

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 记忆方法网
uncommitted 基本解释

形容词未遂的; 不受(某政策、做法、团体等)约束的; 未做承诺的; 未被监禁的

uncommitted 网络解释

1. 未遂的:uncomely 丑陋的 | uncommitted 未遂的 | uncompanionable 不爱交际的

2. 未被授权:uncommercial 非营利的 | uncommitted 未被授权 | uncommon 不凡的

3. 不受约束的,不承担责任的:uncharted 地图上没标明的 | uncommitted 不受约束的,不承担责任的 | unspotted 清白的,无污点的

4. 不受拘束:uncommitted 未遂的 | uncommitted 不受拘束 | uncommon 稀有

uncommitted 双语例句

1. They are also aiming at the areas, including molecular control of neural differentiation from uncommitted ectoderm, molecular basis for diversity of neurons, molecular basis for fine positional information during early embryogenesis and in vitro differentiation of ES cells into neural tissues etc.

2. Dennis DeConcini had bravely stepped into his place, but the outcome was still in doubt, because Bob Kerrey remained uncommitted.

3. N If this switch is given, SubWCRev will exit with ERRORLEVEL 7 if the working copy contains local modifications. This may be used to prevent building with uncommitted changes present.
WorkingCopyPath 是要检查的工作副本路径,你可以只对工作副本使用SubWCRev,而不是直接对版本库,这个路径可以是绝对路径,也可以是工作目录的相对路径。

4. I'm uncommitted tonight. Shall we go to the movies?

5. I am still uncommitted to undertaking the work.

6. He is still uncommitted to any definite course of action.

7. I'm uncommitted tonight. Shall we go for a drink?

8. Given that teratoma normally contains a mixture of ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm lineage cells at different differentiation stage, it was suggested that hESCs-derived teratoma could be an alternative source to generate a variety of uncommitted progenitor cells or terminally differentiated somatic cells, which may be otherwise difficult to obtain through direct in vitro differentiation.

9. Our professional ethic enjoins us to stay uncommitted and report the facts; and, if we have to have guidelines, that's probably as good a one as any.

10. Our professional ethic enjoins us to stay uncommitted and report the facts.

11. It supports all transactions level of READ UNCOMMITTED, READ COMMITTED, REPEATABLE READ, and SERIALIZABLE.

12. The allegiance of uncommitted voters will be crucial

13. Roll back the uncommitted transactions, but save the rollback operation in a file so the recovery effects can be undone.

14. Locks prevent uncommitted changes made by one application process from being accessed by other processes.

15. The former mirror database moves online as the new principal database, and recovery cleans up all uncommitted transactions by rolling them back as quickly as possible.

16. If the primary extents do fill and there are no more secondary extents available the queue manager will resort to backing out uncommitted Units of Work.

17. For example, if one member is updating a row, it would not be proper for another member to read the row with any other isolation level than uncommitted read.

18. Transactions are not isolated from each other, and read only cursors can access uncommitted changes from other transactions.

19. When DB2 performs an index or table scan, DB2 will block on a row lock when it comes across an uncommitted row which another transaction has exclusively (X) locked.

20. When you perform a soft recovery, any uncommitted log files are committed to the database.

uncommitted 词典解释

1. 未作承诺的;未表态的
If you are uncommitted, you have not yet decided to support a particular idea, belief, group, or person, or you are unwilling to show your support.

e.g. The allegiance of uncommitted voters will be crucial...
e.g. I was still uncommitted to the venture when we reached Kanpur.

2. (资源等)未指定用途的,未明确用途的
If resources are uncommitted, it has not yet been decided what to use them for.

e.g. ...uncommitted gas reserves.
e.g. ...£2.3m of uncommitted loans.

uncommitted 单语例句

1. uncommitted的反义词

1. Democratic officials said Pelosi already has begun contacting uncommitted House members urging them to weigh in soon after the primary season ends.

2. He would need to enlist the support of uncommitted superdelegates to amass the rest.

3. uncommitted是什么意思

3. She also has been reaching out to uncommitted Democratic superdelegates in hopes of capitalizing on her Pennsylvania primary victory.


4. Pollsters know this, and so push " uncommitted " voters to state a preference.

5. The encounter could be decisive in determining the choice of millions of uncommitted voters on Sunday.

6. uncommitted是什么意思

6. Voters picked two of the superdelegates, electing uncommitted Pilar Lujan party chairman and Jaime Paulina vice chairman.

7. Delegates may state their support for a candidate or declare themselves to be uncommitted.

8. Yet minority women voted heavily for " uncommitted, " and they will be a sizable group in South Carolina.

9. Many of his supporters voted for uncommitted, which got 40 percent of the vote.

uncommitted 英英释义


1. u0061u0063u002Eu0031u0063u0061u0063u006D

1. not associated in an exclusive sexual relationship

Synonym: unattached

2. not bound or pledged

3. not busy
not otherwise committed

e.g. he was not available for comment
he was available and willing to accompany her

Synonym: available

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 /danci/1261161.html
