

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 记忆方法网


debtor 基本解释


名词债务人; 借方; 受恩人; 罪人

debtor 网络解释


1. 债务人;债户:Deal 交易 | Debtor 债务人,债户 | Default on ones obligation 中断履行义务

2. 债务人,借方:creditor 债权人 | debtor 债务人,借方 | borrower 借方,借款人

debtor 双语例句


1. Article 87 The creditor and the debtor shall agree in the contract that after the creditor takes lien of the property, the debtor shall repay the debts in no less than two months.

2. If the creditor agrees with the debtor on grace period in the contract according to Article 87 of Security Law, the creditor may exercise lien without notification.

3. If there are no such arrangements in the contract between the creditor and the debtor, after the creditor takes lien of the property, the creditor shall set a deadline of no less than two months for the debtor to pay off the debt and notify the debtor of the deadline set.

4. As the debtor, you have no choice but to pay the 50% interest.

5. As the debtor, you HAs no choice but to pay the 50% interest.

6. And whosoever shall swear by the altar, it is nothing; but whosoever shall swear by the gift that is upon it, is a debtor.

7. Based on the character of pledge of credit and the presence of third debtor, aiming at the neglect of protection of third debtor in pledge of credit, the article analyzes China's legislation concerned and then concludes that in order to meet the demands of realistic economic life, while perfecting the present provisions concerning pledge of credit, other countries legislations should be taken as reference.

8. Much has been made of how China and the U. S. are now fatefully tied to one another as creditor-to-debtor and seller-to-buyer.

9. The government had promised as much and a debtor nation could not afford to antagonise its lenders.

10. Any unsettled credit and debt under the contract shall not be affected by the expiration of the contract. The debtor shall effect its obligation of reimbursement to the creditor.

11. Any unsettled credit and debt under the Contract shall not be affected by the expiration of the Contract. The debtor shall effect its obligation of reimbursement to the creditor.

12. If you are looking to purchase the property, then the debtor is you.

13. The US is already the largest debtor country in the world.

14. You're my biggest debtor.

15. As the debtor has disappeared, he is unable to get his money back.


16. Court judgement debtor can repay its debt to date, as a hostage of imprisonment.

17. Article 10 For judgement made by court of HK SAR, if the debtor confirmed by judgement has lodged suit or the procedure is still underway, the people's court of mainland, after checking and verification, can pause recognition and enforcement of the procedure.
第十条 对于香港特别行政区法院作出的判决,判决确定的债务人已经提出上诉,或者上诉程序尚未完结的,内地人民法院审查核实后,可以中止认可和执行程序。

18. Firstly, principle for attribution is decided by its universality, generalization and indeterminacy as the value judgement in judging why the debtor ought to bear the responsibility.

19. Taking the comparison method, This article has discussed implementation of creditor`s rights transferring, and has analyzed the protection of debtor from demurring right, offset`s right and increasing of fulfilling cost after creditor`s right transferring.

20. This IFRIC clarifies the accounting when an entity renegotiates the terms of its debt with the result that the liability is extinguished through the debtor issuing its own equity instruments to the creditor.

debtor 词典解释debtor的反义词

1. 债务人
A debtor is a country, organization, or person who owes money.

e.g. ...the situation of debtor countries.

debtor 单语例句

1. But any solution will be unacceptable unless it finds broad acceptance across Europe, in debtor and creditor countries alike.


2. It has also successfully discarded its " debtor " identity and evolved into the second largest creditor in the world.

3. The country has changed from being a debtor to become the world's second largest creditor.

4. It has transformed itself from the largest creditor into the largest debtor nation in 20 years.

5. debtor的近义词

5. It can be challenging if the debtor is in rural China or remote cities.

6. The debtor departments tend to neglect debt payment even when they have little problem paying, making it hard for their institution's higher offices to seek future loans.

7. China can buy bonds of European debtor countries but would be in no position to get them out of the debt crisis.

8. Doing so will not only enhance bilateral relations between China and Europe, but also pave the way for international help to debtor nations.


9. The southwestern province will issue 18 billion yuan in local government bonds, with the MOF as the legal debtor.

10. The EBL provides that shareholders with a specified level of holding can apply for reorganization of the debtor.

debtor 英英释义



1. u0061u0063u002Eu0031u0063u0061u0063u006D

1. a person who owes a creditor
someone who has the obligation of paying a debt

Synonym: debitor

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