

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 记忆方法网


training 基本解释

名词训练; 培养; (枪炮,摄影机等的)瞄准; 整枝法

动词训练,培养( train的现在分词); 教育; 瞄准; 整枝

training 相关词组


1. go into training : 从事锻炼;

training 相关例句


1. Nurses have several years of training.

2. She was given some quick training at the vocational school.

3. Actors need training in diction.

training 情景对话


B:What contribution did you make to your current /previous organization?

A:I have finished three new projects, and I am sure I can apply my experience to this position.
我已经完成三个新项目,我相信我能将我的经验用在 这份工作上。

B:What do you think you are worth to us?

A:I feel I can make some positive contributions to your company in the future.

B:What make you think you would be a success in this position?

A:My graduate school training combined with my internship should qualify me for this particular job. I am sure I will be successful.

training 网络解释

1. (培训课程):html 培训课程(TRAINING) 目前,学校化妆专业所开设的主要课程有: 化妆专业:<<化妆品学>>、<<素描>>、<<色彩及专业色彩诊断>>、<<美学>>、<<基础化妆>>、<<基础盘发>>、<<生活化妆>>、<<当日唯美新娘妆>>、<<时尚新

2. 教育训练:4.内化(Internalization) 最后,将新创造的知识综合起来,并加以内化,亦即将显性知识转化成组织的隐性知识.个人须明了他 在组织中所处之地位,并从组织的知识中找出他个人所需之相关知识.教育训练(training) ,边做边学 (learning-

training 双语例句

1. Two floors of cardio and weight training, exercise classes, private pool and relax area, dry and steam saunas.
cardio 和重量教育的二楼,练习班级,私人的池而且放松区域,干和蒸气三温暖。

2. These methods were used successfully in the design and development of a training simulator.

3. The system has been used in college teaching and training, and result shows the simulator is effective.
目前 ,该系统已成功应用于院校教学和部队训练,取得了良好的效果

4. The algorithms described here use one training sequence of just one symbol and the design of the symbol is presented.

5. An article on CAZAC sequence used as a training symbol of the papers, think very useful, and everyone shared.

6. As such, I possess a deep understanding and comprehension of the requisites of leadership characteristics and style of the high ranking leaders within the training organization.


7. It was proposed that a pilot training camp for blacks be established at Tuskegee, Alabama.

8. I can`t stress enough just how good Ole`s finishing was - it was a joy to watch in training.

9. Copies of this document, in any form, cannot be distributed to non-Wal-Mart associates without the written permission of the Global Training Manager for Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.


10. Blaine Moore: I think that he'll keep training.

11. Commencing from the aerial protection enterprise practicality of Guangdong province, taking reference of the fruits of human resource management research, and through the analysis the current situation of aerial protection enterprise, this article has proposed some ideas and opinions about such human resource develop policies as how to attract talents and the training of talents, and tried to make the discuss practical in use.

12. They also carried knobbly sticks, used for hitting each other while the teachers weren't looking. This was supposed to be good training for later life.

13. The Services are specialized in consulting and advisory, events organization and training, and new media.

14. In prepared testimony to a Senate committee, Gates said the Bush administration sought the money for more training and equipment for the US military, including new armoured vehicles that give extra protection to troops against bomb blasts.


15. He was a major contributor to The distance teaching universities (1982), joint editor of Distance education: international perspectives (1983), joint editor of L'università a distanza. Riflessioni e proposte per un nuovo modello di università(1984), editor of Theoretical principles of distance education.(1993), joint editor of Distance education: new perspectives (1993), editor of The industrialization of teaching and learning (1994). In 1997 the European Commission in Brussels published his Distance training in the European Union.

16. Close to the training ground, thanks to a translator, Pato spoke about his thoughts and explained: For me, yesterday was an importat night. I had the opportunity to embrace Shevchenko, the most important number 7 of the Milan history.


17. Ultimately explore ways how Zhejiang Modern Logistics Industry to promote the development of foreign trade industry, to sum up two main ways:(1)goverment: establishing modern logistics industry development planning; carrying out active government support policies; encouraging all kinds of capital into the logistics industry; acceptting international logistics giants; building public infrastructure in the logistics industry; accelerating logistics personnel training.

18. As a result, the manpower resources in preparation for military training and sports competition, becoming the Games of peace and friendship.

19. But this kind of training method's core is a dictation.

20. Natural Horsemanship is a method of training the horse that derives its methods from the horse.

training 词典解释

1. training的翻译

1. 训练;培训
Training is the process of learning the skills that you need for a particular job or activity.

e.g. He called for much higher spending on education and training...
e.g. Kennedy had no formal training as a decorator.

2. (为了健身或体育活动而进行的)训练,锻炼
Training is physical exercise that you do regularly in order to keep fit or to prepare for an activity such as a race.

e.g. The emphasis is on developing fitness through exercises and training.
e.g. ...her busy training schedule.

3. see also: circuit training;potty training

training 单语例句

1. The company will split its business into two branches in the future, with one entity to develop educational products and the other to provide education and training.


2. Training workshops could also help increase the knowledge and awareness of employees on business ethics.

3. METP therefore provides seven months of Business Chinese language training, followed by three months of practical training during internships in China.

4. training的意思

4. METP provides seven months of business Chinese language training, followed by three months of practical training at internships in China.

5. While taming Little Wild Man has proven a tricky business, we've had better luck in training him.

6. And it was thanks to a month of training at a world class business school that showed Lin the way forward.

7. Graham said he's been training drivers - both government workers and private volunteers - to act as chauffeurs for the leaders.

8. training的近义词

8. " Nicky Butt has medial collateral ligament damage which he picked up in training yesterday, " a team spokesman said on Tuesday.

9. training的意思

9. The regiment has been cited as " first class military training unit " by the air force of the Shenyang Military Area Command for four consecutive years.

10. After he was admitted to the training school in 1982, his acting talents quickly caught many directors by surprise.

training 英英释义


1. training在线翻译

1. activity leading to skilled behavior

Synonym: preparation grooming

2. the result of good upbringing (especially knowledge of correct social behavior)

e.g. a woman of breeding and refinement

Synonym: education breeding

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 /danci/1260259.html
