pictures 基本解释照相;
take pictures 网络解释

take pictures的翻译

1. 照相:13.make model cars 制作汽车模型 | 14.take pictures 照相 | 15.grow roses 种植玫瑰

2. 拍照:walking in the countryside 在乡间散步 | take pictures 拍照 | play cards 打扑克

3. 拍照片--退可皮可切实:climber 登山者--可来么 | take pictures 拍照片--退可皮可切实 | watch insects观察昆虫 --我妻荫蛇可吃

4. 照:New Yea新年 | take pictures照 | play with 和......玩

take pictures 双语例句

take pictures的反义词

1. They still gonna take pictures of my derri re in the magazine. You want a piece of me?

2. After the baby is born, parents prefer to weak light newborns in the maternity ward to take pictures with the flash, not knowing to do so much harm to the newborn.

3. Before searching pictures, we take out the character by EigenFace which is based on statistical method.

4. Some pictures was added later, for I did not take a camera before making it.

5. When I finally got them to understand that I`ve run out of Singapore bills (because everybody wants a piece of it for keepsake!), they made me take pictures with them instead.

6. Today, I sat in the orchard road-tread of the Lao Bantian someone Kuang Street Some people take pictures, they walked to my going to feel free...
今天我坐在orchard road的石蹬老半天了,有人诳街,有人拍照,有人有说有笑,他们的走来走去给我的感觉很自由自在。。。

7. Take the idea of rating pictures, going on daily challenges and missions, hooking up with friends, and party chat to meld it all into an awesome co-op opportunity.

8. It's that you can see the pictures you capture at the same time you take.

take pictures是什么意思

9. I haven't been able to take pictures for Hasan lately.

10. Is a fantastic camera upgrade that allows you to take multiple pictures rapidly and in general makes your camera much easier to use.

11. Snapture is a fantastic camera upgrade that allows you to take multiple pictures rapidly and in general makes your camera much easier to use.
Snapture 是一个很棒的加强版照相软件,你可以快速摄制多幅照片,把你的相机变的很容易操作。

take pictures的意思

12. Snaptureis a fantastic camera upgrade that allows you to take multiple pictures rapidly and in general makes your camera much easier to use.
Snapture 是一个很棒的加强版照相软件,你可以快速摄制多幅照片,把你的相机变的很容易操作

take pictures什么意思

13. In the second session, Ms. Wang Ting-ting reported on the book An Inconvenient Truth, written by former United States Vice President Al Gore, who now devotes himself to examining the issues of global warming and teaching environmental protection. The book is the text version of a documentary with the same title. The book provides charts and pictures emphasizing the catastrophes that will result from climate changes and countermeasures to take.
第二场由王婷婷小姐报告《不愿面对的真相》,作者为美国前副总统Al Gore,目前致力於全球暖化议题的探讨与环保教育,本书为同名记录片的文字版本,书中佐以相关图表强调气候变迁将造成的灾难及人类的因应之道。

14. Generally speaking, as long as you are a good measure of the total width of the window and the job can calculate the required amount of cloth, but if the measure on its own, then have to pay attention to some details, such as the window of a high degree of measurement from the start Chuang Lianhe To outweigh the lower edge of the window will not be emptied of its width is also probably have to pay more on the side of 5-10 cm, but if they are Banyao have to pay attention to whether there is a window sills, to be done within the window frame, then have to carefully Measure may not yield more than half a centimeter card does not go in and a half centimeters or less emptied of the situation, the track can be installed on the wall or ceiling should also note that some tracks can be linked to the ceiling can also be linked to the walls, some not I suggest you bring home a good-size windows notes, the regional states, take good pictures of each window to the stores, they will suggest you how to use the track and practice

15. After I can eat loads yum yum hopefully we will take loads of pictures and I will surely put it on the blog.

16. I asked him nervously if I could take pictures when he was chanting.

take pictures

17. Take gaining profit at Shanghai Future Goods Exchange Centre for example, investors gained profit from in-stock gold price at 22 Yuan/g on January 9th 2008 the first day of Shanghai 0806 contract future gold went on the market. Except financial dect 1.665 Yuan/g, 2% of open interest freeze consumption, different commissions 1.2 Yuan/g, investors could have opportunities of gaining profits only when material future goods price is less than the golden area illustrated in the above pictures on the first open day on the market. If investors could make sure future goods price expiration and the actual price shock is limited in a scale while the scale shock is limited in the golden area, the investment risks will greatly decrease. Syphonage theory deems that if investors could select a golden area whose shock scale is limited in the golden area and select a package whose profit aim shocks stay far from risk boundary. In most cases, to say that profit gaining exchange cannot get infinite profits as expected is not an exaggeration, due to different national gold exchange system. The result of profit gaining exchange is to limit the lever percentage of risk investors. In actual profit gaining process, investors should choose suitable type to operate.

18. We'll take turns putting our names on plates, books, pictures.

19. Most people like to take close-up pictures, but pictures that are too close can be blurry and out of focus.

take pictures在线翻译

20. In CorelDRAW, you can insert via other software-treated outside the picture, or you can take advantage of its own powerful drawing capabilities to insert their pictures.

take pictures 单语例句

1. After Howard sought his permission to take his pictures, the man took Howard by surprise.

2. From then on, the cabby began to take pictures of passengers for free and emails them.


3. When the newlyweds went to take pictures, they must chant Mao's quotes and wear Mao badges.


4. She attended Scripps College in Claremont but left school to take a job as a messenger at Columbia Pictures.

5. In the bird enclosure you can take pictures with colourful parrots or marvel at their talents.

6. The computers control the cameras to take pictures of the sky automatically and send them to his computer at home.

7. take pictures

7. Army radio broadcasts are reminding soldiers to be friendly and courteous, especially to children and anyone who wants to take pictures with them.

8. Amateur photographer Luan Yuwei used to travel to East China's Shandong province to take pictures of swans.

9. Citizens elbowed their way through the crowds to take pictures in front of a giant flowerpot and colorful floats on the square.

10. He was always sent to take pictures for all important assignments to follow stars and tycoons.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 /danci/1325644.html
