

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 记忆方法网
Ghana 基本解释


Ghana 网络解释


1. 加纳:出国签证在线QQ: 四五五一六五一五八 中旅体育*世界签证*依托使馆* 专业代办*诚聘代理出境保险*国际商贸 *特价国际机票查询*国际酒店预订* 加纳(Ghana)使馆商务旅游签证: 申办签证/有效次数/(1)次出...

2. 迦?:票交易所迦纳 迦纳(Ghana)股票交易所印度 麦德林(Medellin)股票交易所班加罗尔(Bangalore)股票交易所孟买(Bombay)股票交易所加尔各答(Calcutta)股票交易所德里(Delhi)股票交易所协会高哈蒂(Gauhati)股票交易所海得拉巴(Hyderabad)股票交易所卢迪亚纳(Ludhiana)股票交易所马德拉斯(Madras)股票交易所浦那(Pune)股票交易所北方

3. 加纳共和国:MODARINA COMPANY LTD 为我司在西非加纳共和国(GHANA)的一家兄弟企业,自1999年设立公司至今,是符合当地政府规范合法的私营进出口公司,专营鞋类进口批发买卖,现因业务业务量的不断增长,需要招聘两名外派该公司国外出差的业务管理人员

4. 非洲 加纳:目前,龚博士也和一名人类学家合作,定期到非洲加纳(Ghana)去,希望通过心理剧所具有的治疗作用,去排解非洲族群长久以来的隔代仇恨. 龚博士非常乐意以余生之力,促进人类的和平,因为这也是马任诺的理想--以心理剧来改造社会.

Ghana 双语例句

1. He is not allowed to work and would lose his residence permit were he to travel to Ghana.

2. Sunon Asogli Power Limited was jointly established in the Republic of Ghana in 2007 by Shenzhen Energy Corporation and China-Africa Development Fund Co., Ltd, integrated with the advantages of SEC`s sufficient experience in electric power generation and CADF`s financial superiority at investing in Africa.


3. The Kpone power plant of Sunon Asogli Power Limited is the first oversea project of Shenzhen Energy Corporation and also a project with strategic significance which is participated by China-Africa Development Fund since the foundation of CADF. The power plant project has obtained great support of both shareholders and from the governments advocated by both China and Ghana.

4. In several African countries, such as Nigeria and Ghana, English is spoken in schools and colleges.


5. In Washington, D. C., Edward Badu, who was born in the African nation of Ghana, was thrilled.
在华盛顿,出生于非洲国家加纳的Edward Badu兴奋不已。

6. The head was presented to members of King Badu Bonsu II`s tribe who traveled to the Netherlands from Ghana.

7. Chased off one goldfield in Prestea, Ghana, illegal miners shifted to this abandoned concession along the Pra River.

8. He indicated that Ghana forward Yakubu Yusif, defenders N P Pradeep and I Surkumar Singh were carrying niggling injuries.
他表明了那加纳向前Yakubu Yusif,防御者N P Pradeep,并且I Surkumar Singh运载niggling伤害。

9. It is important that I am in Ghana in the First week of May to organize the tour.

10. I am From a mixed Race family, My dad is from Ghana and my mum from Nigeria, I lost my dad some years back my mum is old now and we are both doing pretty good, Am 26year of age single, Never been married and dont have kid hoping to do that some day soon, Like cooking, dating out, swimming, jugging, walking, traveling, cooking, reading and writting etc......

11. He spent more than two months preparing for an intensive, two-week experience as a volunteer in Ghana.

12. My guests were from all over the world -- Ecuador, Ethiopia, Sweden, Ghana...

13. Our products are mainly selling to Peru, Brazil, Turkey, Mid East, Maylasia, Russia, USA, Argentina, England, New Zealand, Holand, Ghana with good reputation.

14. As of July 13, 2007, this promotion is also void in Cuba, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Korea Democratic People's Republic of, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Morocco, Nepal, Niger, and Nigeria.

15. For instance, in Ghana, a woman wears her waistband differently according to the importance of the social event.


16. In colonial time the relationship between indigenous law of Ghana and exotic western law was complex, after independence Ghana inherited the legal heritage of the Protectorate British and stressed on excavating the value of indigenous...

17. I am a Togolese born in Ghana in a called Accra.

18. First Average Quality for Timber round log. Not in Ghana.

19. Then he headed for a final stop with his family -- Ghana.

20. In February 2010, Bosai Minerals Group purchased its 80% shares from Rio Tinto PLC., the remaining 20% shares are still held by the Government of Ghana.

Ghana 单语例句

1. Some pastors held special " cleansing " services to pray for a win for Ghana.

2. Arthur says she has a big market for her clothes in Africa, and the Europeans who buy from her mostly come to her shop in Ghana.


3. The people of Ghana have been celebrating the end of colonial rule and the dawn of their independence.

4. But the Confederation of African Football ruled on Monday evening they were no longer in the tournament after forfeiting their match against Ghana.

5. China next play Ghana while Peru take on Costa Rica in the Group where qualifiers may be decided by goals difference.

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6. Italy produced 13 shots on goal to Ghana's four and hit the crossbar and goalpost once each.

7. Italy's draw still left them top of the group on four points, followed by the Czech Republic and Ghana both on three and the USA on one.


8. China leveled Germany at 4 points yet topped Group D by goal difference, with Ghana trailing with 3 points.

9. Ghana

9. Ghana are individually as good as or even better than Australia or Russia, and they played a focused defensive game that worked well against us.

10. The Duchess gave a speech, setting out the Ghana Government policy.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 /danci/1283701.html
