

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 记忆方法网
expose...to 双语例句

1. Only truly revolutionary writers and artists can correctly solve the problem of whether to extol or to expose.

2. I am particularly unlucky in meeting with a person so well able to expose my real character, in a part of the world where I had hoped to pass myself off with some degree of credit.

3. Of all foods tested, chicken soup, infant formula, and ravioli had BPA levels of highest concern. Just one to three servings of foods with these concentrations could expose a woman or child to BPA at levels that caused serious adverse effects in animal tests.
本报讯 国家质检总局日前发布公告,因产品中被检测出坂歧肠杆菌,中国境内销售的美国惠氏公司费蒙特工厂在2002年7月12日至9月25日期间生产的以牛奶为主要原料的配方奶粉将被限令召回。

4. We would not like to expose the target group to internet.


5. I wantonly to expose its false god.


6. Very large limits. But we will not knowingly expose Berkshire to losses

7. A Take down toughened glass plate to expose connection holder, take out nut and sealing ring of cable gland.

8. The author would like to Zuotai through this special woman on the verge of figures, in order to expose an extreme social phenomenon.

9. Store the products at the temperature and humidity mentioned in the specification in a state storage of package with care not to expose the products to the direct sunlight or stresses.

10. To detect and expose:查出并揭露: nailed the senator in a lie; nail corruption before it gets out of control.

11. But can know a existence formed of those languages of yours, this existence is true, When you state your view and thought to this world with the characters, At the same time too at the moralses of you, talent have not as whole to expose to the open air to common people life training even, Unless you do not have one long-term regular ID that used.

12. Sunny to expose someone to the club to apologize to the moderator in real terms, and their recommendations 〓.

13. While conducting the legal struggle, we should, on the one hand, try to lead the masses to victory and, on the other, fully expose the vicious face of the enemy.

14. In the field of literature, it requires the viewpoint of feminisim to reread the classical text, so that it can expose the twisty female image in the male literature and positively explore the tradition of female literature which is different from the tradition of male literature.

15. The FBI has just launched an initiative to expose economic espionage by visiting Chinese students and businessmen.

16. To expose the atrium to direct sunlight from the south, steel columns in this wing do not continue below the 11th floor.

17. This is advisableIn giving a 112 Statement, you may refuse to answer any question/remain silent if the answer is likely to expose you to a criminaloffence.


18. Don't expose your skin to the flaming sun.


19. Bai Juyi (772-846) was a Tang Dynasty poet whose fame was only next to Li Bai and Du Pu. He had the courage to expose the bitter suffering of the people and criticize the Emperor and his bureaucrats in his verses.

20. Was a Tang Dynasty poet whose fame was only next to Li Bai and Du Pu. He had the courage to expose the bitter suffering of the people and criticize the Emperor and his bureaucrats in his verses.

expose...to 单语例句

1. expose...to是什么意思

1. He will also speak candidly about difficulties raising funds and expose the audience to a movie director's real work and life.

2. This means the Chinese people have a long way to go in their battle to expose the nature of the Tibet independence clique.

3. The CCDI has vowed to relentlessly expose collusion between government officials and business people in its battle against corruption.

4. I think every Chinese has the right to condemn such remarks, which expose the commentator's ignorance of Chinese value of harmony.

5. The Commissioner compared the sensitivity of the numbers to birth certificates, as publishing the STRN would expose students to the risk of counterfeit identities.

6. The decision will expose the defendants to possible adult prison sentences if they are convicted but will offer them the right to a jury trial.

7. A Chongqing municipality archeologist who recently launched an online blog to expose deceitful tricks is winning over countless fans.

8. expose...to的反义词

8. The depletion of trees will expose the country to flash floods in the rainy season, he said.

9. He said this could expose these students to greater dangers or they might even drop out because of the long distance to schools.

10. expose...to

10. In mountaintop mining, peaks are blown away by dynamite to expose coal.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 /danci/1290603.html
