

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 成语造句 来源: 记忆方法网
1 Chinese three years (before 204) in May, the Xingyang army on the verge of death or destruction, run out of ammunition and food supplies, the group agreed that the decision can not await one's doom.
2. 而洛阳粮尽援绝,?自度不能守,乃以救许昌为名,九月,留劲以五百人守洛阳,?帅众而东。
2 Luoyang you could not keep from run out of ammunition and food supplies, degree, save in the name of Xuchang in September, five hundred, Liu Jin to everyone in Luoyang, and the East Shuaizhong.
3. 而他自己的封地武昌却在他回京后不久即因粮尽援绝而陷落,可谓舍生取义。
3 and his own fief in Wuchang but soon after he returned to Beijing after the collapse and run out of ammunition and food supplies, can lay down one's life for justice.
4. 不久,锦州粮尽援绝,祖大寿也率众出降。
4 soon, Jinzhou also led a down run out of ammunition and food supplies, zu.
5. 城中守军粮尽援绝,知州姚舜明、统制刘绍先弃城而逃。
5 the garrison magistrate Yao Shunming Liu Shaoxian, run out of ammunition and food supplies, abandoned the city.
6. 二十三年二月,张士诚派吕珍围攻安丰,安丰粮尽援绝,刘福通战死,朱元璋闻讯率部往援。
6 February twenty-three, Zhang Shicheng sent Lv Zhen an Feng Anfeng siege, Liu Futong died, Zhu Yuanzhang quickly run out of ammunition and food supplies, rate to aid.
7. 在粮尽援绝的危险情况下,薛仁贵发现名为“锁阳”。
7 in the dangerous situation under the Xue Rengui found that run out of ammunition and food supplies, called "cynomorium".
8. 当初派去楚州求援的兄长李福不但没有招来救兵,反而一去就杳无音讯,在粮尽援绝的情况下,迫于无奈才在五月初开城投降。
. originally sent to Chuzhou help brother Lifu not only failed to recruit to reinforcements, but to it heard from since, in the run out of ammunition and food supplies, whomped in early May the city to surrender.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 /ciyu/858171.html

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