

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 记忆方法网

3. The hole is so narrow that we have to be sideways to get into it.

4. The hole is narrow, so we can only go in to by side.

5. The direction of movement of this ejector pin is, therefore, controlled by this hole.

6. It copies itself to the new machine using the security hole, and then starts replicating from there, as well.

7. The Suprascapular nerve is closeto superior transverse scapular ligment at suprascapular hole, close to inferior transverse scapular at subscapular hole. The movement space is limited, the nerve tension is increased when the shoulder abduct, the fascia separate the suprascapular nerve from the rotator cuff.

8. Eg.5 The narrow irregular passages of the nose, with their moist surface and hairs, hold the dust and prevent it from passing into the lungs, as if there were a menbrane over the hole.

9. In edge sizing, outer chamfers of the drawn cup with and without pre-holes as well as inner chamfers of the hole flange are analyzed.

10. Microporous aeration series - tubular microporous membrane aerator, improved variable aeration hole hose reel microporous membrane aerator and so on.


11. Such, of POS machine flush the one large hole that becomes banking.

12. My beloved put in his hand by the hole of the door, and my bowelswere moved for him.

13. Insert block heater assembly into core hole with element loop pointing Up.

14. I spent years in a rat hole in North Vietnam

15. During take practice of controlled blasting in the ZhuLiu double railway, it is researched and concluded how to design the structure of air decked charge and how to use it in controlled blasting of shallow hole.

16. From the character on this ship, you will be able to start a new plot line which will take you from Omicron Lyrae to Black Hole Sun.
从性质上这艘船,你将能够开始一个新的情节线将带您从Omicron Lyrae到黑洞孙。

17. Qiao-22 platform for a person under the high channel, steps僧舍things, cross-hole brick parapet platform.

18. Coat edges of plug and core hole with Mopar Gasket Maker, or equivalent.


19. Authon use the photon as a particle which explain the wave phenomenon of the photon, and prove the photon carry the weak charge from the prism-photons chromatic dispersion and a circular hole -photon diffraction.


20. With her on my back, it was not easy to pass through. Also she could not squat. Therefore I put a chair with a hole in the middle on the squat toilet for her.

hole 词典解释hole的解释

1. 洞;坑;孔眼
A hole is a hollow space in something solid, with an opening on one side.

e.g. He took a shovel, dug a hole, and buried his once-prized possessions...
e.g. The builders had cut holes into the soft stone to support the ends of the beams.

2. (贯穿的)孔洞
A hole is an opening in something that goes right through it.

e.g. These tiresome creatures eat holes in the leaves...
e.g. Armed robbers broke into the jeweller's through a hole in the wall.

3. (鼠、兔等小动物的)洞穴,窝
A hole is the home or hiding place of a mouse, rabbit, or other small animal.

e.g. ...a rabbit hole.

4. (法律、理论、论点等的)漏洞,缺陷,破绽
A hole in a law, theory, or argument is a fault or weakness that it has.

e.g. There were some holes in that theory, some unanswered questions.

5. 糟糕的地方;鬼地方
If you refer to a place as a hole, you are emphasizing that you think it is very unpleasant.

e.g. Why don't you leave this awful hole and come to live with me?

6. (9洞或18洞高尔夫球场的)球洞(指从球座到球穴的一段区域)
A hole is also one of the nine or eighteen sections of a golf course.

e.g. I played nine holes with Gary Player today.

7. (高尔夫球场上的)球穴
A hole is one of the places on a golf course that the ball must drop into, usually marked by a flag.

8. (高尔夫球比赛中)击球入穴
If you hole in a game of golf, you hit the ball so that it goes into the hole.

e.g. He holed from nine feet at the 18th...
e.g. Frost holed a bunker shot from 50 feet to snatch the title by one stroke.

9. hole的反义词

9. 打出破洞于,炸出窟窿于(建筑物、船只等上)
If something such as a building or ship is holed, holes are made in it by guns or other weapons.

e.g. Blocks of flats have been holed and some shells have fallen within the historic ramparts.

10. 绝对不需要
If you say that you need something or someone like a hole in the head, you are emphasizing that you do not want them and that they would only add to the problems that you already have.

e.g. We need more folk heroes like we need a hole in the head.

11. 置身困境;处境尴尬
If you say that you are in a hole, you mean that you are in a difficult or embarrassing situation.

e.g. He admitted that the government was in 'a dreadful hole'.

12. hole的解释

12. (高尔夫球运动中从发球区的)一杆入穴
If you get a hole in one in golf, you get the golf ball into the hole with a single stroke.

e.g. All they ever dream about is getting a hole in one.

13. 在(论点或理论)中挑毛病
If you pick holes in an argument or theory, you find weak points in it so that it is no longer valid.

e.g. He then goes on to pick holes in the article before reaching his conclusion.

相关词组:hole up

hole 单语例句

1. hole

1. Searching his home again on Wednesday, the police discovered the small hole by chance and found Feng inside.

2. hole的意思

2. The cache was buried 18 inches deep and was packed into a hole the size of a large shoe box.

3. The glaciologist said he thinks that it can take decades to fill the hole created by the crater.

4. His swishes and crisp passing kept the Celtics scrambling and it filled a major hole with starter Vince Carter continuing to struggle.

5. hole的翻译

5. Speeding at 8 miles a second, a collision would carve a hole the size of the famed Meteor Crater in Arizona.

6. " Every time I catch the ball I tried to put it in the hole, " Yao said.

7. Xu has been bedridden since 2009, as the acupuncture hole in her lung means it doesn't fully expand when she inhales.

8. Workers were busy cementing the hole for housing one of the reactors for the new power plant on an unpopulated island off the Fuding coast.

9. There is a small trick to filling up the hole in the center.

10. The coin with a square hole in center may indicate the legend of " Round Sky and Square Earth ".

hole 英英释义


1. an opening deliberately made in or through something

2. one playing period (from tee to green) on a golf course

e.g. he played 18 holes

Synonym: golf hole

3. informal terms for the mouth

Synonym: trap cakehole maw yap gob

4. an opening into or through something

5. a depression hollowed out of solid matter

Synonym: hollow

6. an unoccupied space

7. informal terms for a difficult situation

e.g. he got into a terrible fix
he made a muddle of his marriage

Synonym: fix jam mess muddle pickle kettle of fish

8. hole

8. a fault

e.g. he shot holes in my argument


1. make holes in


2. hit the ball into the hole

Synonym: hole out

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