Like for most black individuals, attitude is what defines you and me, and it’s what keeps us from being mentally oppressed and defeated. Attitude is a non-violent form of protection and confrontation -- where would we be in the world without this tool? Surely not where we are. 像对大多数黑人一样,这倔劲儿是我们的标志,它使我们免于在精神上受到压迫和击败。态度是一种非暴力的自保与对抗,如果没有这个工具,我们的生活将是怎样?肯定没有现在这么好。 Mom, when people ask me where I get my attitude from, I tell them: you. And when they ask me where I got my drive, my work ethic, my good hair, and my sense of humor, I say you as well. I will always say this. 妈妈,当人们问我这倔劲儿是从哪来的,我会告诉他们,是从你那来的。当他们问我在哪里获得动力、职业道德、我的好发质和幽默感,我也会说是你。我会永远这样说。 When I’m asked why I am the way I am -- why I refuse to allow others to hurt me with their words or actions, why I think and speak about things openly and without fear?I’ll tell them it's because of you. 当别人问起我为什么会这样处事??我为什么不许别人用言语或者言行伤害我,为什么我可以毫无恐惧的坦然的说出我所想的事??我会告诉他们,是因为你。
I’ll complain to you about the arguments between us that leave me wondering about how God made us so much alike that we hardly even noticed. 我要跟你谈谈我们的那些冲突,它们让我很好奇上帝是如何使我们如此相像,以至于我们几乎没有注意到。 But I’ll tell them about you. 但我会跟别人说,我的优点都来自你。 Love, 爱你的 Malahni 马拉尼
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