
fend off是什么意思_fend off在线翻译_双语例句

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 记忆方法网
fend off  
fend off 基本解释

挡开; 架

fend off 相关例句


1. The politician fended off the question.

fend off 网络解释

fend off

1. 挡开:90.consist of由...组成; | 91.fend off挡开; | 92.establish the social rank order建立社会等级秩序;

2. 垫开:fence 栅栏;防护套布;警戒线 | fend off 垫开 | fend 闪避

3. 挡架:6False Prophet虚假先知UD | 7Fend Off挡架UD | 8Field Surgeon战场军医UD

4. 避开:tax evasion 逃税 | fend off 避开 | back tax 退缴税

fend off 双语例句

1. But he squandered his opportunity, using up political capital to protect his media interests and fend off judicial cases against him, and dithering over economic reform.

2. Fourth, we will effectively improve government debt management, strengthen internal and external restraints, and effectively guard against and fend off latent public finance risks.

3. We will continue to take maintaining steady and relatively fast economic growth as our primary task. We will unswervingly follow the proactive fiscal policy and moderately easy monetary policy, and fully implement and continuously enrich and improve the stimulus package. We will promptly identify and address new developments and new problems in the economy, make our policies more targeted, effective and sustainable, and guard against and fend off various potential risks, including inflation, so that the Chinese economy will achieve fast and steady growth and the country will enjoy social stability and harmony.

fend off什么意思

4. New Siege mechanics allow the Blighted Plague to charge out from their castles to fend off an assault.

5. At work, my colleagues and I have to fend off angry secretaries on a weekly basis.

6. Built to fend off Mother Nature, the Orage Maya women's insulated ski pants keep out the wind, rain, and snow, while allowing moisture to escape during heavy activity.

7. Unfortunately, it was nearly impossible to fend off such a friend. Although I had attempted to change my solitary life, my efforts were fruitless as I would eventually end up falling back into lonesomeness.

8. That was really unsettling but I fend ed off the taunts and jibes of the family good-humouredly and soon everybody got used to the idea.

9. With their fearsome poleaxes, they can crush enemy infantry and fend off any horseman, while their plate armour makes them hard to kill.

10. US scientists have uncovered a defence mechanism in bacteria that allows them to fend off the threat of antibiotics.

11. Terry McGraw came on board in 1979 to help his father fend off a hostile takeover bid by American Express.

12. The proposed merger of Suez, a privatised water and power utility, with state-owned Gaz de France, has been bogged down since February last year, when it was suddenly cooked up to fend off a hostile bid for Suez by Enel, an Italian energy giant.

13. The proposed merger of Suez, a privatized water and power utility, with state-owned Gaz de France, has been bogged down since February last year, when it was suddenly cooked up to fend off a hostile bid for Suez by Enel, an Italian energy giant.
苏伊士是一间私有水电局,去年2月,为了要避开Enel---意大利能源巨头?对苏伊士的具有敌对性质的投标,苏伊士不惜做假帐,因而原本苏伊士与法国国有公司Gaz de 的合并计划也陷入僵局。

14. I couldn't fend Zira off.

fend off的反义词

15. If reconnaissance command in coastal waters to carry out coordinated attacks saturated, then both the United States Navy or find it hard to fend off Taiwan`s navy.

16. 00 Two stalkers try to sneak into the terran expansion for harassment, but a newly-built banshee is able to fend off the attack because of careless control by the protoss player.
14:00 两名潜行者试图潜进人类的分基地进行骚扰,不过由于神族玩家操作疏忽,被一架新生产的女妖轰炸机以一敌二而被消灭。

17. Two stalkers try to sneak into the terran expansion for harassment, but a newly-built banshee is able to fend off the attack because of careless control by the protoss player.
14:00 ?两名潜行者试图潜进人类的分基地进行骚扰,不过由於神族玩家操作疏忽,被一架新生产的女妖轰炸机以一敌二而被消灭。

18. Another series of disclosure notices is under way, even though several offshore jurisdictions are preparing to fend off challenges in cases where the information on customers is not physically held in the UK.

19. I had to keep from being crushed, to fend off continuous attack.

20. It must not blunt the impact of measures taken by other countries and provide the junta with a shield to fend off demands to do what it should.

fend off 词典解释
fend off 单语例句

1. And Tsingdao Beer is using its local advantage to buy small domestic breweries and overhaul its brand to fend off competition from foreign brewers.

2. Israel's Kadima - Labor coalition government immediately responded with " Operation Cast Lead " in order to fend off the pressure from Likud before the February election.

3. fend off是什么意思

3. The central bank Tuesday warned against looming inflation in 2004 and vowed to control credit growth to fend off inflationary pressures.

4. They could only fend off their hunger in fast food chain stores.

5. fend off是什么意思

5. Zhang tried to fend off criticism of child abuse in some media.

6. fend off在线翻译

6. And the current high oil price will fend off speculation because investors are crystal clear the high price is always accompanied by extra risk.

7. The two guards used their own bodies to fend off her fans, demanding them not to get too close.

8. One of the boys also lost an ear trying to fend off his attackers after regaining consciousness during the mutilation.


9. Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi on Wednesday stressed the importance of regional financial cooperation to fend off risks among East Asian nations.

10. The loss was primarily due to the company's rising cost of revenues, fulfillment and marketing expenses to fend off strong rivals.

fend off 英英释义


1. prevent the occurrence of
prevent from happening

e.g. Let's avoid a confrontation
head off a confrontation
avert a strike

Synonym: debar forefend forfend obviate deflect avert head off stave off avoid ward off

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