

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 初中英语 来源: 记忆方法网
Tsinghua University has denied suggestions the university’s new system of admission for international applicants has made it easier for foreign students to get a chance to study in the university, reports People’s Daily.据《人民日报》报道,清华否认了外界认为该校录取国际学生新要求使得外国学生进入该校学习更简单这一说法。A heated debate was triggered after media reported that an updated procedure had been adopted for the university’s international student recruitment.之前曾有媒体报道称,清华推出了一项录取国际学生的新程序,引发了公众激烈的辩论。According to the new rules regarding undergraduate programs, applicants will be admitted by Tsinghua University if he or she passes two hurdles: the ’Online Application’ and a ’Comprehensive Evaluation’, which includes an ’Application Review’ and ’Interview’.根据这项本科生申请新规,申请人要想被清华录取需要过两关:“在线申请”和“综合评价”,其中包括“申请审查”和“面试”。Outstanding applicants recognized by Tsinghua University may have the interview waived and get an offer directly.获清华认可的杰出申请人可不用面试,直接录取。One of the main differences from the previous year’s rules is that applicants don’t have to take academic tests.新规定和往年最大的不同在于,申请人不需要再参加任何学术考试。Some critics say this has made it much easier for foreigners to get into Tsinghua University, especially those who are originally Chinese.一些批评者声称这使得外国人进清华容易了很多,尤其是那些持外国护照的中国人。In response, the university has said the new rules do not lower standards for international applicants.对此,清华回应称新规定并没有降低国际生的标准。Applicants are required to provide a National/Regional Graduation Examination/Matriculation Examination Certificate.申请人必须要提供一份国家(或地区)毕业考试(或预科考试)证书。If applicants don’t have that certificate, they have to provide the GPA and/or the academic ranking certification from their high school.如果申请人没有证书,那么就必须提供GPA和/或毕业高中学术排名认证。Applicants should also have passed HSK Level 5 or above, scoring over 60 points in each subject.申请人还应通过HSK5级或以上,每科成绩60分以上。For those applicants who have only reached HSK Level 4, they will have to attain Level 5 or above in each subject, scoring over 60 points within the first academic year at Tsinghua University. Students who do not achieve this will have to leave the university.对于那些只通过了HSK4级的申请人,他们必须在清华的第一学年学习HSK每科5级及以上课程,并取得60分以上成绩。没有达到这一要求的学生必须退学。For those who have given up their original Chinese citizenship and have become foreign citizens, the applicant should have lived overseas for at least 2 years out four, before April 30th in the year they are admitted by Tsinghua University.对于那些已经放弃中国国籍、成为外国公民的人,在当年4月30日被清华录取前,申请人每四年必须要有两年生活在国外。In addition, Tsinghua University stresses that it will offer admission to around 3,300 undergraduates from the Chinese mainland this year. The number of international undergraduates will be almost the same as in previous years. The number of domestic students won’t be affected by international student recruitment.此外,清华强调今年将在中国大陆录取大约3300名本科生。而国际本科生人数将和往年持平。国内录取学生人数不会受国际生录取人数影响。Around 39 majors in 19 schools at Tsinghua University are open to international applicants at the undergraduate level.目前,清华19个院39个专业对国际本科生开放。Currently, around 286 international undergraduates are studying at the university.目前约有286名国际本科生在清华学习。
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 /chuzhong/1330759.html
