

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 记忆方法网


eighteen 基本解释


数词十八; 十八个

名词十八岁; 十八的记号; 十九世纪; 是八点钟

eighteen 相关例句


1. There are eighteen students in that classroom.


1. She is eighteen now.

2. Two times nine makes eighteen.

eighteen 网络解释

1. 十八:17十七 seventeen | 18十八 eighteen | 19十九 nineteen

2. 十八的, 十八个的:glarimeter (纸面)光泽计, 闪光计 | eighteen 十八的, 十八个的 | TCMA Telephone Cable Makers Asssociation 电话电缆制造商协会[英]

3. 如果你来到我身边:SEVENTEEN 甜蜜的微风吹过的日子 | EIGHTEEN 如果你来到我身边 | NINETEEN 必须,一定!要确定水患后发生的事情

4. 十八,十八个:eight 八 | eighteen 十八,十八个 | elephant 大象

eighteen 双语例句


1. Eighteen laboratory experiments are carried out accordingly to study the influence of mountain pass c...

2. And it is seventh in the percentage of eighteen to twenty-four year olds in college.

3. Methods Eighteen patients who underwent laparoscopic partial gastrectomy from August 2005 to May 2006 were analyzed retrospectively.

4. He had been confined to the wooden box for over eighteen hours.

5. In this paper eighteen examples, which are designed strictly owning to currently Codefor seismic design of buildings of my country, are used to analyze the structure earthquakeresponse under the horizontal seismic load (nabla load distribution pattern) by Push-overanalytical method. The corresponding structural influencing coefficient, the displacementamplification factor, the overstength and ductility factors are analyzed taking into accountthe factors changing, such as level number, span length, span number.

6. Boy of eighteen; (`buirdly'is a Scottish term; a buirdly lad of twelve).

7. Sports -汉英 a beefy wrestler; had a tall burly frame; clothing sizes for husky boys; a strapping boy of eighteen; (`buirdly'is a Scottish term; a buirdly lad of twelve).

8. It`s dry season again, but clear streams are still running in Nine Streams with Eighteen Gullies.

9. In china, both males and females are of age at eighteen


10. I was able to tell her when i got there that she was only eighteen months away from her Birkin.

11. Eighteen SSR primer pairs were designed and synthesized. The factors which affected on the SSR reaction of Toona ciliata var.

12. I lost track of the number of steps we climbed as we toiled up painfully yet gladly flight after flight, dragging one foot after the other. When at last we reached the top of the Slow Eighteen Flights, I felt I had been climbing all my life.

13. Which when Abram had heard, to wit, that his brother Lot was taken, he numbered of the servants born in his house, three hundred and eighteen well appointed: and pursued them to Dan.

14. When Abram heard that his nephew had been captured, he mustered three hundred and eighteen of his retainers, born in his house, and went in pursuit as far as Dan.

15. After two days of sightseeing in Kathmandu we boarded an eighteen-seat royal Nepalese airplane for the romantic forty-minute flight to Luka (9286 ft.), the starting point of all approaches to Everest from the south.


16. The experimental group of this study is with seventy-six 5th grade students from three classes using Happy Cuber, and the controlled one is with eighteen 5th grade students from one class using cubic net learning sheets.
实验组进行为期三周每周两次的Happy Cuber实验教学,对照组则在实验期间实施展开图学习单填写的学习。

17. The program reported an increase in applications this year from eighteen thousand to twenty-five thousand.

18. Considering that KDE 4.0 took eighteen months to plan and another eighteen to implement, the chances that GNOME 3.0 will be released in a year seem small.
如果考虑KDE 4.0的计划制定花了18个月,又花了十八个月实现的话,GNOME 3.0在一年内实现的可能性视乎太小了。


19. Come 3 years, each district of the Anhui province takes storage facilities construction seriously generally, build, transformed a batch of storehouse, commissariat is bought, safety stores ability enhances; to acquire apparently, replaced a batch of facility, store level of carry exercise mechanization, automation raises; apparently but also put in a few problems that not allow to ignore, need to improve knowledge further, do well program, aggrandizement management, will build storage facilities to build devoted mechanism length effect. 1 main effect saves state-owned food company nearly 3 years to throw 1.01 billion yuan to be used at storage facilities to build in all completely (finance 70 million yuan, the bank borrows money 190 million yuan, the enterprise prepares 750 million yuan of) oneself, among them 578 million yuan use one million one hundred and sixty-three thousand four hundred tons at building Cang Rong, occupy 8% what appearance of total storehouse of state-owned food company saves completely by 2004, year the 1.8 times; 2.88 that all adds Cang Rong newly to be allowed to add a storehouse newly 2004 uses 100 million yuan 100 million yuan at transforming a storehouse to allow twelve million six hundred and eighteen thousand three hundred tons of; 1.44 to be used at providing clear miscellaneous facility 1181 stage, conveyer pound of 1865 stage, ground 890, gather up suck.

20. In the early eighteen sixties, John D.

eighteen 词典解释eighteen什么意思

1. (数字)18
Eighteen is the number 18.

e.g. He was employed by them for eighteen years.

eighteen 单语例句

1. Eighteen of the 22 victims had been identified by Tuesday, according to the county authority.

2. Eighteen percent of respondents in both Afghanistan and Argentina cited the storms.


3. Eighteen bicycle repairmen from the Xuanwu District of Beijing were given uniforms and marked tools last Wednesday in a move aimed at regularizing their business.

4. eighteen是什么意思

4. Eighteen members of the Fire Department boarded three rigs and patrolled the village to ensure none of the residents was trapped inside houses.

5. Eighteen heads of salvage stations are helping Fengtai Railway Station police by serving as informants on stolen railway equipment or sabotage.

6. By the end of the eighteen hundreds, the industrial revolution had shown that science could invent machines with almost magical powers.

7. eighteen什么意思

7. Eighteen percent care only about their feelings when they stay with their partners, while 4 percent look just at the men's wealth and looks.

8. It was also alleged that eighteen staff were overpaid compared to their maximum respective pay bands.

9. Eighteen civilians and one police officer died in the riots, while 382 civilians and 241 police officers were injured.

10. Eighteen exempt teams out of the 28 participating at Hainan Island have confirmed their entries, with their partners to be confirmed by Aug 22.

eighteen 英英释义


1. the cardinal number that is the sum of seventeen and one

Synonym: 18 XVIII


1. eighteen什么意思

1. being one more than seventeen

Synonym: 18 xviii

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