

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 记忆方法网

比较级:more salient

最高级:most salient


salient 基本解释

形容词显著的,突出的; 重要的,主要的; 跳跃的; (指角)凸出的

名词凸角,[建]突出部; <军>进攻或防卫阵地的突出部分

salient 相关例句


1. The salient points of his plan are summed up in this report.

salient 网络解释

1. 突出的:从沟愕慕嵌壤疵栊淳褪墙沟憬峁梗?ocus焦点(focus)是一个句子中在意义上比较突出的(salient)部分,是说话人希望听话人格外地注意的部分. 从信息包装(information &n

2. 显著的:saliency 显著 | salient 显著的 | saliferous strata 含盐地层

3. 突出:salient pole 凸极 | salient 突出 | salient 显著的

salient 双语例句


1. In doing so, the programme provides comprehensive coverage of the salient financial and accounting aspects of business activity and aims to develop students'grounding and understanding of the language of business and management.

2. It is intended as a textbook to be studied by students on their own or to be used in a course on Functional Analysis, i. e., the general theory of linear operators infunction spaces together with salient features of its application to diverse fields of modem and classical analysis.

3. Some of the salient remarks you made: Ann Sathasivam emphasized the need to respect suppliers'advice.
还有一些比较醒目的评论是:Ann Sathasivam强调要尊重卖方的重要性。

4. And the ambiguity is one of the salient characteristics of Hawthorne's art.


5. Moreover, results of one study showed that this effect occurred only when self-verification strivings were likely to be salient (i. e., when employees expected their relationships with their organization to be relatively enduring).

6. The purpose of this chapter is to present a survey of recent publications concerning medical image registration techniques. These publications will be classified according to a model based on nine salient criteria, t...

7. I feel that Sin Boon Ann, Member of Parliament for Tampines GRC, had made some salient points on this issue in the recent parliamentary debates.

8. But for China, worries about how foreign forces might employ the Internet and other communications advances to unseat the Communist Party are a salient factor in the government`s 15-year effort to control those technologies.

9. Commutation under H_pwm-L_on control strategy in doubly salient machine was analyzed.

10. Importantly, the salient feature of the synthesis method is in the use of n -hexane in combination with thiophene and hydrogen.

11. An AC coil is embedded on each of the rotor salient pole, np salient poles correspond to np AC coils, which are divided into m2 groups on relative positions in the central line of the salient poles in a air-gap magnetic field, the coils of each group being linked to form phase windings based on the polar of the magnetic field; and infusing symmetrical AC current with rotary difference frequency of m2 into the rotor m2 phase windings.

12. The salient point of his plan is summed up in this report.

13. The salient point of his plan is sum med up in this report.

14. DeVoe and Pfeffer suggest that being paid by the hour promotes a chronic economic evaluation of time, making this information salient to an individual's evaluation of his/her happiness.

15. I think it's pretty good -- I have all the salient points in there.

16. There is no observation more salient than a person's family history.

17. She pointed out the salient features of the new design.


18. One of the most salient features of our culture is that there is so much bullshit.

19. Two salient aspects of modelling a horizontal well are the calculation of inflow into the well and the handling of the wellbore hydraulics. The horizontal well simulator HHY. FOR can be used for simulating horizontal well with satisfactory results.

20. A salient new feature of the modified adaptive run length encoding algorithm is that it can transform the original bit-steam into binary encoding of the length of the original code.

salient 词典解释

1. 最重要的;显著的;突出的
The salient points or facts of a situation are the most important ones.

e.g. He read the salient facts quickly...
e.g. Chronic fatigue is also one of the salient features of depression.

...the salience of social reforms.

2. 突出阵线,突出部(战线向敌人阵地推进的狭小范围)
A salient is a narrow area where an army has pushed its front line forward into enemy territory.

e.g. The soldiers had to remain in a deathtrap salient for most of the rest of the war.

salient 单语例句

1. A salient lesson of recent years for all economies is that fundamentals matter.


2. The most salient characteristic of this new period in China is reform and opening up.

3. A salient feature for ongoing global changes is definitely the rise of many developing nations and particularly a batch of newly emerging nations.

4. salient

4. The role of space activities in a country's overall development strategy is becoming increasingly salient, and their influence on human civilization and social progress is increasing.

5. More salient will be the steps taken by Beijing and Tokyo to enhance their maritime confidence building mechanisms for the East China Sea.

6. To address the salient problems in the development of China's rare earth industry, the Chinese government has tightened supervision over it.

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7. This is the result of historical changes and constitutes a salient feature of the relations between different ethnic groups in China.

8. Fast growth and low fluctuation was the most salient feature of China's economic performance in the past decade.

9. Environmental deterioration and resource crises are two of the most salient features of urban disease in China.

10. Fast growth and low fluctuation was the most salient feature China's economic performance in the past decade.

salient 英英释义


1. (military) the part of the line of battle that projects closest to the enemy


1. having a quality that thrusts itself into attention

e.g. an outstanding fact of our time is that nations poisoned by anti semitism proved less fortunate in regard to their own freedom
a new theory is the most prominent feature of the book
salient traits
a spectacular rise in prices
a striking thing about Picadilly Circus is the statue of Eros in the center
a striking resemblance between parent and child

Synonym: outstanding prominent spectacular striking

2. (of angles) pointing outward at an angle of less than 180 degrees

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 /danci/1283636.html
